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Everything posted by UpstateSwagger

  1. I'm only bringing this up because I don't think I've really seen it discussed on here. It seems to me that Kawica has the size and ability to potentially kick out to OLB. Yeah, he may be an inch or two shorter than an ideal 3-4 OLB, but at 6'1" 250+, I think that it is well within reason that he would at least be looked at outside if he gets bumped as an inside starter. If we sign Andra' Davis, Mitchell could be the one lining up opposite Maybin or Schobel. From what I can remember of the Giants Super Bowl run, Mitchell was often used as a blitzer in their scheme. Obviously, that has little bearing on how he would perform as a 3-4 OLB, but at a certain point, getting after the ball is getting after the ball. Thoughts?
  2. The Spikes connection would be nice. I heard in an interview that this Spikes wheres #51 to honor his favorite NFL linebacker, Dick Butkus.
  3. As we move towards our first draft with Buddy Nix at the helm, I think we could see a fundamental difference in drafting -- both in strategy and geography. Buddy Nix knows the south. It's what he's typically scouted, and it's been good to him. I for one am ecstatic that we could be looking towards the SE for more picks. I've always thought the notion of selecting northern players to compete in Buffalo's adverse winter weather was a bit overrated. I think we have to shift our focus to southern schools and players now more than ever. Here are a few picks that I could see happening. 1. Dan Williams - The more I read and think about it, the more I think we could end up with the Tennessee NT/3-Technique with our first pick. From everything I've read and heard, the guy has been a steady riser up draft boards; apparently he wreaked havoc on tape. Now, I still like OT at this spot, but if Okung and whomever else the brass likes at T is gone, I could definitely see this pick coming to fruition. 2. Dexter McCluster - I know some will flame away for even implying this, but if we end up parting ways with Roscoe and McCluster falls to the second, I could see this pick at that point. Before the combine, I thought the kid would end up going towards the end of the 1st, but because he ran in the 4.5s, I could see him slipping a bit. Although he only weighs 172 lbs., McCluster ripped off 20 reps of 225 at the combine. His versatility and play-making ability make him a very unique prospect, and I could see him in the slot, outside, Wildcat and even as a 3rd down RB in the NFL. Everyone tries to knock his durability, but Ole Miss ran him as a traditional RB a lot of the time and he was a able to withstand an SEC beating quite well. 3. Brandon Spikes - Talk about a fall from grace. I remember last year some experts had him as a first-round prospect and now I've seen him fall to the 3rd in some projections. I can't quite understand why. Spikes has great size, he lead one of the nation's best defenses for three years and consistently made timely picks, sacks and monstrous hits. On top of that, the guy is an intimidator with a mean streak. Anyone remember the hit he had on Knowshawn Moreno on the first play of the UF - UGA two years ago? The knock is that he doesn't have elite speed, but in this defense, he doesn't necessarily need it. The guy is a thumper, and if we could get him, I would love to see him lined up next to Poz in our new defense.
  4. I have a hard time understanding how Tebow did Meyer a huge favor. Would Tebow have gone through the same process last year and ended up a higher pick in a much better QB class? I would say no way.
  5. I understand that Florio and his boys at profootballtalk.com mostly just regurgitate news from other sites. That being said, I still love their format and find it to be the easiest way to quickly immerse myself in each day's NFL news. Florio is often annoying, and he certainly has the look and sound of a pretentious little punk, but I often enjoy his insight and look forward to Bills-related posts. However, this morning Florio took it a little too far. I know they aren't real journalists over there, but the lack of professionalism by Mr. Florio in regards to Tim Tebow is appalling. Florio even goes as far as to bash Urban Meyer, the UF program and even takes a moment to ballwash Alabama and St. Nicholas Saban. Like Saban has been a QB-developing savant -- JaWalrus Russell, John Parker Wilson and the pass on Drew Brees? I can understand the criticisms of UFs offense to a certain extent (although they did produce two of the most prolific rookie wideouts this past year -- Percy Harvin and Louis Murphy) and I can even understand the backlash against Tebow's faith, decency and unscathed image, but why someone like Florio would so openly and shamelessly have an agenda against a 22-year-old kid and a particular college football program is beyond me. I encourage anyone who hasn't read this brief article to do so; it's pretty shocking. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2010/...oved-tim-tebow/
  6. I don't want Tebow at #9. I'll say it again: I could see it happening, and I presented why I think it could. But while we're on the subject, when will you Locker-holics shut it down? He's not even in the draft, and if he were, he would be drafted on pure speculation and potential because he hasn't done anything but lead a losing team in college. Gee whiz -- that sounds a heck of a lot like another west coast QB we've had starting on and off for a few years.
  7. I'm not saying I think that is the right move for this team. I'm merely pointing out that I believe the tide is slowly turning on this kid, and if there is a team besides the Jags that would reach on Tebow, I feel that it is the Bills.
  8. The closer we get to the combine and draft, the more I sense momentum building amongst league personnel guys behind one Tim Tebow. I'm not even sure how this could be happening at this phase in the game because he hasn't done anything but train privately since the end of the season, so what gives? I believe what's going on is that people have had time to step back and really digest his college career, which in turn is causing them to see the sum of his parts (leadership, maturity, unique physical tools, production, etc.) instead of regurgitating Brian Billick's arm-slot, slow-motion breakdown from the Sugar Bowl. A strong Senior Bowl week, dozens of impressive one-on-one interviews, and the insane combine numbers this guy is inevitably going to put up will absolutely rocket the kid up some draft boards. Maybe not everyone's, but all it takes is one. Now, let's focus on the Bills current situation: We've got an ancient, set-in-his-ways, old school owner. An ancient, good ol' boy GM, who as a scout, valued QBs with over-the-top competitive drives (Brees, Rivers) and was willing to think outside the box and draft players who didn't fit the "prototypical NFL QB" (Brees because of his height and even Rivers to a certain extent because he had a bit of an unorthodox release point coming out of college). When you throw in our good ol' boy, southern HC who believes supremely in his ability to develop QB talent, I think we are looking at a recipe for Tebow to the Bills. Also, if you've watched ESPN today, I'm sure you've seen the numerous "Tebow updates." And that's just been for the Senior Bowl weigh-ins! He will obviously be a marketing department's dream no matter where he goes, but I think he would be particularly effective in a blue-collar region such as Western NY. Just a hunch and my two cents.
  9. TO tweeted this at about midnight: "Sometimes things must come 2 an end, u hv 2 move on & accept wht life has 2 offer. So looking 4wd to 2010." Can't say I really blame him. This team has no direction. I do think it's time, however, to get Hardy and Johnson some reps.
  10. Overstate much? "Rabid" to no more NFL? Me thinks you take your fandom a little too seriously. I love you I'll-quit-watching-the-NFL-if-we-sign-Vick guys... How can you empower someone you despise so much?
  11. Anyone rational would be ecstatic with a shot at one of those three. I love all-of-a-sudden-extremely-picky-Bills-guy. Who is like, "No, I don't want Shanahan. Never had good defenses," or, "I'll pass on Dungy. He was over-valued." Give me a break.
  12. I would certainly have to disagree with you. He took one of the biggest embarrassments of a pro sports franchise in Tampa and built a Super-Bowl-caliber team. Then, he turned around and built that Colts team around Peyton Manning.
  13. I didn't see anything about this on the boards, and I feel it certainly deserves a thread. I was just watching ESPNews, and during their "Hot Rumor" segment, they were talking about Dungy possibly beng interested in the Buffalo vacancy. Apparently, the rumor stems from a radio interview he did earlier today where he would not confirm or deny that he was interested in the Bills head job. It sounds far fetched at first pass, but if you look at his previous two jobs, they would certainly be regarded as rebuilding projects. He is, by all accounts, a very humble family-man, and his values and appreciation of a strong community atmosphere may fit perfectly with the region. Sorry for a lack of link. As I said, it was on TV.
  14. How do you give you thoughts about the game without mentioning the worst starting QB in football? He was given time to throw today, so I don't want to hear that. He is embarrassing.
  15. It is my understanding, and please, if someone knows, correct me, that the Eagles have the option on him for that second year. It is also my understanding that if they exercise that option they will pay him in excess of $5 million for next year. I think it's pretty clear that they would cut him before paying that amount for a player who doesn't fit their long-term plans.
  16. I don't know how anyone can even draft Jevan Snead given what he has deteriorated to this year. He has been just awful. I can, however, agree with you on The Fever. Although, I would still prefer Malett out of the second-tier QBs. As far as Aaron Hernandez, I could see him sky-rocketing up the boards. Not only is he a big time gamer, but he is also a workout warrior, which we all know front office guys love. I'm a UF grad, and Hernandez actually runs a faster 40 than Cornelius Ingram ever has. He will be a second-rounder at worst, IMO. He will be the second TE to go.
  17. I think we can all say that, at best, this season will end up mired in mediocrity, but alas, hope springs eternal in the NFL, where well-led, quick turnarounds are possible. First things first, DJ will be gone unless he finds a way to win out or go 7-1, and that isn't happening. What also isn't happening is Cowher, Homgrem or Shanahan parking it in western NY for another Super Bowl run. I think realistically we end up with Billick, Chucky or maybe even a John Fox type if they decide to part ways in Carolina. I like all those choices and would also be pleased with a young, up-an-coming assistant ala Russ Grimm. Next, where there's smoke, there's fire. I say we sign Vick for cheap in the off season; we'll get him reduced price by guaranteeing him a starting spot. At what point he was a winner (and that's way more I can say for any current Bill QB). Vick can make us competent with a new coach and give us a couple years to find a legit, franchise QB. He'll be well adjusted to game speed and a quality offense given his year with the Eagles. On to the draft: we use our first-rounder on Gerald McCoy or (please God) Nebraska's Suh. This will provide an anchor on defense for years to come, and in the short-term a massive duo with Stroud. With our second pick, we take Ryan Mallet, our quarterback of the future. We cut ties with both Trentative and Fitzy -- Capt. Checkdown because no coach is washing that stench off and Fitzy because, well, he's just not very good. We start fresh with only The Chroise as a holdout from the previous regime's disaster because, well, he's just awesome. With the rest of the draft we alternate between O-Line and LB until it's all over. We have a solid base if the proper staff can develop all this talented youth. Demetrious Bell will get stronger and benefit from this trial-by-fire starting experiment, as will Meredith, Levitre and Wood. Maybin will pack on weight and hopefully enter next fall as an appropriately-sized pass-rushing specialist. The foundation of the secondary and receiving corps are already there. Vick guides us through the transition under an actual Offensive coach and scheme while we groom Mallet for a few years down the line. Bingo! We're relevant again.
  18. Are you kidding me? Who the hell is our "best shutdown linebacker" that teams are just terrified of running the ball at? Is it Paul "The Eraser" Posluszny or Chris "The Street Hammer" Draft? That is a really reached on analogy.
  19. I agree it's somewhat overlooked, but I think they only have themselves to blame. We were all so used to seeing stellar special team play that the fall off early this year was incredibly disappointing. Hopefully, Bobby April has gotten that under control. I doubt it's a coincidence that the turnaround aligns itself with Roscoe's benching. Maybe the message has been sent: if you don't do your job, you won't have your job.
  20. Somehow, I posted this twice. Is there a way to delete one myself, or does a mod have to do it?
  21. Well, I thoroughly enjoy reading the bulleted observations that some of you post after the games. It's nice to get a glimpse of how someone else viewed the Bills performance, and, even if I don't always agree with the points being made, I still always enjoy reading posts of that style. So I will throw my hat into the ring and try to do my own version each Monday after a game. Let's go! -His hands can be seriously questioned but his speed cannot -- T.O. can still consistently run by corners, and I think we have witnessed this on a nearly weekly basis. Now, I won't claim we have a high probability of completing said attempts, given his giant frying pans and our QBs questionable accuracy, but I still see an elite burst from Owens and am not sure exactly what anyone is watching who claims he has been reduced to a possession receiver only. -Fitz, at this point, gives this team a better chance to win than Trent -- and I'm not sure how this could be logically argued otherwise. He moves better in the pocket, sees the middle of the field and is capable of taking a simple drop and releasing the ball when it needs to be. Those reasons alone are plenty for me. -My theory on the O-Line: I think we are going to continue to improve each week, and I'm holding out hope that this incredibly-young unit could still be the long-term future as it exists now. I think the reason we struggle with run blocking but are adequate in pass protect is simple. A young line means less time in a professional strength and conditioning program, which equates to less developed bodies. We aren't seeing the explosion in run blocking because they simply have not developed the raw strength it takes to get a consistent and explosive push. I think the talent is there, and, if they can stay intact everything else will come together. -Jairus Byrd is fantastic. It's nice to have a first-day draft pick completely live up to and exceed the hyoe in the exact areas he was expected to provide help. -Somehow, we have managed to develop a bit of a nasty streak on 4th and short. I have no idea why, as it completely defies all logic in regards to our defensive unit. -Moorman and the coverage teams easily had their finest day. Maybe this is a sign that there's some cohesion on our special teams. Ahem, sorry Mr. Parrish, you are in fact done here. -Poz is active, but he really does not provide any pop in the middle. I am increasingly underwhelmed with his athleticism and raw, play making ability. -Once again, guys, it wasn't pretty, but Tricky Dick has inexplicably been able to make these guys compete. And, if we can get into the BYE at 4-4, with all our remaining divisional match-ups at home or in Rodgers, look out. This could be exciting. Good day, and Go Bills! We're not circling yet, but we're starting to cluster.
  22. Well, I thoroughly enjoy reading the bulleted observations that some of you post after the games. It's nice to get a glimpse of how someone else viewed the Bills performance, and, even if I don't always agree with the points being made, I still always enjoy reading posts of that style. So I will throw my hat into the ring and try to do my own version each Monday after a game. Let's go! -His hands can be seriously questioned but his speed cannot -- T.O. can still consistently run by corners, and I think we have witnessed this on a nearly weekly basis. Now, I won't claim we have a high probability of completing said attempts, given his giant frying pans and our QBs questionable accuracy, but I still see an elite burst from Owens and am not sure exactly what anyone is watching who claims he has been reduced to a possession receiver only. -Fitz, at this point, gives this team a better chance to win than Trent -- and I'm not sure how this could be logically argued otherwise. He moves better in the pocket, sees the middle of the field and is capable of taking a simple drop and releasing the ball when it needs to be. Those reasons alone are plenty for me. -My theory on the O-Line: I think we are going to continue to improve each week, and I'm holding out hope that this incredibly-young unit could still be the long-term future as it exists now. I think the reason we struggle with run blocking but are adequate in pass protect is simple. A young line means less time in a professional strength and conditioning program, which equates to less developed bodies. We aren't seeing the explosion in run blocking because they simply have not developed the raw strength it takes to get a consistent and explosive push. I think the talent is there, and, if they can stay intact everything else will come together. -Jairus Byrd is fantastic. It's nice to have a first-day draft pick completely live up to and exceed the hyoe in the exact areas he was expected to provide help. -Somehow, we have managed to develop a bit of a nasty streak on 4th and short. I have no idea why, as it completely defies all logic in regards to our defensive unit. -Moorman and the coverage teams easily had their finest day. Maybe this is a sign that there's some cohesion on our special teams. Ahem, sorry Mr. Parrish, you are in fact done here. -Poz is active, but he really does not provide any pop in the middle. I am increasingly underwhelmed with his athleticism and raw, play making ability. -Once again, guys, it wasn't pretty, but Tricky Dick has inexplicably been able to make these guys compete. And, if we can get into the BYE at 4-4, with all our remaining divisional match-ups at home or in Rodgers, look out. This could be exciting. Good day, and Go Bills! We're not circling yet, but we're starting to cluster.
  23. Not the question, compadre. Clearly, as stated in the thread title, which do you prefer... Both is not a preference. If, in the future, you do not have an opinion, then just restrain from comment.
  24. I am personally loving the 4 pm start times. Although, I was sure I wouldn't like them so regularly. For me, I get a chance to get things done beforehand, and am able to fully commit myself to drinking heavily for the game given the fact I won't have to mull around half drunk for the rest of the day. With the late start, the drinking and commiserating can almost be justifiably parlayed into an all-night affair. Thoughts?
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