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Posts posted by Erik

  1. he can't understand.... he is one of those Yanks fans you have to hate because they are so damn arrogant and think the entire world revolves around the Yanks that the WS should just be awarded to them without having to play a game ----- wow a Yanks fan who insults other teams....... you are my hero :cry:


    I know it...it's one thing for Yanks fans to get all over Sox fans but then you start in on the Tribe and the Jays fans...I don't know, it's sort of pathetic...especially considering who knocked the Yanks out of the playoffs last year ;)

  2. They played amazinggreat last year, in my opinion. Just sucked that they were in the same division as Colts, Titans, Jags. Otherwise they make the playoffs.


    The problem they'll have this year is that they are still in the same division as the Colts, Titans, and Jaguars and we still play in the same division as the Dolphins and the Jets. That helps us immensely. Also considering the fact that we have a good shot at beating the Pats next year in Week 17 unless they are once again 15-1 because in all likelihood they will have everything wrapped up by then and we will hopefully be playing for something.

  3. By the way, Administrative Law Judge Thomas Gagola found Lynch’s behavior on May 31 “constituted a reckless disregard of human life or property”. I love how all the responses are only "just stop". Why isn't anyone coming out and saying that was a great heartfelt, sincere statement? My guess is that most of you were as unconvinced by his statement as I am.


    So we can either be unconvinced as you are or we think that it's a great, heartfelt sincere statement? There's a place called the middle that exists, might want to check it out. It's not that bad.

  4. I'm not sure if it was just rumor, but didn't he text the Head of Security for the Bills shortly after the incident. If so this young lady is going to have a huuuuge payday. They will have him lying to the court. I'm sure the cops already came to his house or his lawyer is an idiot.


    The way I understood it he texted the guy after the cops came and impounded his car.

  5. Seconded.


    Thirded. The fact of the matter is we're all Bills fans for a reason and it isn't because we look up to Marshawn Lynch. The fact of the matter is come September it will be time to play football and I will root for all 53 men who wear the red, white, and blue. I'm hungry for a playoff spot and I'm optimistic because of the way the team has been built. And I'm sure most everyone else on the board feels the same way. Since I wasn't affected one way or the other by the incident I will let everything play out between the parties and I'll just get back to getting ready for some Buffalo Bills football in 2008.

  6. Go away troll! Erik, don't let this idiot sucker you into a pi$$ing match about your education. The intelligent people realize there is some middle ground to both sides of the argument and can have a discussion about it. Based on his name and join date, I'd say your just playing into the hands of someone who's trolling for a few pathetic laughs.


    I know, my bad, from here on in it's all football talk from me on this board.

  7. This article is bogus. The top GM's are on teams who don't make the playoffs on a regular basis.


    Obviously with guys like Levy/Jauron and the Cardinals GM, they have had less time to build a team but less draft picks to bust out, so judging by the percentages that they use in the article they would be ranked higher because they haven't had as many "bust-outs", which every team has. The article is obviously flawed but I think it is a good barometer for those mid level teams and what they've done. Obviously Polian, Belichick/Pioli, AJ Smith, etc will be at the top of everyone's list when it comes down to who the best GM is.

  8. If Fine turns out to be anything like Cooley or Dallas Clark I'll be satisfied.


    Our Tight End position is most intriguing. Royal will be the starter, and it sounds like Schouman is being given an opportunity to show what he can do. I get the feeling that Fine will be playing ST's mostly this season. Courtney Anderson could end up being the odd man out, as Tim Massaquoi could make the team because of ST play.


    My problem is that Fine and Schouman seem like they bring the same things to the table...I know we have Royal to do the other things but how can they possibly work all three into it? I'm sure Schouman will get his chance first while Fine works on the Special Team unit with Fine in the reserves in case Schouman can't get it done in the passing game.

  9. Speaking of stupid... :wallbash:


    What's so stupid about that. Honestly why can't anyone on this board admit that there may be a middle ground to their opinion. Both the DA and police have both said that they was a good chance that Lynch did not know that he hit someone based on the evidence that they have. I'm not saying that he didn't or condoning what he did but I'm just going by what the people in the investigation said but this clown has to insult people by calling them "ultimately stupid" and other derogatory comments. There is really no need... Please tell me what was so stupid about what I said? Is it because you perceive that my opinion differs from yours? Because I didn't even express opinion in my post.

  10. Happened to catch the interview, even though I usually would rather listen to Dr. Laura than the loud-mouth, hack aka Adam Schein. Pretty much softball Q&A session, although they had him on for about 15 minutes or more. Some highlights:


    -Playing alot of golf to pass time, is getting frustrated by how bad he's been playing. Broke two clubs yesterday and says his father-in-law is getting pissed about having to fix each time.

    -Hasn't spent much time in Buffalo in off-season except mandatory camps, in order to spend more time with family in Texas. says coaches know he is staying in shape and know that he;ll come back ready to go.

    -Doesn't know too much about Lynch situation, but says it's not a distraction to team.

    -Thinks TE is a good young QB and just wants to see him manage the game and not turn the ball over. He says the biggest thing is to keep possession of the ball and not go 3 and out each time. If he can do it, thinks they'll be very competitive.

    -Likes McKelvin, says he's not a loud mouth and the vets like that.

    -Says the team will be better after all the injuries forced others onto the field last year. Likes the experience of JD and Wilson after being thrust into the spotlight last year. Thinks POZ will have some competition for starting job -- but he'll ultimately be better for it.

    -Loves the pickup of Stroud and thinks it'll benefit him to have opposing teams forced to worry about containing the big man.

    -Doesn't think much about the Peters contract stuff, says those situations happen every year and he thinks something will get done. Also mentioned Lee Evans and said it's important to lock up the talent -- thinks highly of Lee.

    -Wants them to do everything they have to in order to keep the Bills in Buffalo. Would rather play in Buffalo and live in Buffalo than in Toronto -- likes living there and his family likes it there.


    Bottom line, Schobel comes across as very laid back. He seems like a great fit for Buffalo and was happy to hear him talk about how much he likes it in Buffalo (granted not enough to be here in off-season) and wants the team to stay.



    Thanks for that...I like what he said about McKelvin...he sounds like exactly the type of player that we're looking for. :wallbash:

  11. it might be more serious, but the cops don't have close to the evidence to get him on a hit and run (with a DUI you've been pulled over and breathalized, that's the evidence), but, if he was actually charged with a hit and run the penalty is contingent on the damage (not seriously injured and first offense means its a minor misdeameanor) and to even get him on that they'd have to show intent (like he knew he hit her and then drove off) which they can't show and there is apparently evidence going against it - thus the plea deal to a much lessor offense.


    the league isn't going to go out of its way to punish a player for a plea deal to a traffic violation - the banned substance comparison goes to a competitive issue in the league, that's why the league comes down harder on that stuff because it can affect outcomes of games (in theory).


    I think that it's clear that Marshawn will not get suspended...for a traffic violation. That kind of sounds silly when first time DUI offenders do not get suspended and Marshawn is not guilty of any crime.

  12. My reason for saying Spike Lee, is because he is known for saying things to get a rise out of people. It's his way of bringing attention to himself. Have you not heard his recent ramblings on Clint Eastwood?

    I do'nt think Spike Lee is a menace to the black community, just a clown who has said a lot of dopey things.


    I'm not sure either comparison works for me since I am neither african american nor am I a menace to the african american community.

  13. Take it for what we want? Gee, you think TBD is some racist place when the fact is that no one on this board has ever brought up Marshawn's skin color. You are actually the first to imply it, congratulations!!


    There is an African American man right now who is most likely going to be the next president of the United States, stop with this "everyone is racist" BS. Get over it please.


    And for the record I won't go as far as to say that many of the posters are racist but I will just say that many have views that I feel are rather "old-fashioned". Of course I did say to take my quote for what you will so....

  14. Take it for what we want? Gee, you think TBD is some racist place when the fact is that no one on this board has ever brought up Marshawn's skin color. You are actually the first to imply it, congratulations!!


    There is an African American man right now who is most likely going to be the next president of the United States, stop with this "everyone is racist" BS. Get over it please.


    First to imply it huh? I know there is about 40,000 threads regarding this but by some of the comments i've seen it wouldn't take me too long to find one with racial implications. Hell, that thread about Hardy is filled with them.

  15. I would say that it is a pretty good bet that he news of Ralph getting dragged before a grand jury will make it to most sports websites by mid-day tomorrow(if not sooner).


    Yes, but not to be confused with "Ralph did something bad." Because he likely didn't. Even if certain members of the administration knew what actually happened (doubtful with how the lawyer has played it so far) Wilson would likely not have been kept in the loop himself. I think any rational person will see Ralph getting subpoenad and automatically assume that the DA is overreacting or grandstanding.

  16. Alright this is the way I feel about this nonsense going on with our team. I don't post here much but I read post every day. Im from Rochester but moved to Texas due to military, then wife, then kid. But im a die hard bills fan trust me on that one. I deal with Cowboy fans all the time due to my bills bumper sticker and window decal.

    I had a good feeling about the team this year i really did. Im not writing this team of yet but the more i read posts on here the more it makes since that most of you are right. We really were going nowhere with the "good boys of the league team" and now we got a team with a bunch of trouble makers and have a chance to get something special going up there in b-lo.

    lot of you are saying football player or not he deserves what he gets and i cant agree with y'all more. In that same regard though if we all could see in the future and say the bills make a deep run into the playoffs with lynch and found out he was guilty but somehow it got swept under the rug. Who here would honestly give two craps about him being a piece of sh-- or the women that was dancing in the middle of the street (being stupid) then gets hit and gets right back up "15 min. ltr" especially if we go 7-9 again without him.





    sorry y'all needed to vent some lol.


    Well, since we are all venting in here let me take the opportunity...


    If I were a defense attorney and I had a young african american client, I would not want a good portion of the posters on this board on the jury. Take from that comment what you want.

  17. Oh really? So Ralph and Russ Brandon getting dragged ino court won't get Goodell's attention?


    It hasn't gotten anyone else's attention so far...can't find a word of this on the internet anywhere besides the Buffalo sites. And there has hardly been any coverage of this leading up to now. Assuming that giving Ralph and Brandon a subpoena was nothing more than a scare tactic I'm not sure why Goodell would be so upset since they likely have done nothing wrong. We know how efficient Goodell is at looking at these thigns, he is obviously not going to say "Oh, Ralph and Brandon got subpoenas, they're bad people." This isn't as big a deal natonally as people here are making it out to be. Get a grip. It's just like any of the dozens of other arrests made on nfl playesr throughout the offseason.

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