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  1. Which dem senator did Trump appear in public with to celebrate that one? Again the tweet that I posted and agreed with is specifically against bipartisanship. Both parties suck. One plays to win for the woke commie and the other plays to capitulate and apologize for how the woke commies characterize them. I have no use for either one.
  2. You act as if the department being investigated turning around and spying on the very investigators looking into them isn't beyond suspicious. But six ways to Sunday, right? Nothing says commie like defending unelected bureaucrats weilding extraordinary investigative and law enforcement power over elected representatives of the people who we have a mechanism for actually holding responsible. You tell 'em Chuckie...
  3. Because by adhering to the principles that he's always had, like calling out the Iraq war transgressions of the right, which you undoubtedly cheered and supported at the time, he's now applying the very same lens to the left and surprise, surprise you don't like it now. So you do what all good commie leftists do and brand him as a nazi, fascist, conservative, far right etc. The playbook is tired dude.
  4. Oh man, when Glenn Greenwald calls you out for not understanding why Tulsi Gabbard has the principles to go after BOTH sides, you know you're a commie leftist. Wait for it....Glenn Greenwald is a far right conservative!
  5. I'm against Twitter banning anyone for stating opinions. Especially commie leftists. Allow them to speak Elon. One thing is for certain...however these recent leftist suspensions happened at Twitter, it wasn't done at the behest of the federal government. Unlike Twitter 1.0.
  6. I'm often left pondering this as well about Olbermann. From high profile Sportscenter anchor that i liked and tuned into often, to batschitt crazy commie leftist banished into obscurity by his own actions.
  7. New Twitter blocking an account that widely shares the flight tracker whereabouts of the new owner of Twitter? Bad. Old Twitter censoring a true and verifiable story on a Twitter account owned by one of the oldest newspapers in the nation about the son of a US presidential candidate and his shady international business dealings that were allegedly benefitting his candidate father? Well, that's a nothing burger. Old Twitter now shown to have deplatformed a sitting US President, despite internal Twitter communications now showing that the former President didn't violate the rules and they booted him anyway? Again, nothing burger. It's going to be awesome to read all the "nothing burgers" the commies tell us are in the covid Twitter files.
  8. An absolute guarantee that Musk is directly over the target. Thanks for the confirmation commies.
  9. Another variation on the "Republicans pounce" headline the commie media so often employs. Dem malfeasance can't possibly be the story...but Republicans pointing it out sure can be!
  10. Media and their leftist allies: The government doesn't work with social media platforms to flag posts as disinformation. It's private companies following their own rules. And here we have Jenn Psaki admitting that they work directly with social media companies to censor content they dont like. Right from the press secretary podium at the friggin White House. I'd say that its unbelievable. But I can't. Because it's not. cOnTeNT moDeRaTiOn.... Do you leftist commie ***** sticks ever tire of making complete jackasses out of yourselves? No you dont.
  11. Fear not leftist commies. The unhinged attacks will continue unabated from elsewhere.
  12. And if you think that applies in any way, shape or form to J6ers then you've been had by the propagandists and you're forever lost to those of us who live in reality. But by all means carry on with your support of commies.
  13. Giving the end user the tools to filter content is definitely the way to go. But it won't be enough for leftists. These are the same people who shut down campus speakers they don't like. Nobody is forcing them to attend these talks and listen to a different POV, but it doesn't matter to them, they need to be shut down. It's what commies do.
  14. It's a conspiracy theory that a pipe bomb was found at the DNC on J6? It's a conspiracy theory that almost two years later the FBI hasn't caught the suspect and nobody on the left seems remotely interested in finding out why? Commie leftists have become nothing but IC apologists. JFC.
  15. Interesting. What is it with commies and IBS? Swalwell, Nadler, Biden... Do our PPP commies often ***** their drawers too? Hmmm
  16. Delicious irony..lost on commie leftists. People just want honest elections, decided on election day, where no candidates from either party have to "come from behind" over the following days and weeks.
  17. Sadly, it really isn't unbelievable anymore though is it? When you have an empty vessel dementia patient as POTUS...you can simply wind him up and send him out to parrot their far left commie screeds on command.
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