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Posts posted by Erik

  1. Bills-Browns inactives

    By Chris Brown - Posted November 18th, 2008


    Buffalo Bills

    17-Justin Jenkins

    25-Xavier Omon

    65-Jason Whittle

    77-Demetrius Bell

    82-Josh Reed

    94-Aaron Schobel

    97-John McCargo

    10–Gibran Hamdan - 3rd QB

  2. So I'm returning from a day of work at 29 Palms and my training partner Lee decides to take a detour on the way home to show me The Mission Inn in Riverside, CA. It's an historic hotel he's recommended for my wife and I to stay at and wanted to give me a brief tour. We walk through the hotel and on the way toward the freeway home we detour through a beautiful neighborhood of early 1900's homes. I notice a house that has the flag hung upside down and do a double take. I show Lee, who is a retired Marine LtCol and he stops the truck and says let's go talk to them and fix it.


    So we knock on the door of the house and a lady comes to the door and acknowledges that the flag is that way on purpose. She goes on to state that the flag can be hung upside down in times of distress and she feels our nation is in great danger. Lee, my partner is visibly upset and argues that we're both retired Marines who fought for her fight to do that and feel its unacceptable. She responds that we just elected a President who feels the Constitution of the US is deeply flawed and that she feels our country is heading rapidly toward socialism. She was kind, but firm in her expression. After some bantering between them I basically moved Lee of off the porch and toward the vehicle.


    Anyway, I did some quick research and this is becoming a more common expression of distress for many Americans. At this moment I'm not exactly sure how I feel about it. As someone who has fought and had brothers die defending the flag and what it stands for, I'm a bit offended, but I've got to respect her right to express where she see our nation going.


    I think the problem with things like this is, and I copied the original post in but this is a response to the whole thread in general, is that no one was really wrong in the situation, at least in my opinion. Everyone has free speech right? So if the woman is expressing her right to free speech by hanging a flag upside down. JarHead's buddy then in turn exercised his right to free speech by knocking on the door and asking what was up. The thing about free speech is that everybody has it. If someone wanted to hold a peaceful protest in front of her house, while being an incredible waste of time, would still be allowed under our free speech, would it not? I think people sometimes try to hide behind free speech, like they are immune to criticism. For instance no one should actually tell her to take it down but they have every right to criticize her for it. It sounds confusing and my head is all twisted around just writing that but it really is simple.

  3. Anyone read the quote form the Giants yesterday? One of them them said that their RB's just need a tiny crease and whoever it is (Jacobs, Ward or Bradshaw) will do the rest. I'm not absolving the O-line from major resposibility in Buffalo. What i am saying is that our premier RB, needs to do his part and start running down hill. Find the crease and just bust it. You never see those 3 Giants RB's dancing around and trying to improvise. They get the ball and run the play exactly as its called and run down hill!!


    I saw a quote from Ray Lewis yesterday before the game also...he said something idiotic like "The Giants only have a good running game because their RBs always have holes that they can run though." Ummmmm isn't that the point, the offensive lien creates holes and the running back runs through them? I know people like to jump down Lynch's throat but I haven't seen Freddie Jackson to be any better than he has these past few weeks at finding holes. I think it's in their heads now that they have to hit a home run on every run.

  4. For once, it would be nice to see them wear their current dark blue jersey's with the white pants. You know, the pants with the matching red stripe on the side! It looks more professional than the blue/blue they've been shoving down our throats for a few years now.


    Thank you...isn't is obvious that they should be wearing the white pants for all games? Not only does it look better but it's tradition. When we were a winning team it was blue on white at home and then white on white on the road. The blue on blue is just stupid...

  5. Yes - Cleveland has a young moxy while we have lost confidence...this is shaping up as an ass-whipping...hope I am wrong, but I think fans will be hurling snow balls early tonight...

    So we lose to a team that is clearly far better than the Browns by 10 on the road last week...and last year we went down to the wire against a team that was once again clearly better than the Browns last year on Monday Night Football. So explain to me again, where is the logic in us getting blown out?

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