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  2. Who debunked it - lmao? The same authority that debunked this: idiots
  3. WAIT - β€œBEAST” - I don’t see your comments in this thread - why is that? Someone tweeted something something and it was on the internet so it must be true… isn’t that how it works w the cult? idiots
  4. YAH - pennies! LOL - he had four years to do that and when he revised the tax code, he delivered the largest tax cut to the rich ever - lmao Idiots
  5. Hillary wouldn’t have ignored her intelligence in 2019. Hillary wouldn’t have disbanded the pandemic expert team causing inefficiencies and shortages in resources. Hillary wouldn’t have ignored the pandemic playbook that Obama left behind. Hillary wouldn’t have politicized the pandemic response. prioritize political gains over public health data, hindering effective management. Hillary wouldn’t have withdrawn from the WHO and obstruct global collaboration. Hillary wouldn’t have lied to Americans about the severity of the virus and kept telling Americans it would just go away… with heat, disinfectant, uv light, and unproven treatments. Hillary wouldn’t have downplayed the severity of the virus, compared it to the flu and claimed it would disappear on its own, delaying action. Hillary wouldn’t have had inconsistent messaging, actions and contradicted health professionals, thus eroding public trust in health advice. Hillary would have done her absolute best and idiots in red states would still die at higher rates just to own the libs.
  6. 18 years later and the cult is still trying to take away contraception. Fkn idiots cry harder.
  7. Notice, none of these idiots dare touch that or Aileen Cannon. This morning, I heard Harris Faulkner on Fox News criticizing Merchant for his alleged conflicts of interest, all while lacking self-awareness or any acknowledgement of the judge overseeing the case related to the classified documents.
  8. Funny, these idiots didn’t mind LAWFARE when Cohen went to jail lying on Trump’s behalf. They also didn’t mind when Barr re-imprisoned Cohen when Cohen announced he was going to release a tell all book before the 2020 election. Election interference, eh?
  9. Any idea why a rapist would want to do this? @njbuff - you know the finest humans - why would Trump want to hide rapists? @BillsFanNC - Can you please call Juli Psyop to distract you idiots from this mess? @Doc - hurry - grab your dust mop and clean up this mess - hustle!
  10. Why are you so embarrassed to admit you're a Trumpy? I laugh at idiots like you and Doc who spend all their time criticizing Democrats, yet there seems to be nothing that Trump and MAGA can do that you're willing to critique. Insecure and weak.
  11. LMAO - says the guy who's only response to ANYTHING not sugar coating Trump is: Meanwhile, this idiot cannot see how DEI, CRT, and LGTBQ are ALL related while @B-Man and @BillsFanNC spend ALL DAY TRYING TO ERASE ALL THREE. jfc
  12. Hoax. OH, HOW ARE THEY NOT RELATED? lmao - fkn idiots
  13. The contrast couldn't be more stark: Biden celebrating Jewish Americans, while Trump is planning a unified movement with different intentions. But yes, @Doc - we eagerly await your authoritative insight on identifying the true antisemites. Fkn idiots
  14. The hypocrisy w the alt right is over the top. They bash Biden for being Catholic and not mixing politics w his personal beliefs and for believing women have a right to manage their heath care - LIKE A LOT OF CATHOLICS do - while these idiots ignore the fact that Trump could never get married in a Catholic Church and has broken every mortal sin.
  15. πŸ‘† 🀑 πŸ‘‡ fkn idiot
  16. Yeah - tell that to the ~80,000 Americans who died from COVID-19 thru May 10, 2020. Freakn idiot
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