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Everything posted by Crows57

  1. Vinny used to play for Parcells. Bledsoe used to play for Parcells. Parcells acquired Vinny Therefore Parcells will acquire Bledsoe? Please. This is complete spectulation.
  2. Thomas is an easy HOF player. I think Reed is borderline. He accumulated stats receptions because he played so long, but he never was considered one of the best WRs. Looking at his stats, he only went over 1000 yards 4 times, and only had over 70 catches in a season 5 times (and 2 of those were 71 reception seasons).
  3. I think the whole 'he could risk his career if he plays' argument is really silly. It's an ankle injury. Even if he plays and hurts himself there's nothing that's going to happen that would hurt his career down the road. And I can't imagine there'd be anything that could happen that would keep him from training camp. Now whether he'd be effective if he played is another story, and none of us can answer that.
  4. I'm always skeptical about how much impact coaches have, but it's good to see the Patriots staff finally being dismantled.
  5. When you talk about an individual stock on a football message board it's a good indication that the stock is overvalued.
  6. Define 'one of the best in the league'. I'm not sure I'd have him in the top 15 WRs anymore.
  7. Moulds had the groin problem that limited him last year. I don't think that Moulds is revitalized because of Evans, he's just healthy this year.
  8. Maybe Dungy will play Jim Sorgi and rest Manning this week, and then when Sorgi lights up the Broncos he'll get to start the playoff game.
  9. I suspect if teams got a chance to draft again now instead of back in April, Fitzgerald and Roy Williams would be the first two, and Evans and Clayton would be the next 2. Their production seems to be higher than most rookie WRs.
  10. I was in the same class as Seth Payne (DT on Houston) in college, although I don't think we ever crossed paths.
  11. Bills ranked 10th despite 28th ranked offense.
  12. I get 6% matched so that's what I do. The most ideal way to maximize your savings is to put all of what your company matches in a 401K (since you are getting a 100% return on that), and then put the maximum amount in a Roth IRA account. The Roth money will be tax free when you withdraw it (although it's aftertax money when it goes in).
  13. And it would have been $0 if he was never given a restructuring this offseason.
  14. The Bills seemed to be pretty effective running to the left today as well.
  15. Watching Harvard players get pelted with fish is a pretty cool experience, and even worth the minor penalty assessed. The funny thing is is that everyone has to sneak the fish in, but when you walk into the rink that's all you could smell so you knew it was coming. Sure enough Harvard comes out for their warmup and out come the fish from Section A&B onto the ice. The tradition ended shortly after Schaeffer took over (or at least when I was there it ended).
  16. Well said. Of course even in his best days decision making was never one of Bledsoe's strengths.
  17. If anyone likes really detailed statistical analysis you should head over to Football Outsiders. There's a lot of great stuff there. It takes a little while to get used to it but it's highly informative. Looking at the Bills rushing Stats by direction: left - 2.88 yards/carry, 21% of attempts middle - 3.40 y/c, 61% right - 4.47 y/c, 17% The 4.47 y/c going right actually leads the league.
  18. I don't know that it's better, but I do know the difference between Price and Jennings will be a lot less than what Price gets paid next year and what Jennings gets paid next year.
  19. Um, no. You don't get unlimited challenges. Why waste one? If the Bills needed a challenge in the 4th quarter but didn't have it because they wasted one on an obvious incompletion everyone would be ripping MM.
  20. I don't have the numbers on it, but it seems like the Bills pass a lot on 2nd down and short situations. On third and 8 or more it's almost always a draw, a screen, or the new play this week - the shuffle pass.
  21. The same thing happened in the Ravens/Redskin game last week. Odd rule, but apparently correct.
  22. There's a Jillians in Manchester that'll show all the games. Jillians - NH
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