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Posts posted by Erik

  1. We were a complete team (minus Crowell) with no serious injuries when we started 4-0.

    Since then, we lost Trent for a game and lost...


    We have lost Schobel with an already struggling pass rush. Make no mistake, you can say what you want about Schobel, but opposing GM's game plan for him. When they chose him for the Pro Bowl they said he is someone they always have to game plan for. So with him not in there it opens a lot of stuff up for the opposing offense.


    We lost Whitner, our locker room leader and one of the biggest hearts of this team.


    We lost Reed, who has been very valuable to our offense his year.


    We have had Rosocoe out, another play maker for our offense.


    And we lost Youboty who was playing great ball before he got hurt.


    Not to mention our O-line injuries. Out O-line isnt that good to begin with, then when our best of the worst start getting hurt, we have even bigger problems. Make no mistake, Trent is young and needs time to throw until he can make his reads faster (just comes with more experience), so the struggles of the O-line and constant pounding he has been taking is causing him to rush and screw up his mechanics.


    Those are all key players at key positions we have been without in all our losses. We lack depth and have struggled with these players out. That being said, we were only dominated in one game, the AZ game in these losses with the rest being very winnable for most of the game despite all these injuries.


    When our D was healthy, we were #1 in the league in preventing 3rd down conversion. When our offense was healthy we averaging 28 points a game.


    If we can get healthy, which sounds like we are close on Reed and Whitner, then we can still right this ship.


    And for all those claiming Lynch is the problem...our line is so bad that he is starting to dance more looking for a hole causing him to not hit the hole as quick as he should...I will give you that. But, he has also scored several of his TD's on runs that just about every other RB in the league would not have scored on. He has obtained big first downs on moves and hustle most other RB's would not have been able to do. The kid can play, but most of the struggles are on the O-line. Some of it is Lynch not hitting the hole with speed and authority mainly because so often there is back field penetration so he is starting to dance a little too much as opposed to hitting the hole. Again though, thats mostly because of the poor line play.


    He also would have had his breakout game earlier this season where he had 70 yards and a TD but also had 2 big runs called back because of holding away from the play.


    I've got to say, Josh Reed has taken a lot of flack since he's been here. Some of it, particularly the part where he failed miserably at adjusting to the starting role after Peerless left, but man has that guy become a clutch player. Sometimes you just need the right QB and Edwards is that guy I think. But has anyone made more catches on third down than that guy has the past few years? We need him back ASAP.


    re. Whitner, he seems to be another big whipping boy around here but with all this talk about heart or a lack thereof, I think it's plain to see that it's one thing that Whitner brings to the table that not many other people on the roster do.

  2. actually, losman & the bills had a good game against the flaming thumbtacks. that's when robert royal decided to test out his long-striding and snatch defeat from the jaws of victory in a game that we should have won.


    Speaking of that, are we sure that Robert Royal actually understands that the team with the most points at the end of the game is declared the winner? Someone should check that out, that might answer a lot of questions.

  3. Honestly, Hardy should be cut some slack. He is learning the pro game. Those who expected him to jump right in a become Randy Moss were extremely delusional. I see progress in his game. Trent has been having a hell of a time connecting with him because their timing is off together. Getting the late, seemingly meaningless touchdown at the end of the NE, i believe game helps boost his confidence. Look for him to get more looks in the coming games. Fans just need to let him grow. The same can be said about Mckelvin.


    The loss of Reed obviously magnifies his progression or lack thereof. The disturbing thing to me is the lack of plays that they have drawn up for him in the red zone. Progress or not, throwing him a fade or a quick slant if the middle of the field is open can't be as bad as running it three times in a row can it?

  4. Well, write me down if you have not already as one of those ijits who believe that one of the first things Obama does in office is to bring back the cosmetic assault weapon ban and will eventually ban all semi-auto guns. Right now I'm buying up as many AR-15 striped down upper receivers that I can, they will be worth a lot of cash after the ban, will triple my money thanks BO!


    Speaking of kool aid drinkers, looks like the gun vendors got you with the "Obama is going to ban guns like right away so buy a ton of them before he does!" load of bs. You've got to give them credit though, I hear business really is booming.

  5. I thought Whitner's injury was a bit more serious?


    I think the time he was expected to miss was about a month but, and this is not knocking the other guys that are out (ok, maybe it is knocking a few of them) but I would expect him to be out there as soon as the doctors say it is close enough to physically possible. I would also expect Reed back out there ASAP. Those guys are just gamers and we need that attitude badly so here's hoping they do come back soon.

  6. Yeah, I kind of think that. Unless two of our three divisional foes just crap the bed down the stretch, we would have a pretty hard time winning tie-breakers with a sub .500 division record. Right now, all of our divisional foes are at 2-1. If any of them beats us down the stretch, that team is a minimum of .500 in the division, and we are guranteed to lose a tiebreaker to that team.


    I know it is still early, but, if, like me, you assume New England is going to bore their way to another divisional title, I think we have to root for them to knock off the Jets on Thursday...as !@#$ed up as that may sound...the Bills are not out of this yet, but they have to get their crap together...


    Remember also that once we get to the wild card argument there is a different set of tiebreakers. Say, for the sake of argument we lose to the Jets but win against the Pats and Dolphins and pick up a win against, say, the Broncos, that would give us an advantage as far as the AFC records go. Who knows at this point though.

  7. Basically we need to run the table on November then have the rest of the AFC East teams split the rest of their games against each other, then we need to beat all of them in December. We could probably lose to Denver and get in at 11-5 but then again, who knows. You would figure in the AFC 11-5 would get us in this year though.

  8. I disagree as well. I think they are playing hard, especially on defense considering that the offense is so futile and is routinely putting the defense in position to fail. If the games were closer the perception would be different, but that won't happen until they get something going on offense, or at least stop giving the game away.


    I agree they looked pretty dead when they got down early on...I think the Pats are in their head...hopefully a win Week 17 might turn that around...

  9. Well, no game is easy. Remember how we should have easily beaten Miami? That said, they should still be favored in the next three games. KC is still tough at home, despite how bad they are. Nevertheless, these guys better be prepared for Monday night. Don't focus on anything else but beating Cleveland.


    Speaking of Brad Butler, when will Melvin Fowler be back?


    McKelvin seems to be getting better KO returns, but if Hardy is to get confidence after a TD catch, what happened since week 2? Hardy needs to be making catches to keep drives moving, not just late-game TDs.


    Yeah...why don't we have the line we started the season with in there again?

  10. I can't believe that the organization can't turn the ship. Its sad indeed


    The thing that is so frustrating is that we are never good, we are never bad, we are always decidely average. The least they can do is just lay down like dogs for 16 games a season instead of giving us hope. They always show that glimmer of hope at some point in the season. The past few years it's been in the middle of the season. This year they seemed to have peaked early.

  11. So is the crowd going to get up for this one or are they going to lay down like the Bills have the past three weeks. I, for one, have faith in the Buffalo faithful but I can only imagine how ugly it will get if we play like we did early on in the game. Hopefully the energy will make the Bills play with some fire for once.

  12. this team does not deserve to go to the playoffs. moot point cause i don't think they're going, nine years and counting.


    I want to just get in. Call me nuts, I know we will get demolished and embarrased in the wild card round should we make it in but I just want to get it. Just once. This is our chance. No Brady, easy schedule...jus one time...please.

  13. yeah Whitner really sucks right? he was only a consensus all-pro during the first half of the season....


    and I am supposed to believe the Dolphins have more talent than us?? Gimme a break....maybe when we stop coaching like we are trying to not wet our pants on every play things will get better...


    The problem is that they coach scared when they lose guys. They go into this conservative shell when they are missing key players. They are very hesitant to put pressure on the shoulders of younger players and back-ups. How else are they going to learn? That 3rd and goal screamed for a fade or a slant to Hardy...Edwards needs to recognize and go to the audible in situations like that.

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