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Everything posted by BLZFAN4LIFE

  1. Anyone who knows the NFL would have to put Buffalo in the top 5 home crowds. As a football fan of about 30 years, I would say that year in, year out, (regardless of record) K.C., Green Bay, and Oakland are tough places to play. Pittsburgh gets an honorable mention. But the 12th man at The Ralph is as good as it gets anywhere. Anyone who doesn't think so has never experienced the electricity that is generated by 74,000 rabid Bills fans as their team emerges from the tunnel on game day. There's a reason the "12th man" is on the wall of fame. The home crowd at Orchard Park can will a team to victory. Hopefully this year we will field a team worthy of it's fan base's loyal support.
  2. I got a good laugh when I read the caption under beerball's avatar. S.D. -- The Jim Rockford avatar was too short-lived. I say ditch the monkey suit and bring back Rockford!
  3. Of course Aussie's root for the underdogs. Afterall, they come from the land down .
  4. Dickie really must have lit a fire under the D!!!!
  6. I'll check it out. I don't want to have to wait until Saturday to see the replay on NFL Network.
  7. Finding the talent is the first step and developing the talent is the second step. How a coaching staff teaches, trains, and motivates a player goes a long way.
  8. That was almost funny. Actually, I was wondering the same thing.
  9. Haven't you heard that you're not allowed to make any judgements on this team after 1 preseason game. I think it's State Law. Any problems that are perceived will magically disappear on opening day.
  10. Saw it last night-- Tres Magnifique! Definitely one of the all time great US Olympic moments!
  11. Reach for Whitner @ 8, passing up Ngata, only to trade up for McCargo.
  12. good one. I wonder if the phrase "wake up call" will be thrown around tomorrow.
  13. So you show LeBron walking into McDonalds to buy a Coke while wearing his Nike Zoom's. 3 products in a 30 second add...Brilliant!!!
  14. I agree with you completely. Marv had it right with "run and stop the run". Until this team finds a way to stop the run and get off of the field after 3 downs, we'll go nowhere. Hopefully Stroud and McCargo can become the run stuffers we need.
  15. I don't know if you were referring to my post or not. But I'm basing my opinion of TE's performance on last season, this training camp, AND last night's performance. I am all for TE but I am concerned that he's not improving his performance (see final 3 games last year). He's got to improve in the red zone and end drives with TD's.
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