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Saints-Falcons game


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Give me one young QB he's ever developed, please. Johnson was well established when he got to Gruden...that appears to be what Gruden likes (see Gannon, Rich).

Is that a bad thing? You actually disproved your whole point with these two. Johnson and Gannon were journeyman QBs that had found minimal success in the NFL, until Gruden got one a ring and a probowl, and the other a MVP. He brings QBs back from the dead. :censored:

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Give me one young QB he's ever developed, please. Johnson was well established when he got to Gruden...that appears to be what Gruden likes (see Gannon, Rich).

Hold on a second, you're changing your criteria from "QB Killer"


to "Young QB" ?



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Is that a bad thing? You actually disproved your whole point with these two. Johnson and Gannon were journeyman QBs that had found minimal success in the NFL, until Gruden got one a ring and a probowl, and the other a MVP. He brings QBs back from the dead. :censored:

The OP said Gruden is just what Edwards needs. I dispute that.

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funny about this post, was just talking to someone about how entertaining the game was.

little did i realize, and of course i'm here in buffalo covering the bills, that teams can actually string together more than 2 first downs on one drive. i was under the impression that was nearly impossible or, at the very least, there was an nfl rule barring that from happening.




John W., The worst part of the Bills is not that they are repetitive losers as much as they are not entertaining. They are excruciatingly painful to watch. The Cleveland game was the worst NFL game I have EVER watched. The owner and organization should be ashamed of themselves for putting out such a garbage product. :censored:

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With our current offensive line, there is no coach and no QB who can make our offense successful. The sooner you accept that, the sooner we can stop wasting time on meaningless banter.


The number one difference right now between Trent Edwards and Drew Brees is that Drew has time to stand in the pocket and throw the ball. It's easy to say "throw it to the wide receiver". But let's see you do it yourself with the level of blocking we have.


Hey Trent hasn't performed as well as he needs to. All I'm saying that he will not ever perform as well as he needs to until we can block, and until then, we won't know whether or not he ever can. There is not a QB in this league that could lead our offense to success.


And let's not forget that TO just won't catch the passes he is thrown, which would have substantially helped our offense all season long. And Lee Evans really is not much of a threat unless you have time to throw to him down field, and since we DO NOT have that time, and have not all year, it's kind of absurd to pretend like we are just failing to get this guy involved in the offense. Lee Evans is a one trick pony. If you can't protect the QB long enough to throw it deep to him, he is a virtually non-existent threat. Thus he is having one of the worst seasons I can ever remember for such a highly touted player.

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And Lee Evans really is not much of a threat unless you have time to throw to him down field, and since we DO NOT have that time, and have not all year, it's kind of absurd to pretend like we are just failing to get this guy involved in the offense. Lee Evans is a one trick pony. If you can't protect the QB long enough to throw it deep to him, he is a virtually non-existent threat. Thus he is having one of the worst seasons I can ever remember for such a highly touted player.

Didn't he have a slant that he took in for a score? Maybe a little more of that would help utilize him

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With our current offensive line, there is no coach and no QB who can make our offense successful. The sooner you accept that, the sooner we can stop wasting time on meaningless banter.


The number one difference right now between Trent Edwards and Drew Brees is that Drew has time to stand in the pocket and throw the ball. It's easy to say "throw it to the wide receiver". But let's see you do it yourself with the level of blocking we have.


Hey Trent hasn't performed as well as he needs to. All I'm saying that he will not ever perform as well as he needs to until we can block, and until then, we won't know whether or not he ever can. There is not a QB in this league that could lead our offense to success.


And let's not forget that TO just won't catch the passes he is thrown, which would have substantially helped our offense all season long. And Lee Evans really is not much of a threat unless you have time to throw to him down field, and since we DO NOT have that time, and have not all year, it's kind of absurd to pretend like we are just failing to get this guy involved in the offense. Lee Evans is a one trick pony. If you can't protect the QB long enough to throw it deep to him, he is a virtually non-existent threat. Thus he is having one of the worst seasons I can ever remember for such a highly touted player.


SouthGa., The bills season was doomed from the start when they let go of Peters without having a credible backup plan to fill his critical position. Expecting Langston Walker to replace the departed Peters was not only a miscalculation, it was plain stupid. I preferred keeping Peters, even if they would have had to pay him the market rate. But the front office decided he was not worth the money. In hindsight, the Bills should have drafted LT Ohrer out of Mississippi and at least have a young highly rated talent to take over the position.


What compounded the Peters departure was letting Langston Walker go when the staff decided to go with Demetrius Bell. Even if Langston Walker was not going to start and despite having a starting salary contract he could have been insurance for both tackle positions. The organization took a reckless gamble with their line decisions and they lost. The offense has little chance to perform at an adequate level because the caliber of play of the line.


There is nothing surprising about the decisions the Bills made regarding the OL. They were accountant decisions and not football decisions. There is no surprise how a Ralph Wilson team functions. :censored:

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Both Brees & Ryan will throw into tight windows. They also have the confidence to throw to the spot where the receiver is supposed to be before he gets there. Any QB who makes it into the NFL can make all the required throws. The top tier QB's, like Brees, have the ability to make those throws under pressure, on the run, in very tight windows and to spots where the receiver will (should) be.


Neither Edwards or Fitz has shown much ability in those area.

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