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  1. @BillStime You originally accused this Bill of being racist due to the what it did. Once all those were dispelled you are now accusing it of being racist for what it DIDN'T do. Good job coming up with an argument that can't be dispelled...but also not proven either. Carry on.....
  2. I see. So your "proof" this Bill is racist is that past performance ALWAYS predicts current performance. Let me ask you. If the Bill had required opening some of those shuttered sites would you still consider it racist?
  3. Hey memeboy. Racism does exist. And for you to assume i think it doesn't makes you a real #######. I dismiss anything and everything related to race? More assholery. I've been very clear. Calling things such as this bill racism and Jim Crow on steroids takes away from actual racism and downplays the experiences of those actually affected by Jim Crow. If it makes you feel better to make ***** up about people you do not know have at it. It may make you feel better but makes you a fool.
  4. Your "facts" point to racism in your mind. See facts often times lead to proof, which leads to guilt. It's called the burden of proof. You have only facts and you have drawn a line directly to guilt completely bypassing the proof. So because of that you have guilty only in your mind. Come back when you have proof. Emails, phone calls, witnesses etc. Until then continue to falsely accuse others of racism. It's not a good look man.
  5. It could be a million reasons but you go with racism because that’s your reason for everything. Let me ask you. Do you even know if any of those 214 sites that were closed where anywhere near the polling places that had long lines?
  6. Oh look a dumb meme. Lose an argument post a meme. See most people when they feel passionate about something (like this Bill not being racist) they debate and discuss. When someone is losing a debate they pose nonsensical things like memes.
  7. Yeah I know it sucks to be proven wrong day in and day out. One way to fix it is to stop being wrong. The Bill is NOT racist and you know it but you’re so deep in this false narrative you have to keep digging.
  8. I still haven’t heard what makes this Bill racist. You’re like a little kid throwing a tantrum and when asked what wrong the kid, through the tears whimpers, “I.....don’t.....know”.
  9. Thank you Mr Robinson. To those of you that have fought me on this? Who have not once been able to explain what specifically makes this Bill racist? Please listen to this and let me know your true thoughts NOW about this Bill and if you STILL think it's racist.
  10. Yes I can identify the bill. You're a lawyer. Look it up. What makes the bill racists? That's the question I posed to you some time ago which you've somehow failed to or refused to answer. Once we get that off the table we can proceed. Until then carry on.
  11. It's your opinion that the system is totally rigged??
  12. Context makes it racist? Go on....... What has been explained to me is "we think" "we feel". Fine. Your feels and thinks prove nothing. Impoverished = racist? Now if you want to have a discussion why you feel poor = POC I'm all ears.
  13. So you cannot address what's in the bill. All you have is who signed it and where they signed it. Come on man. Dig deep. You have to have something that specifically says it's racist? You've all been screaming it from the mountain tops. An email, text, witness who can say that this law was signed specifically to ***** over POC. More feels not facts.
  14. From Ms Abrams. And I quote It shortens the time for 9 weeks for 4 weeks. It restricts the time a voter can request and return an absentee ballot. It requires a voter to have a photo or other identification that they are willing to surrender (what does this mean) in order to participate in the absentee ballot process. It eliminates over 300 hours of drop box availability. It bans all out of precinct votes. It restricts the hours of operations from 7-7 to 9-5. So do these above mentioned issues affect people of all walks of life? Of all colors? Of all political affiliation? Yes or no? This is a list if issues with the Bill that she disagrees with which is fine and her prerogative. But please for the LOVE OF GOD can anyone explain to me what make any of these racist?
  15. This is a very two way street and I think YOURS is much more dangerous. In my mind your thought process is what is ailing this country. Deeming something as racist and coming to that conclusion solely on the color, political affiliation, and geographic region of those who wrote it is very failed in my mind. Not one sentence of the Bill is pointed to as being racist. I dream of the day a Bill is judged by it's contents instead of the color of those who wrote it. That is all that's needed...... Sigh.
  16. So that’s all you got. It was passed by Republican white guys therefore it’s racist? 🙄 Let me ask you. Any idea how much input did they get from white constituents? Has your local state politician called you for your input? You do realize why we elect them right? To make laws on our behalf. Don’t like their record? Campaign to have them removed. A wise man once said “elections have consequences.” Give me an example of the tables being turned and I’ll let you know if I would be butt hurt. When, during the game, did Tebow kneel? Answer that and hopefully you’ll see the difference. Feels vs facts again.
  17. Take your phone, go outside hit record on your video and start walking. Come back a post how many steps you took to find "cold crystal clear racism". Prove us wrong. You can claim it all day long but until you come back with cold and crystal clear evidence you're pushing a false narrative.
  18. Please enlighten us all on the form that black people use to vote? The only thing that is constant in the world is change. I guess in your mind black people are incapable of change. How is the tax code racist? How does the HC system discriminate against people that don't have children. Hey @Melon You love the "Dislike" thumbs down response. Care to address why you tend to disagree with what I say or are you afraid?
  19. Harder for black folks to vote? So are you saying that of those people in specific geographic regions and socioeconomic groups that could be affected by these “schemes” only the “black folks” won’t be able to figure it out? I want you, and others screaming racism at these Bills, to contemplate that for a second. Personally I think you’re nuts for requiring a college degree. 😏
  20. What the ***** is wrong with that man! It’s dumb ***** like this that got Trump labeled a racist. Let’s see how the media handles this (I’m being facetious).
  21. One of the maint tenants of the theory, the nearly 50 year old theory, is that the law enforcement and judicial systems are inherently racist. It, from what I’ve read, provides little evidence that it’s true other than more blacks found themselves in the backs of police cars, in front of judges and behind bars than PONC. Where are the smoking guns? The memos, the emails the recorded conversations that would have the proof. They’ve had almost half a century to roll out the facts. Again I’m not afraid of the theory of critical race. Nor am I afraid of the theory of relativity. That’s not my concern.
  22. You're right. I'm not winning. We've won and won a LONG time ago. We have post after post after post either expressing our concerns and the concerns of others (and many of them are POC) regarding CRT being taught to children. You have yet to express why you feel the need to teach it other than IT'S TEACHING HISTORY! which is not the main tenant of CRT. Explain what this tweet means. How are our issues with CRT saying we are OK with racism? That is if you have the intellectual capacity to do so.
  23. Why are whites in Appalachia disproportionately poor? Is the answer racism there too? The one we've called you out on many many times.
  24. Racism right? It must be racism. When you have to push a lie over and over and over again you've lost the argument. Based on this you lost the argument a long time ago.
  25. Well to be fair CRT says that it's not the laws as much as it is the people (whites) who interpret and enforce the laws. The systemic aspect. Does no one here know what CRT is about?? This is why it's a theory because there is not hard evidence that the problem is to this day remains systemic. There is no denying that the acts of the past have influenced the issues of today. That's not my concern with CRT. It's how it will be used to push an agenda/narrative by some of our liberal school systems/educators.
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