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Opening topic on Rome is Burning


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First things first...this tool-bag was filling in for Romey... At least Rome would take the chance to throw in a few Orenthal emails, and the "She's out doing coke, with Pedro Guerrero" clip. This guy was trying to say something shocking and funny, of which he is neither.


Second, is this not the kind of place when this tea-bagger takes a cheap shot at B-Lo (I guess a disclaimer stating that I am from Erie, Pa is necessary) and our team, and we can't make fun of his wife???? The stuff that I read on here every day offends me more than that. I was proud to see that somebody had the presence of mind to track down his ball and chain and throw up the link... Why are Buffalo fans not afraid to call their players, coaches (I'll let us off the hook on this one under the current duress,) and owner, every name in the book, and call for their heads every week, but worry about being classless while tearing up this s@*t-stain's wife?


I believe he fired the first shot, and it was a dirty one... That's fine, but you know what f@$k all the bad-mouthing our team and the great fans we have!! I see more bickering between fans on this site than any other I have ever been on, and I mean not just question of opinion, but they get personal. We really need some solidarity...the Ralph is way too nice to opposing teams these days. You a Bills' fan...come on in. Opposing player/fan? You are going to wish you would have gone to Miami for a game!! I don't mean be rude, but be a real 12th man again. The negativity is going to have to stop...and if we do somehow pull off a miracle transformation of this franchise, it would give no greater pleasure, after enjoying a win with our fans than to shove the Lombardi Trophy right up this f#@k-stick's a$$, then his wife, and if that nasty thing doesn't swallow it up, we're shipping up to Boston!!

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Smith is a tool, and a terrible radio host(though he clearly has the face for it :lol: ). He does, however have a point. Not about some "NFL food chain" but about Brady. Any coach considering the Buffalo job knows they are basically taking the wild card route to any playoff berth. :lol:



Hey, Brady can not play forever man. By my calculations this is his 11th year in the league I believe. Guys like him & manning still are playing at an elite level but they are not young anymore & at a point in their careers where you should start seeing a dropoff in their play over the next few year. Maybe we will see it maybe we will not but one thing is for certain it is going to be fun watching those franchises try to replace hall of fame qbs. Hopefully they have as much success as we have trying to replace Kelly over the last 13 years.

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Did anyone see it? Jason Smith can eat my ass.


"The Buffalo Bills remind me of the freshman high school nerd who think that just because the homecoming queen isn't dating anyone she'd go to the prom with him if he asked. Ralph Wilson, please put away your pocket protector, your bug collection, your most powerful World of Warcraft character. Bill Cowher and Mike Shanahan are not coming to Buffalo. Cowher turned down your overtures Monday night, and Shanahan is only meeting with you to let the rest of the NFL know he's ready to return to the sidelines. What coach who's won a Super Bowl is going to go to Buffalo where you're looking up at the Patriots for as long as Tom Brady is there, and attracting free agents to Western New York - or possibly Toronto - is harder than finding a positive story about Jon Gosselin. Small market teams like Buffalo are breeding grounds for the up and coming coordinators or hot shot college coaches looking to get in anywhere at the next level. This is where your pool of candidates will come from. Know where you are on the NFL food chain. Or just make Terrell Owens the head coach. Sure, the offense would be predictable, but it would be a lot of fun to watch 75 straight offensive plays all go to #81. 'Get your popcorn ready, we're gonna run the same play.'"


Prove he said anything incorrect. The guy is dead on. I feel we are screwed till Ralph dies and a new owner is in place that secures the future and location of this team.

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I am a late night person, and a fan of Todd Wright. When this guy took over, I couldn't believe it. For those who said he is the worst radio host ever, I agree 100%............I'll turn it on at 1:03 sometimes just to see what they lead is and the thought always goes through my head "let's see what this retard has to say"........Three weeks ago, he started out with "Let's say it together - Alex Rodriguez is the 2009 World Series MVP" Said it over and over. Well, that didn't exactly turn out..............He knows little, tries to be funny and fails miserably, and laughs hysterically when somebody says something that is supposed to be a joke. Horrible radio.............I would put zero stock in what he says.


And, yes, from what he says, there is no doubt he was the high school nerd himself.

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