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Wilson from Gamehendge

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Posts posted by Wilson from Gamehendge

  1. Hmmm. Is that because he let a tight end make a 25 yard catch on the part of the field he was suppose to be covering? Your right he did have a pretty sweet celebration after, much like Maybin after he makes such a stellar play. I see it now, $hitner has sucked his whole career because he was playing in the Tampa 2. But after seeing how he wreaked havoc with his celebrations on friday I agree, he is due for a great year.

    Whitner is a KEEPER...


    ...Scott and Wilson are straight trash!!! :wallbash:

  2. Someone should tell them that the have to play the games first, BEFORE bragging how good their teams are.

    Confidence in yourself is what breeds champions.



    What else do you want them to say?


    "Oh, we are alright...probably won't make the playoffs...but we will go play some football for the fans?"




    I WISH someone on our team had the cahonas to be CONFIDENT...its just that we have nothing to be confident about...yet! However, I guarentee that that Jets and Dolphins both make the playoffs.

  3. You know what I don't understand is that people say Bills will suck, but look at the Skins. They have a new coach, new qb, new left OT, and new RT, new defense. Sounds like the Bills. Watch and see if Buffalo who is depending on running the ball more comes ahead of the foreskins at the end of the year how many critics come up with some BS about rebuilding. If everyone looks at it, the skins did and picked what most people say we should have.


    1. Shanny for coach

    2. First pick a LT (4th) to our 9th

    3. Picked a respectable qb


    Just watch and see if we have a better record, what will the critics come up with??? Oh it was luck??? Bring it on.............

    Head Coach - M. Shanahan > C. Gailey


    Offensive Coordinator - K. Shanahan > C. Modkins


    Defensive Coordinator - J. Haslett > G. Edwards


    Quarterback - McNabb > Edwards + Fitz + Brohm + Brown


    Left Tackle - J. Brown > D. Bell + J. Meredith


    Right Tackle - T. Williams > C. Green


    Offensive Talent - Redskins > Bills


    Defensive Talent - Redskins > Bills

  4. I hate Jason Peters and wish him the worst.

    Yeah I would hate a guy who came in as an UDFA and BUSTED his ass to learn a whole new position...not to mention, all the while becoming the best at that position. He did everything he was asked to do from Day 1...he caught Losman's first TD pass, he blocked a kick/punt (for a TD? cant remember)...he switched from Right to Left...


    He made it to the Pro-Bowl as a Left Tackle...and he deserved to be paid as a Pro-Bowl LT...not an UDFA TE.


    Can't say **** about him being injury prone....our whole god damn organization has been injured for 10 years!



    The dude did what we asked him to do, to the best of his ability...which is Pro-Bowl caliber...and Bills fans hate him?


    He has been the best O-Lineman we have had in like 10 years, we still have NOT found a replacement for him and there is nobody even close to his athletic ability as an O-Lineman on this team. We do not have one single Lineman who is Pro-Bowl caliber...except Eric Wood, but there are TONS of good Guards in the AFC.


    Bottom Line: We would be better off with him...than we are without him!



    Why hate him? Cause he held out for money...well, in that case...I hate CJ Spiller!

  5. My point is everyone is so quick to bury a kid who played at the highest level of his profession at 21. I wasn't a huge fan of the pick, but besides Whitner, I've never seen fans want to destroy this kid. Anything Maybin does, people want to hate him for it.


    Maybe it's my fault, but I thought Bills fans were better than that. IT almost seems liek there is a group of fans hoping Maybin fails so they can say they were right about it on a message board. I think 10 or 20 years ago, fans weren't as irrational and so quick to insult.

    Who everybody has been trying to destroy...and now everybody loves him!!!


    I was even told that saying Whitner would make the Pro-Bowl is not much a prediction at all...as if MANY are expecting it to happen!



    Maybin WILL shine this season...he will prove everyone wrong! (and for once Dick Jauron might be right!)

  6. Oh wow his coach spoke positively about him?? watch out must be the next great Linebacker. You need to chill out just because people dont agree with you. Aaron Maybin will not have double digit sacks this year and saying Whitner will make the pro bowl if the two best safeties in the League are hurt isnt much of a prediction. Also i think i would beleive this more if it were from a reporter and not the guys coach.

    Then I will just reserve all judgement until after the season ends...so I can come back and say, "I TOLD YOU SO!"



    And how is it not much a prediction to say that about Whitner? Reed, Sanders and Polomalu are coming back from injuries...if they do not make the pro-bowl, there are many other safeties who have been better than Whitner. What I am saying is that, Whitner will be THAT good to outplay those other safeties who would replace the top 3 mentioned above.


    But how funny it is, everyone HATES Donte Whitner around here and talks so much **** about him....but all of a sudden some people catch wind of him having a good training camp and they think he is all of a sudden All-Pro? So, YES it is one HUGE major prediction to say he will make it at all...given how you fans think so highly of him! :)



    And I would bet anything that Brandon Spikes becomes the LB we fear on the Patriots...NOT Mayo.



    Here's another bold statement I have made and will continue to stand by...MARSHAWN LYNCH IS THE BEST ALL-AROUND RUNNING BACK ON THE BUFFALO BILLS DEPTH CHART!


    Everybody likes the Fred Jackson feel good story, but truth be told, if we had a decent team last year, he wouldnt have had those stats. He was ALL we had for the first 4 games...and even then, Lynch was going through a lot. I dont want a guy on my team because its a "good story"...I want my football players to have been good enough in high school to earn a D1 college scholarship and START for that team. Set records for that school. Get recognition...and get DRAFTED!


    Lynch and Whitner are 2 players I have NEVER bashed and I have ALWAYS supported them...I will continue to do so, and they will prove me right...while they prove most of you wrong about them.


    And, yes...PSU fan...so I will stand by Maybin...and I will watch him get his...he WILL open eyes this year. Bet on it!

  7. I love it when guys on this board go for the "I told you so" just because a rookie we "should have drafted" is getting complimented by reporters during training camp.

    oh and by the way !@#$...the compliment was coming from Bill Belichick...not a training camp reporter!



    must be you cannot read?

  8. I love it when guys on this board go for the "I told you so" just because a rookie we "should have drafted" is getting complimented by reporters during training camp.

    If you went back and looked through my post history....you would see...


    A. I wanted Brandon Spikes LONG before the draft.


    B. I said that IF we changed to a 3-4, Whitner would become a Pro-Bowl caliber Safety...and NOW that he is getting rave reviews from training camp, EVERYBODY is jumping on the bandwagon.


    C. I spoke of Cameron Wake LONG before he was mentioned on here....now he is a player, and somebody in the last couple days around here, was stating how we didnt know anything about him...and should picked him up.




    * I am not one of your guys on this board who go for the "i told you so"....for ANYTHING. I am somebody who knows alot about football and I can tell when a player is going to be something special...most of the time. But, the type of person you are comparing me to and the type of person YOU are.....are the main reasons I very rarely even visit this site anymore, let alone post on it. So you want some "I told you so moments"??? Here ya go...


    1. Brandon Spikes will be a pro-bowl player by year 2-3.

    2. Donte Whitner will be a pro-bowler (if Reed and Sanders are hurt).

    3. Marshawn Lynch will be the Bills leading rusher in 2010-2011.

    4. Cameron Wake will rack up close to double-digit sacks this year.

    5. Aaron Maybin WILL rack up double-digit sacks this year.



    There's FIVE for ya.....now go suck at life somewhere else!

  9. I said back during the draft that I thought this guy was gonna be a very good player. I was hoping the Bills would pick him up at some point. Now, I read this report from Camp...and it sounds like this guy is going to terrorize us for the next 10 years, and he will become somebody we absolutely cannot stand.




    • In each of the past two years, the Patriots have had 12 draft picks. All of last year's picks are back in this camp, giving New England an infusion of youth few teams in the league have. A number of second-year players -- offensive tackle Sebastian Vollmer, safety Patrick Chung, middle linebacker Tyrone McKenzie and wide receivers Brandon Tate and Julian Edelman -- are ready to become the next generation of Patriots.


    This year's class is already making a mark as well. Belichick never would come out and say it, but the rookie making a big mark in camp is former Florida standout linebacker Brandon Spikes. When Belichick says someone is an interesting player to coach and that he sees things that other players don't, that's coachspeak for this guy has the chance to be the Real Deal.



    I think Tate and Edelman are going to become big weapons too.


    New England is not losing much ground folks...Buffalo might be gaining...but no other AFCE team is falling.

  10. I think Whitner has a point regarding about the Tampa 2 not being the best fit for him.



    This is yet another indictment on DJ along with many others - the worst being allowing Keith Ellison to play in the NFL. Looking back I think Whitner has made many more plays around the line of scrimmage than in coverage. Now maybe that is an indictment of Whitner's lack of coverage skills. Much like Trent the coaching change should be refreshing for Whitner but also is his last chance to make an impact other than being a career back-up. If he can't beat out Wilson for the job with a new staff he will be done as a starter in the NFL. I am hoping he can be a bit of a terror on blitz packages and around the line of scrimmage. With Byrd and the quite frankly outstanding group of corners the Bills have there should be plenty of opportunity for the SS to be in the action around the line os scrimmage and in the backfield.


    As an aside, I have given Marv a ton of crap for his performance as GM. Wouldn't it be odd/sad if the players he drafted blossomed under a new coach especially an old southern boy instead of his Ivy league bust HC choice.

    I have said it again and again...the 3-4 will make Donte Whitner a STUD Strong Safety in this league. If Ed Reed and Bob Sanders remain hurt, and Polamalu struggles...Whitner MIGHT find himself in the Pro-Bowl.


    I would also bet that Marshawn Lynch proves all his haters wrong too. Same as Maybin...and I have said this ALL before. This year will be a big year for those 3, who many of the fans love to hate...Watch out for those 3.

  11. There's no way we're going into the season with 2 QBs, one who has never done anything in the NFL & a 3rd QB on the practice squad. Obviously the OP has a strong anti-Fitzpatrick bias that has tainted any logical conclusion as to the QBs we will keep.

    Fitzpatrick is a virtual lock to make the team. Gailey is not going into the season without a veteran backup as the 2nd stringer, especially with Edwards' injury history. The scenario as posted would put Brohm as #1 & Levi Brown elevated from the PS as #2 if Edwards went down. That's ridiculous. Gailey would never put himself in the position of the totally unproven Brohm being backed up by the 7th round rookie. He has to be aware that Edwards is odds on to get injured at some point.

    More logical scenarios:

    Edwards, Fitzpatrick, Brohm or Brown with Brown on the PS if it's Brohm & Brohm in the UFL if it's Brown.

    Say Edwards gets hurt in preseason: Then it would be Fitzpatrick or Brohm with the loser as #2, Brown #3.

    I cannot think of 1 scenario that doesn't have Fitzpatrick 1 or 2, unless he gets a serious injury in preseason.


    Sorry, but anyone who thinks Fitzpatrick is gone who doesn't plan on him being replaced with a veteran backup doesn't understand how NFL rosters are put together. You have your starter. If he's fully entrenched and has shown durability, then you can go with one backup, who can be an unproven guy. Otherwise you have 2 backups. In an unsettled situation as the Bills have, you always keep 3 QBs. One of them, either the starter or #2 is a veteran. If Fitzpatrick goes, a QB with NFL starting experience, like Thigpen will replace him. Odds: slim & none that Fitzpatrick isn't there on opening day.

    I think that Gailey keeps 3...Edwards, Brohm and Fitzpatrick...going in THAT order.


    The Dolphins went with Pennington and Henne, when Henne was a Rookie. Brian Brohm was rated higher than Chad Henne...and that worked out pretty well for them. Pennington is just as injury, if not more, than Edwards. I believe that our Offense with be innovative like the Wildcat was, and at some points, it wont matter who are QB is.



    I think Gailey would be fine going with just Edwards and Brohm, with Levi Brown on the P.S.

  12. Hope I spelled that right....but the DE we drafted looks like an absolute stud on tape and did well against other competition in colllege when he got the opportunity......


    Looking for big things from this kid



    » Third-round defensive end Alex Carrington is the perfect five-technique player with long arms. According to one Bills coach, he should find his way into the rotation before long.



    Not much...but the coaches think highly of him already.

  13. the undrafted free agents we picked up seem to be impressive, from what Im reading about training camp.

    Of course it's still very early, so who knows how they really pan out. For what it's worth, here's a list of them w/ potential:


    J Bell RB

    D Nelson WR

    N Roosevelt WR

    C Howard OT

    S Allen C

    A Coleman OLB


    Thoughts? hope I didnt forget anyone.

    I think Nelson and Coleman will become very solid players...Bell will lose in a numbers game, so will Roosevelt...and both lineman have the potential to be solid backups.

  14. I just dont understand something...where does the optimism come from with Trent Edwards? Seriously, I cant find a single thing he has done since high school to have the kind of "potential" label and optimism placed on him like it does on this board. I mean even comparison threads to playes elite QBs like Brees come up for him, but his college career was bad and so is his NFL career...


    So I decided to dig a little bit to see what I was missing. Turns out it just got worse...here are some overlooked facts about Trent...seriously, read these as they are not very encouraging to say the least...


    Only had more TD's than INTs just ONCE in college (17-7)

    Only had more TD's than INTS's just ONCE in NFL (11-10)

    Only had more than 11 TD's in a season ONCE since HIGH SCHOOL

    Only had a 300 yard game ONCE since HIGH SCHOOL

    Has ZERO winning seasons since HIGH SCHOOL

    Has ZERO .500 seasons since High School

    Has thrown for more than 1 TD only 15 times since HIGH SCHOOL (6 of those were in 1 season at Stanford)

    Has alomost the same number of games with more than 1 turnover (14 times) in that same span

    Has ZERO seasons without injury since High School

    Stanford won just 1 game his last year, and it a game he did NOT play in due to injury.


    Serous question...where on Earth does the "potential" come from? Why does this guy who was not good in college or the NFL get so many excuses made for him and then players like Lee Evans who were studs in college and started off great in the NFL (until he started catching passes from Trent) get slammed for not catching more imginary passes that dont get thrown to him by this inept QB?


    Is it the Bill Walsh endorsement? I mean Walsh is the same guy who said Jim Drunkenmiller would be the next great SF QB and that JJ Stokes was going to be the next Rice (even trading up for him)...I mean, he had a great eye and was one of the best, but he was wrong plenty of times. Not to mention had been away from football for a while when he endorsed Trent.


    Never have I ever seen someone survive so loooonnnnggg on their high school hype, becaue I cant find anything to warrant it from his college career nor NFL career thus far.



    Edwards has turned longtime-counterfeit Bills into contenders B-):D:lol:

    By Vic Carucci NFL.com


    Bills fans have embraced quarterback Trent Edwards, who has first-place Buffalo out to a 5-1 record.


    ORCHARD PARK, N.Y. -- Trent Edwards' game isn't defined by a particularly great throwing arm or by particularly nimble feet.


    His game is defined by his intelligence -- by his thorough study and understanding of the opponent, by his field vision, and, most of all, by his decision-making. Edwards is all about quickly and accurately reading the coverage and quickly and accurately getting the ball out of his hands and into the hands of a receiver.


    So when he took that hard hit from Cardinals safety Adrian Wilson two weeks ago, when the back of his helmet slammed to the ground and he suffered a scary-looking concussion, the immediate concern inside the Bills' locker room and among Buffalo fans everywhere was that the young quarterback's greatest asset might somehow be compromised.


    With Edwards missing for most of the game and J.P. Losman making repeated mistakes in his place, the Bills were overwhelmed by the Cardinals, 41-17. Losman wasn't the sole reason for the debacle, but the outcome did provide a vivid picture of just how bad things could be for the Bills without the man who had helped guide them to a surprising 4-0 start.


    By comparison, Sunday's 23-14 victory over the Chargers -- a bizarre game delayed by nearly 15 minutes because of a power outage caused by party balloons becoming entangled in power lines just outside of Ralph Wilson Stadium -- was an indication of just how far the Bills can go with Edwards at the controls.


    Through six games, Edwards has completed 70 percent of his passes, including 83 percent on Sunday.


    Trent Edwards in 2008

    Opp. Gm Com.-Att. Yards TD-INT Result

    SEA 1 19-30 215 1-0 W 34-10

    at JAX 2 20-25 239 1-0 W 20-16

    OAK 3 24-39 279 1-1 W 24-23

    at STL 4 15-25 197 1-1 W 31-14

    at ARI 5 3-3 18 0-0 L 41-17

    S.D. 6 25-30 261 1-0 W 23-14


    If the widely held view that the 3-4 Chargers are/were an elite team without an elite record was accurate, then the 5-1 Bills legitimately belong in that elite category as well. And the main reason is Edwards, who was the biggest difference-maker against San Diego by completing 25 of 30 passes for 261 yards and a touchdown and no interceptions.


    Break out the party balloons!


    It was a typical Edwards game -- smart, efficient, effective -- and it proved to be extraordinary as his completion percentage of 83.33 broke Jim Kelly's franchise record of 82.16. He didn't let anything bother him. Not the first concussion of his 24 years on the planet, which caused him to miss the first of the Bills' two weeks of practice during their bye. Not the stadium's intermittent loss of power, which directly resulted in his being flagged for a delay-of-game penalty because the play clock wasn't working (San Diego's Philip Rivers also got the same penalty). Not the fact his starting center, Melvin Fowler, was sidelined with an injury.


    "That was really impressive, wasn't it?" Bills coach Dick Jauron said of Edwards, sounding as if he was sharing an observation while watching the game with a bunch of friends. "The guy is just a good football player -- a very, very good football player."


    Chargers strong safety Clinton Hart was extremely impressed by his first close-up view of the second-year quarterback. Like other San Diego defenders, he felt a combination of frustration and helplessness as Edwards completed 14 of his first 15 throws and went 19-for-21 through the first half.


    "He's precise, he's on point," Hart said. "He managed the ball well. He did a good job of getting the ball to the receivers. My hat's off to him."


    "I thought Trent Edwards went out there and played a great game," Chargers defensive tackle Luis Castillo said. "He got rid of the ball fast at times and made it hard for us to get to him."


    That was the story of the game and could very well prove to be the story of what is looking more and more like a Bills run to the postseason. Generally speaking, Edwards is tough to sack. The Chargers, who entered the game with 14 sacks, never got him to the ground with the ball. He has only been dumped 11 times in six games, and for the most part doesn't take a lot of hits in the pocket.


    With Edwards upright, the Bills can take full advantage of one of the league's best receivers, Lee Evans, who finished Sunday's game with eight receptions and a touchdown. They also can utilize a pair of solid pass-catching running backs, Marshawn Lynch and Fred Jackson, and get maximum production from journeyman tight end Robert Royal.


    The Arizona blowout notwithstanding, Buffalo also looks to have a playoff-quality defense. The Bills intercepted Rivers once and forced him to fumble twice.


    When it comes to special teams, the Bills remain the league's gold standard.


    During the offseason, Buffalo safety Donte Whitner guaranteed the Bills would reach the postseason. It was a bold call given the team's eight-year postseason drought.


    On Sunday, Whitner was feeling even more confident about his prediction than he had been after the 4-0 start.


    "I'm not a foolish guy," he said. "I'm not going to guarantee something if I don't believe in it, and if the guys on this team don't believe in it. I made (the guarantee) because of the participation that we had in (offseason workouts) and the knowledge that guys have."


    Especially the guy playing quarterback.


    "He's got a bright future in this league," Hart said of Edwards. "Hopefully, we see him later on."

  15. As I mentioned in another post...


    I have 4 things I think will happen and surprise people this year...


    1. Aaron Maybin fits perfect in the 3-4...racks up double-digit sacks.


    2. C.J. Spiller ends up being the leading receiver.


    3. Marshawn Lynch ends up being the leading rusher.


    4. Brian Brohm wins the starting job, holds it down for 2 years.



    My BOLD STATEMENT for THIS thread will be...


    5. Donte Whitner lives up to his #8 draft status. Maybe even a pro-bowl bid, but I doubt it. However, I think we will finally see him shine and be a solid safety in this league and a leader of this team.

  16. Stroud and Hangartner. Stroud will not make the transition to DE. Plays to stiff and no lateral movement, Carrington shows more promise and youth. Hangartner will be replaced by Wood. Hangartner has been a disappointment, not as good as Fowler on par with Preston just too small and gets man handled, can't stop the rush and gets no movement in the run game.

    I think those guys stay around this year...but I could see them, as well as Kelsay getting cut next year for sure...especially if some of the younger guys have good seasons. I think Maybin will have double-digit sacks, Eric Wood will come back fine and be a dominant Center in this league for years, and Alex Carrington is gonna be a stud.


    Not a chance. Whitner is a good safety. You might hold it against him forever that he was drafted so high, but he is a good player. With a little coaching we might see something very strange...player progression!! I have seen this on TV....players that a team drafts actually get better over time. I am very excited at the prospect.

    I agree. I think Whitner and Byrd will be one of the best tandems in the league. Our secondary will be just as good as the Jets because our Safety position is stronger than theirs.


    according to sirius NFL, hangartner was Buffalo's best OL last year. I don't think he will be cut, he is not great but he is at least average and average isn't horrible. If wood is moved there, who takes over RG, a rookie?


    not part of what was quoted, Kelsey will have a good year as an OLB, he was over-matched as an LE, playing in space he'll be fine. Coming out of Neb, he was considered an Outside LB in the 3-4 or an undersized end. He is every bit as athletic as Jarrett Johnson, he'll be fine.


    Nic Harris will be with this team, no question. In dime packages and in Nickels his ability to cover TEs and deep zone will be very important. I expect Moats to be on the PS. Our ILBs will be Poz, Davis, Mitchell and Harris. OLBs Maybin, Torbor, Kelsey, Battan (special teams is where he will get his start) and Coleman (ST again)


    DE-Stroud, Edwards, carrington, Johnson

    NT-Troup, Williams and Harvey

    CB-McGee, McKelvin, Florance, Corner, and sargeant

    safeties-Whitner, Byrd, wilson, Scott


    QBs-Edwards, Brohm, and Fitz with Brown on PS

    RBs Spiller, Jackson, and Lynch

    FB McIntyre

    TE Stupar, nelson and Klopfenstein

    My starting OL- Jamon Meredith, Andy Levitre, Geoff Hangartner, Eric Wood and Cornell Green, if Bell is Healthy, Bell might start at RT, not a LT, I feel Meredith can be the starter there for the next 10 years if healthy.

    back ups Bell, Calloway, and Gaddis with Wang be on the PS. Sanborn the LS

    WR-Evans, Jackson, Johnson, Parrish, and Easley-Hardy is gone, Naaman Roosevelt on PS

    Lindell and Moorman

    I think that is 52 dressed at this point

    No way Hardy gets cut....and NO WAY Ed Wang goes on the practice squard. They will NOT risk that.

  17. http://www.nfl.com/news/story/09000d5d8191...making-big-jump


    Buffalo Bills:

    I love Bills fans because they're passionate and knowledgeable. In fact, I get more emails from Bills fans than from nearly any other team. They love their team and aren't bitter about the four Super Bowl losses. Still, fans are also realistic and know the Bills are a long way from competing for a return trip to the Super Bowl. Much of this pessimism comes from the fact that the Bills haven't won a playoff game since 1995, and haven't been to the playoffs since 1999. Right now, they're not impressed with quarterback Trent Edwards as the man to lead the team. How could they be? When your offense is the worst in the league in red-zone scoring, plays of more than 10 yards, third-down conversions, and passing first downs made, it's not an offense that can score points quickly. The Bills were also the worst team inside their opponents' 5-yard line, scoring just four times after having 13 chances. With all the problems on offense, the defense didn't fare much better. The unit couldn't stop the run, giving up more than 156 yards per game. Switching to the 3-4 scheme won't cure this problem. It will be a cold winter in Buffalo for Bills fans, unless I'm missing a reason to believe.




    REALLY??? We as fans are not bitter about LOSING 4 (FOUR) SUPER BOWLS????? :thumbsup:

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