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No SpiderMan 4 -- rebooting the franchise already


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I remember Raimi was upset because he felt some of the creative control was taken from him for the last Spidey film....after I heard that I felt better about being a fan of his, cause I really didn't care for Spidey 3. That being said, this looks like one of the dumbest decisions ever if Raimi was interested, yet the studio pulled the same type of crap again this time (or worse). You have three of the top 18 highest grossing films EVER, and you decide to pull the plug?


I'm all in favor of a reboot if it's good, but this decision is a huge surprise to me...I know superhero films are huge nowadays, especially spider man, but I don't think I'd be putting the director between a rock and a hard place when it comes to making another film in my bread and butter franchise. If Raimi was out regardless, then that's one thing....but I get the impression he wanted to stay on board for a 4th.

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The new Batman franchise has changed the game and it appears that the Spider-Man franchise wants to follow suit.



I was thinking the same thing.


I don't consider myself a fan of the comic book hero movies, but "The Dark Knight" was pretty special.

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This may blow up badly in the franchise's face. Batman and Bond did terrific re-boots. But doing the same to Spiderman so quickly may not work - the writer and director better think long and hard about bringing something unique to the reboot. For the record, the only Spidey movie I enjoyed was the second one, could barely sit through the other two.

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This may blow up badly in the franchise's face. Batman and Bond did terrific re-boots. But doing the same to Spiderman so quickly may not work - the writer and director better think long and hard about bringing something unique to the reboot. For the record, the only Spidey movie I enjoyed was the second one, could barely sit through the other two.



SAme here, man....Spidey 2 really surprised me. I enjoyed the struggle between Peter Parker and the "burden" of being Spider Man...very cool stuff. Thought Spidey 3 was awful.


I agree on the time frame thing....people who love this franchise will have expectations of the next film, which they thought was going to have their favorite actors back...they made this much more difficult for themselves than they had to, but I guess we'll see if the gamble pays off. Maybe they already have a goldmine of a script in their possession, who knows.

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This may blow up badly in the franchise's face. Batman and Bond did terrific re-boots. But doing the same to Spiderman so quickly may not work - the writer and director better think long and hard about bringing something unique to the reboot. For the record, the only Spidey movie I enjoyed was the second one, could barely sit through the other two.


i'd have to disagree.


the eric bana hulk totally sucked, while the ed norton hulk was good. not great, but good.


and that was like what a 3yr reboot

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