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ABC Apologizes


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No, actually you did. Your reading comprehension skills are piss-poor. Do you perhaps attend the same Clown College as njsue?


My post was about respecting the opinions of others (the NFL/ABC viewing community that phoned in to complain) over my own personal wishes. I, like you, enjoy politically incorrect humor, sexual innuendos, violence, and naked women.


However, unlike you, I'm more than willing to refer to the cable network channels (Comedy Central, MTV, HBO, etc...) to get this fix and let the parents/families have NBC, ABC, CBS etc. during prime time hours. It's called compromise; it's how civilizations function like they do.


I don't feel the need to force my own personal interests and entertainment agenda down the throats of everyone else; you apparently do. We both may not share the same limits of common decency as those so-called "right-wing lunatics," but at least I show some respect for their values; you apparently don't.



I don't feel the need to force my own personal interests and entertainment agenda down the throats of everyone else; you apparently do. We both may not share the same limits of common decency as those so-called "right-wing lunatics," but at least I show some respect for their values; you apparently don't.


That's a great way to put it, really. While I could care less what they put on the tele, I still do respect those that do care. If people would spend less time bickering about why they're personally right and start respecting the views and values of others, we'd be in a lot better shape.


Apply the concept to "real life" as well as TV. There are a lot of lines you wouldn't cross face-to-face.



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I didn't see the commercial last night and read some of the comments that people have made today. This evening I viewed the commercial on the 'net. To those of you that think the objection is to her naked back you are clueless. It shouldn't have been shown at 9pm ET, 8pm CT, 7pm MT nor 6pm PT.

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This isn't about a woman's naked back. It's about the kinds of images and examples television uses to brainwash the American people. It's about television abusing its power to define what is and isn't normal.


There was no positive message in that commercial. There was nothing here except an attempt to define "normal" and "glamourous" in ways that preclude young women from living with dignity. No sane father wants his daughter to act this way.


There wouldn't be so much talk of censorship if the American mainstream media wasn't doing everything in its power to convince us it's on a crusade to degrade the moral character of this nation. If anyone has a problem with the phrase "moral character" of a nation, I suggest educating yourselves about what happened to the Roman Empire after it lost its moral character. Base your arguments on historical knowledge, rather than typical Leftist ignorance.



This was a funny skit about how one of the crazy "housewives" of said show ends up in the Eagles shower room to mess with Owens. It's called humor. This was not supposed to be a 1950s high school educational film on locker room etiquette. Sheeesh, get a life and stop trying to shove the puritan morals on everyone. Isn't that the reason why we have the America we know today? There was a reason why the Pilgrams left Europe, try brushing up on that lesson. One last thing, last I knew humor was still a positive human emotion.

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I didn't see the commercial last night and read some of the comments that people have made today.  This evening I viewed the commercial on the 'net.  To those of you that think the objection is to her naked back you are clueless.  It shouldn't have been shown at 9pm ET, 8pm CT, 7pm MT nor 6pm PT.



I think everyone realizes the "outrage" isn't simply about a naked back.

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No, actually you did. Your reading comprehension skills are piss-poor. Do you perhaps attend the same Clown College as njsue?


My post was about respecting the opinions of others (the NFL/ABC viewing community that phoned in to complain) over my own personal wishes. I, like you, enjoy politically incorrect humor, sexual innuendos, violence, and naked women.


However, unlike you, I'm more than willing to refer to the cable network channels (Comedy Central, MTV, HBO, etc...) to get this fix and let the parents/families have NBC, ABC, CBS etc. during prime time hours. It's called compromise; it's how civilizations function like they do.


I don't feel the need to force my own personal interests and entertainment agenda down the throats of everyone else; you apparently do. We both may not share the same limits of common decency as those so-called "right-wing lunatics," but at least I show some respect for their values; you apparently don't.



Do you really think the word "piss" is appropriate for a forum that children can view? Why are you trying to disrespect the readers of this board with your filthy language? Is this how you show respect for their values? You obviously do feel the need to force your personal opinions on everyone else yet you care not to walk the walk.


Your cable channel argument is so very weak when you consider the fact that everyone in America is wired with cable channels. If you are truly a advocate for decency in television I would suggest to you that all children have the same access that you do to those channels and you should therefore start attacking them as well. It was a harmless skit that you've twisted into the realm and equated with porno. Not even close. We are obviously on the opposite side of the fence on this one.

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Sheeesh, get a life and stop trying to shove the puritan morals on everyone. Isn't that the reason why we have the America we know today? There was a reason why the Pilgrams left Europe, try brushing up on that lesson.



Yes, they came to Salem Mahhs to burn witches!!!!!



Yikes, my head is spinnin.






Yes.....show a naked woman in a locker room.....what is this, Lisa Olsen?




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Yeah, well, France is weak and decadent, too. No thanks, Olivier. I don't want my country to be like yours.



why is the french so made fun of? i speak french ok im not from there im actually italian and all you hear is french people r pussies blablabla i really dont get it

and for the guy from france its all of europe that is more open to nudity not just france

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Do you really think the word "piss" is appropriate for a forum that children can view? Why are you trying to disrespect the readers of this board with your filthy language? Is this how you show respect for their values? You obviously do feel the need to force your personal opinions on everyone else yet you care not to walk the walk.


Your cable channel argument is so very weak when you consider the fact that everyone in America is wired with cable channels. If you are truly a advocate for decency in television I would suggest to you that all children have the same access that you do to those channels and you should therefore start attacking them as well. It was a harmless skit that you've twisted into the realm and equated with porno. Not even close. We are obviously on the opposite side of the fence on this one.





Well, I see you focused in on the various Hot Pocket words I've used in this thread like "piss" and "porno." That's a start, but for further assistance in your reading comprehensions problems, please consult the counseling services at Clown College.


Now to respond to the content of your post:


Internet and cable TV don't follow the same federal guidelines that regular TV follows. Therefore, parents know that they will have to apply internet filters or cable V-chips when allowing their children unsupervised use of these mediums.


However, in the case of regular prime-time TV, parents are watching with the assumption that certain federally-guided expectations of decency are being applied. So when ABC shows stuff on MNF at 9pm Eastern time that doesn't fit these common decency standards, the parents are caught off guard and call in to complain as a result. This is what all the outcry was about.


This is my last post on this subject. If you want to respond again, that's fine. But I won't. Somehow you've taken my posts' content and in turn labeled me as some sort of ultra religious right wing wacko offended by anything sexual on TV. Not sure how you did that, but it happened.


But hey, give yourself a tally mark in your TSW win column if you must. It's back to "Drew sucks" threads for Kelso...

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Well, I see you focused in on the various Hot Pocket words I've used in this thread like "piss" and "porno." That's a start, but for further assistance in your reading comprehensions problems, please consult the counseling services at Clown College.


Now to respond to the content of your post:


Internet and cable TV don't follow the same federal guidelines that regular TV follows. Therefore, parents know that they will have to apply internet filters or cable V-chips when allowing their children unsupervised use of these mediums.


However, in the case of regular prime-time TV, parents are watching with the assumption that certain federally-guided expectations of decency are being applied. So when ABC shows stuff on MNF at 9pm Eastern time that doesn't fit these common decency standards, the parents are caught off guard and call in to complain as a result. This is what all the outcry was about.


This is my last post on this subject. If you want to respond again, that's fine. But I won't. Somehow you've taken my posts' content and in turn labeled me as some sort of ultra religious right wing wacko offended by anything sexual on TV. Not sure how you did that, but it happened.


But hey, give yourself a tally mark in your TSW win column if you must. It's back to "Drew sucks" threads for Kelso...



To me, Janet Jackson's boob ripoff was indecent, that goofy skit wasn't. I think the FCC is quickly becoming big brother that will basically make network television unwatchable in a few years because of stringent moral guidelines taken to the enth degree. I lean towards the side of creative freedom even if that means some people may be offended. Differing opinions is what this country's about. I'm done with this worn out subject myself.

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This was a funny skit about how one of the crazy "housewives" of said show ends up in the Eagles shower room to mess with Owens. It's called humor. This was not supposed to be a 1950s high school  educational film on locker room etiquette. Sheeesh, get a life and stop trying to shove the puritan morals on everyone. Isn't that the reason why we have the America we know today? There was a reason why the Pilgrams left Europe, try brushing up on that lesson. One last thing, last I knew humor was still a positive human emotion.


I'm not sure where you picked up your ideas about why the Pilgrims left Europe. They initially left England to go to Holland, because the former had become too corrupt, and their children were being exposed to too many bad influences. Things started off well in Holland, but over time the children started to learn to speak Dutch, and became an increasing part of what the Pilgrims regarded as a corrupt Dutch society. That's when the Pilgrims set sail in the Mayflower for Virginia. However, navigation was not that good in those days, so instead of arriving in Virginia, the Mayflower arrived at a location near Plymouth Rock in the fall of 1620.


During the ensuing winter, roughly half the 101 initial settlers died from disease, hunger, and the cold. In the spring of 1621, when the Mayflower set sail for England, not one Pilgrim was on board! They stayed, because they believed the ultimate act of love they could provide to their children was to carve out an environment best suited to making them good, innocent people.

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Yes, they came to Salem Mahhs to burn witches!!!!!


19 people were executed in the Salem witch trials, and another died during interrogation. Let's assume that all 20 people were innocent.


Well, the Puritan theocracy began in 1620, and ended in 1692 as a result of the Salem witch trials. 20 deaths in 72 years of rule is too many, but it's a lot better than some other countries. Take the Soviet Union. During the period from 1917 until Stalin's death in 1953, the Soviet Union murdered roughly 54 million innocent people. (Another 7 million were murdered in the post-Stalin era.) The Lenin/Stalin period produced the equivalent of the Salem witch trials (20 innocent deaths) every seven minutes The point here is that the blood guilt of the Christian right has been exaggerated for political reasons, and the blood guilt of the Soviet Union has been understated for the same reason.

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To me, Janet Jackson's boob ripoff was indecent, that goofy skit wasn't. I think the FCC is quickly becoming big brother that will basically make network television unwatchable in a few years because of stringent moral guidelines taken to the enth degree. I lean towards the side of creative freedom even if that means some people may be offended. Differing opinions is what this country's about. I'm done with this worn out subject myself.


I don't see the relevance of this post to the issues at hand. This country faces many problems, but no sane person would consider an excess of moral decency to be one of them. I too support creative freedom, but the whole point of creative freedom is creativity. How much creative programming do you see? If anything, the fixation on sex and shock this society has developed has drowned out the creativity that existed during television's so-called Golden Age. Differing opinions are indeed part of the Founding Fathers' vision for this country. Sadly, they have little to do with the way network executives traditionally act. With the broadening of the news media, views other than hard core liberal ones can finally be expressed.

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I don't see the relevance of this post to the issues at hand. This country faces many problems, but no sane person would consider an excess of moral decency to be one of them. I too support creative freedom, but the whole point of creative freedom is creativity. How much creative programming do you see? If anything, the fixation on sex and shock this society has developed has drowned out the creativity that existed during television's so-called Golden Age. Differing opinions are indeed part of the Founding Fathers' vision for this country. Sadly, they have little to do with the way network executives traditionally act. With the broadening of the news media, views other than hard core liberal ones can finally be expressed.



Ok Kurt, you brought me back in baby. Your argument assumes that "moral decency" in America is set to your own standards. What I see as decent for public viewing and what you see as decent may be completely different (I have a good feeling this is true). The problem with this is that real art may be effected by "your" standards. The viewing of statue of David (the naked one I'm sure you're familiar with) could be banned for instance. Censorship is a slippery slope that leads to broad brush statements like the ones in your post. That is why America has what is called Freedom of Speech, to make sure the religious right wackos would never win the censorship war. But don't fret, you'll always have FoxNews.

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