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Ben Wallace Rocks!!!!!!!!


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The whole thing started when Artest jacked Wallace in the back with :45 left in a 15pt game and then ran as far away as he could get. If Artest has a single nut in his body he would have stood his ground and finished what he started. Instead he busted out the Deion backpedal and laid down behind 4 guys.

It was a chickenshlt foul by a chickenshlt player in a game that was already over. If Artest had kept his hands to himself, NONE of it ever would have happened.




Simon... You hit the nail on the head... That backpedal to the scorer's table, only to lounge with the Cheshire grin on was way too much... Then the headphones, yada, yada, yada... Then to LOSE it on a friggin beer?


Again, not promoting the fans... Artest is a nut job.


He should have stood there and went after Wallace for the shove. Why lounge with Wallace and then go after the fans?


All you RA "lovers"... Go back and watch the film... Play/pause it... Everything RA did from the foul to the riot was PREMEDITATED. He was doing quite well goading Wallace... Until he lost it with the crap fans!



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I love all the spin jobs going on here trying to absolve Wallace of any blame.  The guy is the idiot that started the whole thing.



I am not absolving BW... He got exactly what he deserved... 6 games off. He shoved the guy... That's it.


Very consistent with policy.


RA made the choice to go into the stands and seek vigilante justice.


RA pays a bigger price.


Everybody makes their own choice... They live with the consequences.

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