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Everything posted by UpstateSwagger

  1. Here's the thing that is overlooked about Harvey. If you really want to see what this kid is all about you have to look at the last TWO years of video. While yes, many of Harvey's sacks came from pressure developed by Jermaine Cunningham, the year before Harvey was that #49 chasing sacks towards last years first-rounder Jarvis Moss. The Florida team last year had no good defensive lineman outside of Harvey -- that was the weakness of the team last year. Harvey got hammered with double teams almost every single down as a result. IF you look at the video of him in 2006 you'll be very impressed.
  2. Much, much more. That is just a stupid thing to say. What season of football did you watch buddy? Now I think Trent did alot to be excited about, but give me a break, he didn't do "much, much" better than anyone in the league. The guy seems to be poised and have a good head on his shoulders but he certainly has his downside -- mainly that he throws too many picks -- at bad times -- and he has major durability concerns. These aren't trends from last year either; look at his college stats at Stanford. It's ignorant comments like the one you made that really fuel these silly arguments on the boards. May the best captain man the helm!!
  3. Couldn't agree more. Anyone who thinks that QB competition in our situation is a bad thing is just not being objective. Now I agree completely that if there is a solitified starter we don't have this discussion; I mean Tom Brady and Peyton Manning don't need to be told they have to beat out Matt Cassel or whoever may be occupying the two spot. We do not have that though. If you really believe that Trent won the starter job last year than you truly have sad expectations. Trent did what he did in college, like it or not. He threw a lot of picks and got hurt. Now I'm not saying that he didn't do some things that were impressive for a rookie; he did. But c'mon, you people who accuse JP "apologists" of being so incredibly rediculous need to look in the mirror from time to time.
  4. I've said it many times before; I will be absolutely sick to my stomach if we draft Devin Thomas at 11; I mean I will get physically sick. I'm not sure how many of you out there actually watched this guy play last year, but I did. Hands like frying pans. He also isn't nearly as physical as some of these scouting reports would lead you to believe. He, more than any other player, makes me wonder how many of these "scouts" actually study game film. Seriously, drafting Devin Thomas with 11 will be a disaster. It may be a different story if we move back, but we can get guys in later rounds every bit as valuable as this kid.
  5. I mean in all seriousness, I don't think our WRs are as bad off as some have made them out to be. Let's look at the "facts": Last year we had a revolving door at the QB position and neither of our slingers showed any semblance of consistent play. It was frankly hard to watch most of the season. We had quite possibly the worst OC of all time. There are Pop Warner teams out there that are running better plays with more savvy signal calling than we had last year. CSU may never break into the double-digits in the Steve "Sultan of Sorriness" Fairchild's tenure. Now I'll admit we have height issues at wideout, but do we really need to freak out to the tune of an 11 spot pick? I don't think we do. There is going to be good value at that pick; value at positions we could use a little help in. Now I'm not saying we don't need some backup red-zone wise, but reaching at 11 -- especially for a guy who is going to need babysitting like Devin Thomas -- is not the answer. There are receivers to be had later that can impact just as much as whoever we take at 11. I like guys like Earl Benett and Marcus Monk in rounds 4 or later.
  6. 1. D. Harvey, DE Florida Best rush-end in the draft. Freakish size/speed/length combo. Immediately impacts pass rushing. Another 10 pounds and he's a complete DE with good run stopping capabilities. 2. F. Davis, TE USC Becomes an immediate imapct player in this offense over the middle. Also becomes maybe our best red-zone threat. 3. R. Smith, CB OU Hard nosed kid who is a good fit for our defensive scheme. Could play safety or corner. 4a. E. Bennett, WR Vandy One of those "always seems open" players. Put up incredible numbers on mediocre teams at Vandy while playing against the nations most athletic defenses. Could be a super-star. Don't believe me check out his numbers and videos. 4b. M. Monk, WR Arkansas Would have crushed the SEC career TD catches if he hadn't been hurt last year. The shocking thing is that he put up those numbers in the run-happy Arkansas offense with McFadden and Jones getting an egregious amount of carries. Instant red-zone threat.
  7. I would be very dissapointed -- and exhausted -- with this draft.
  8. Besides those "Greatest Show on Turf" Rams. I can't think of many other teams that have been successful with two #1, feature type WRs. Thats because it doesn't work very well. You need role players. Just like the Pats this year. A WR who can stretch the field, a slot "always open" grinder and a few burners. A WR at 11 isn't going to improve this team immediately a rush end or CB could do that. See if Kelly or Hardy drops to us in the 2nd, if not, no need to panic take a Jordy Nelson or wait even longer for another big target. I know that sounds crazy but if we are as hard up for a big, difference making WR as some of you make it sound, we need to trade for one. Wideouts almost never step in and contribute. Some do. I think a guy named Colston did it pretty recently... Oh yeah, they drafted him in like the 15th round. BTW, Harvey is certainly not the third-best end in the draft. He is widely regarded as the best pure-pass rusher in this years class.
  9. His upside could be very high I agree but I think Sweed has just as much or even more because of his size, work ethic etc.. If you really want to have a discussion of who has the most UPSIDE in this draft than the conversation, for me, starts and stops at James Hardy. Off-the-field incidents aside he is physically the most gifted out of this crop of receivers, and probably almost any other crop as well. Look at the kids intangibles; unreal. He has incredible coordination and leaping abilities; look at the kid's potential even basketball wise; he was a contributor at Indiana.
  10. I think that a realistic expectation for Trent next year is 3,000 yards, 20TDs and 18 INTs. Let's not get ahead of ourselves Trent throws alot of picks -- and that's not based on last year. Look at the kid's college career. Now I'm on board with Trent as the right QB for us now, but that doesn't mean we need to turn him into something he's not at this point. Anyone who is saying anything in the ball-park of 32+ TDs and 12 or fewer picks is either ignorant or completely dilusional. All that being said, those are projections based on Trent remaining healthy for the entire season -- something his college career and this past season would indicate is difficult for him to do.
  11. What are you trying to say? Am I to believe I'm literally the only one of us that has been physically on top of these two large men in a homosexual way?? Get outta' here!! I was born at night... but not last night.
  12. I too would like to see us move back up into the first -- but I'm not convinced that it's necessary. I think if we stay put we have a very good chance of getting a top-tier wideout. This year's wideout class does not boast a marquee super-prospect but it is extremely deep. Guys like Jordy Nelson, Marcus Monk and Earl Bennett are going to be there later. I have watched all three of those players and think that they could impact as much as the "top prospects" in this draft. I'm not so sure this team's WR position is as dire as it is made out to be.
  13. I am no facist and would never want to stifle discussion. That's what I'm doing... discussing. Feel free to talk about any prospect you want. I am simply of the opinion that certain prospects -- and Bills players for that matter -- for whatever reason get the ball rolling behind them on these boards and things get pretty fantastical among the trolls.
  14. I've been browsing the boards for the last few months eagerly soaking in any Bills draft knowledge I can. During that time I've noticed some trends that have driven me up the wall. Two of the biggest issues of these -- and believe me, there are plenty -- is the recent love of Devin Thomas and Keith Rivers. Devin Thomas is throwing up all the "I could be a total bum" red-flags that he can, but because a few of the talking heads are high on him, no one seems to notice or care. For starters, the guy caught 6 passes for 90 yards as a sophomore at Michigan State. Yes... six catches. As a junior he did step his game up and hauled in 79, a number that is quite deceptive. As a moderate follower of MSU football let me tell you, when the experts say he has had problems holding onto the ball they are making a gross, gross understatement. The guy has a couple of old frying pans for hands. Devin Thomas also does not fit the big, red-zone threat receiver that we've all been clamoring for since Fairchild took his sorry ass gig to Colorado State. He's only 6'2" and registered a very pedestrian 28" vert at the combine. We need a long receiver who can go up and get the ball; Devin Thomas is not that guy. I would much rather see us go Limas Sweed at 11. He is a producer, period. That is if we really have to go WR. He is the long-armed answer to our munchkin troupe of receivers. Devin Thomas is two years away from being a producer. And don't give me that "he has return potential" crap. We've got all the returners we need. I honestly don't see why Devin Thomas is any more coveted than an Andre Caldwell type guy. Caldwell only gives Thomas an inch and about 10 pounds but he has been a consistent producer at a big time program, has a similar 40 time and a better vert. Oh yeah, he can also be had in the late second or early third. I think Thomas' decision to leave school early could also be indicative of the kind of guy he is. Being a guy who obviously could have benefited from an extra year of learning how to be an effective receiver, why did he come out after one pretty good year? There's no way he could have predicted Malcolm Kelly would make such an ass of himself and he should still be rated as about the fourth wideout on the board. The guy ran up big stats in meaningless games for the most part and needed another year of being the guy in my opinion. He should have stayed in college and I don't want this guy being babysat for the next two seasons on the Bills #11 dime. As far as Keith Rivers goes, he has been dubbed "the man" in this years weak LB class. Any comparison between Rivers and Patrick Willis is a flagrant insult to Patrick Willis. Now granted, Keith Rivers was a very serviceable player on some really good USC defenses. He put up pretty good numbers in his career and put up pretty good numbers in his workouts. These are all very indicative of what Keith Rivers is... pretty good. He isn't super athletic or super physical he is a good tackler but not great. I think that Jerod Mayo will turn out to be a better pro than Rivers. He is clearly a more physical player when it comes to shedding blocks and finishing at the point of impact and he is a more athletic predatory type of player to begin with. Honestly, I would like to see the Bills make a move on Harvey the DE from Florida. At 270 and with the explosiveness he is capable of, I think he is an instant upgrade as far as edge rusher goes. If not him than Sweed or Hardy would provide us with the size and instant production we are so desperately in need of. I also wouldn't be upset with DRC or McKelvin if they're there. I'm sick of the blow-hards who say that a talented, super-athletic corner is not worth it in our Cover 2 defense. That is asinine, give it up. We haven't been the same since Nate left we could use a stud at corner
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