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  1. Yea sorry - but the entire GOP has been taken over by the fringe. They know the only way they can win is by playing the culture war card(s). Mark my words - 90% of America is tired of it… but that’s the only way the GQP operates today. MAGA baby
  2. These idiots don’t get it. This was nothing more than a political stunt. Sending these people to MV was just a way to own the libs. It backfired on the cult - hugely. America is tired of the BS.
  3. More games - no solutions - this too will backfire on the cult. Americans are tired of the bs 🎯
  4. Um - money? This has NOTHING to do with money. These kids are tired of worrying about getting slaughtered at school. This has nothing to do with money. jfc
  5. 🎯 Like I said - Americans are tired of the BS...
  6. This pig will never grow the F up. Americans are tired of the BS
  7. Did DEMs manufacture Trumps 140+ meetings with Russians? Did DEMs manufacture Trump sharing campaign polling data with Russians? Did DEMs coordinate Wikileaks dumps with Russians? No - that was this traitor who you adore: 👆 fringe Voters are tired of people like you Keep doing what you’re doing - it’s working - you’re winning bro lol
  8. I wish you and your friends could be more objective as well. For what it is worth - I am tired of the media and our political parties pitting us against each other. But the truth is - your party, realizing they are a dying party completely out of touch with the majority of Americans - took a dark turn and is full steam ahead towards authoritarianism. And guess what? Good luck w that trajectory cuz real Americans won’t allow it.
  9. Exactly but the insatiable narcissist can’t help himself and simply brought more attention to a non issue… but he’s owning the libs and the cult goes wild. 2022 proved that this approach is oh so 2016 and Americans are tired of the BS. But it does not matter to the cult - they will go to their grave victimizing Donald and scapegoating his loss.
  10. Unlinked? lolz - coming from the leading plagiarizer on the board that is RICH. You would only buy what you are told as long as it was filtered via @GalacticRedPill and RESTATE. GOP Rep. Boebert: ‘I’m tired of this separation of church and state junk’ Idiots
  11. Yeah, I read it and responded to his QANON garbage. Literally QANON. Karen Psyop should be embarrassed for posting that as evidence. Exactly. Page 107 - and still no evidence. I can understand your frustration, Deek. It's quite clear that you're tired of your hopes getting dashed over and over and over again. Make better choices, champ.
  12. Because Jimmy here told him so. Look how @BillsFanNC praises and promotes these sick people. Why would anyone even associate with someone like this? @BillsFanNChas LGTBQ family members (everyone does) and attends pride parades with @SCBillsand then starts anti LGTBQ hate threads and posts all day. This is not normal. 1) This guy is a Nazi 2) Filled with enormous self hate 3) A closet case, like James Lindsay, Charlie Kirk, Chris Rufo and Ron DeSaster - given their intense passion of trashing LGTBQ - it is beyond obvious that these freaks are hiding something. 4) Hates America and everything about it - distracts his “buddies” with pathetic culture wars because their party and leaders are so fn corrupt - they TRASH liberals because they can’t win in our republic and desire autocracy. This sick behavior is taking over the GOP and conservatives and traditional Republicans are tired of the bullshitte and will reject these degenerates. And that scares @BillsFanNCthe most so wait and see - Karen will start ten new hate threads this weekend defending his Moms for Fascism hate group.
  13. His base is melting... "owning dem libs" is destroying families and friendships - and people are tired of the non stop hate. Donald Q Trump has nothing else to run on other than civil unrest and hate. Look at the h8 here every day.
  14. Is Marjorie or Kev worried their phone records and data is going to show who planted those pipe bombs on 1/5? Why so tired? Party is just getting started old man.
  15. Oh, SO YOU DID READ MY COMMENTS - jfc - lmao Yeah, those blue cities have to play the rules set out by those red state legislatures. And btw - go look up the crime in rural areas in red states - absolute poverty leads to crime. Bottom line: RED STATES SUCK and I'm tired of my TAX dollars going to those states to bail them out.
  16. The cult hasn't picked up that Americans are tired of the BS. They just experienced a humiliating loss during the mid-terms at a time they should have destroyed the Democrats. And yet - their response is to double/triple down on the same BS. The next two years will of MAGA house will destroy what is left of MAGA. ETTD
  17. I have 12 niece and nephews - none of them minded the hybrid schooling this year... they still have their smart phones and connect non stop with their friends. I'm tired of hearing the GQP whine about what kids are missing out on... and then running over trans kids with a bus. F that.
  18. From Dr. Fauci: “Chickenpox is a virus. Lots of people have had it, and probably don't think about it much once the initial illness has passed. But it stays in your body and lives there forever, and maybe when you're older, you have debilitatingly painful outbreaks of shingles. You don't just get over this virus in a few weeks, never to have another health effect. We know this because it's been around for years, and has been studied medically for years. Herpes is also a virus. And once someone has it, it stays in your body and lives there forever, and anytime they get a little run down or stressed-out they're going to have an outbreak. Maybe every time you have a big event coming up (school pictures, job interview, big date) you're going to get a cold sore. For the rest of your life. You don't just get over it in a few weeks. We know this because it's been around for years, and been studied medically for years. HIV is a virus. It attacks the immune system and makes the carrier far more vulnerable to other illnesses. It has a list of symptoms and negative health impacts that goes on and on. It was decades before viable treatments were developed that allowed people to live with a reasonable quality of life. Once you have it, it lives in your body forever and there is no cure. Over time, that takes a toll on the body, putting people living with HIV at greater risk for health conditions such as cardiovascular disease, kidney disease, diabetes, bone disease, liver disease, cognitive disorders, and some types of cancer. We know this because it has been around for years, and had been studied medically for years. Now with COVID-19, we have a novel virus that spreads rapidly and easily. The full spectrum of symptoms and health effects is only just beginning to be cataloged, much less understood. So far the symptoms may include: Fever Fatigue Coughing Pneumonia Chills/Trembling Acute respiratory distress Lung damage (potentially permanent) Loss of taste (a neurological symptom) Sore throat Headaches Difficulty breathing Mental confusion Diarrhea Nausea or vomiting Loss of appetite Strokes have also been reported in some people who have COVID-19 (even in the relatively young) Swollen eyes Blood clots Seizures Liver damage Kidney damage Rash COVID toes (weird, right?) People testing positive for COVID-19 have been documented to be sick even after 60 days. Many people are sick for weeks, get better, and then experience a rapid and sudden flare up and get sick all over again. A man in Seattle was hospitalized for 62 days, and while well enough to be released, still has a long road of recovery ahead of him. Not to mention a $1.1 million medical bill. Then there is MIS-C. Multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children is a condition where different body parts can become inflamed, including the heart, lungs, kidneys, brain, skin, eyes, or gastrointestinal organs. Children with MIS-C may have a fever and various symptoms, including abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, neck pain, rash, bloodshot eyes, or feeling extra tired. While rare, it has caused deaths. This disease has not been around for years. It has basically been 6 months. No one knows yet the long-term health effects, or how it may present itself years down the road for people who have been exposed. We literally *do not know* what we do not know. For those in our society who suggest that people being cautious are cowards, for people who refuse to take even the simplest of precautions to protect themselves and those around them, I want to ask, without hyperbole and in all sincerity: How dare you? How dare you risk the lives of others so cavalierly. How dare you decide for others that they should welcome exposure as "getting it over with", when literally no one knows who will be the lucky "mild symptoms" case, and who may fall ill and die. Because while we know that some people are more susceptible to suffering a more serious case, we also know that 20 and 30-year-olds have died, marathon runners and fitness nuts have died, children and infants have died. How dare you behave as though you know more than medical experts, when those same experts acknowledge that there is so much we don't yet know, but with what we DO know, are smart enough to be scared of how easily this is spread, and recommend baseline precautions such as: Frequent hand-washing Physical distancing Reduced social/public contact or interaction Mask wearing Covering your cough or sneeze Avoiding touching your face Sanitizing frequently touched surfaces The more things we can all do to mitigate our risk of exposure, the better off we all are, in my opinion. Not only does it flatten the curve and allow health care providers to maintain levels of service that aren't immediately and catastrophically overwhelmed; it also reduces unnecessary suffering and deaths, and buys time for the scientific community to study the virus in order to come to a more full understanding of the breadth of its impacts in both the short and long term. I reject the notion that it's "just a virus" and we'll all get it eventually. What a careless, lazy, heartless stance.”
  19. You are KIDDING yourself if you think the United States didn't know about this in November - and if not before. I mean - we have 3.5 years of nothing but BULLSHCITT coming out of the White House - and you freaks turning yourself into pretzels defending this schmuck. Doesn't it get tired? Wait and see... the truth WILL come out. And no matter when Trump acknowledged the severity of the virus - Americans are smarter than you freaks here: Americans not buying White House spin on coronavirus
  20. And you think Trump's personal army is there to create peace? No - they're there to create havoc. It's a campaign ad - and it will blow up in their face. Americans are tired of the Trump schitt show.
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