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Niagara Bill

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Posts posted by Niagara Bill

  1. 10 hours ago, dpberr said:

    The emergency powers isn't just for Covid protests, just like the Patriot Act wasn't just about 9-11.


    The "emergency" will most certainly evolve. 

    You are correct, more to it. The protesters are led by Maga nuts and so called patriot groups. There is an underlying alternative group, well funded and set on destabilizing. Localizing politicians houses have been attacked, damaged spray painted,cars wreaked, for the last 3 or 4 months. I want all of this type of person dealt with so I support strong measures, used appropriately. Emergency legislation us not required. 

    I love good protest, but this is more than that. 

    Example...I can agree with Jan 6 protesters message, but not the actions. I have no desire to live in anarchy.

  2. 2 hours ago, dpberr said:

    $20 Parliament will vote to keep the emergency powers.  Government never relinquishes power once it's got it.  The so-called opposition will fold like a cheap tent.  


    Just like in the US, there is an illusion of "sides", and that Candice Bergen and Pierre Poilievre are on the people's side.  They aren't.  



    Let's remember who the people are, 88% of "THE PEOPLE" were vaxxed and supported masks. The malcontents can move to FLA if they wish, no masks, no tax...

  3. On 2/19/2022 at 11:30 PM, Westside said:

    Everyone knows Maher has been a liberal for as long as he’s been on television. Recently he’s been criticizing the biden administration for some of the ridiculous covid mandates and the supposed science behind.

    Has his behavior towards the Democratic Party sit well with the libs on this board? Has he changed your view on some of these crazy policies the left has embraced or is he now a enemy?

    He has always had criticism fir any idiot, Biden, trump, whoever

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  4. 3 hours ago, leh-nerd skin-erd said:

    Unwanted strangers, in the wrong part of town, looking to patronize a local establishment….who didn’t belong there, in an area restricted to a certain members of the community…intimidated physically by an unidentifiable member of law enforcement. 

    Something about this sounds familiar, historically speaking.  

    150 small businesses in the area were forced closed by the protesters who damaged their store fronts because they were not supportive. Strange about freedom of speech eh. 

  5. 16 hours ago, B-Man said:


    I think these cops were fair minded to a protester who lives 2500 miles away who is found in a zone of the city which is restricted to residents. There was no violence, no arrest, just persistence. No one pulled taser, baton, or gun. No one was thrown on the ground with a knee to the neck. They did the job.

    • Eyeroll 1
    • Haha (+1) 1
  6. 7 hours ago, reddogblitz said:


    President Biden says we're not sending troops. I hope he means it.  Then I guess once it starts (if it starts), then we do sanctions or whatever.  If that happens I just hope we have our cyber war defenses in good order.


    You talk real tough about what the US should do. Would you support sending Canadian troops to fight along side the Ukrainians against Russia?

    It would be rediculous for Canada to go alone, but likely we would take our cue from Britain, as we have in the past. Russia has always fought a war of attrition, having sacrificed millions in wars past from Napoleon to WW2. In Russia, the death of people in war is a tool. 

  7. 18 minutes ago, All_Pro_Bills said:

    With all due respect, what about Canada?  Should the US invade Canada to restore democracy?  Should NATO act?  Should the governments of other democracies express concerns and outrage at the invoking of emergency powers?  I mean, Putin puts one "activist" in jail and the entire world expresses condemnation but not a peep here from any democracy.  Should a Navy Seal Team be dispatched to Ottawa to abduct PM Trudeau and bring him to Washington to stand trial for crimes against his citizens?  


    Because after Trudeau's emergency powers order I'm hard pressed to articulate what the difference is between living in Trudeau's Canada and Putin's Russia.  From where I sit Trudeau's actions are perfectly consistent with the way Putin or Xi would have handled it.  Some person or group resist your rule invoke powers and send in security forces to crush them and destroy their lives in the process along with anyone you identify that has provided any kind of support to their cause.  


    So why ask fellow Canadians or Americans, to put their asses on the line to protect freedom and democracy in various foreign lands when our governments are committed to doing neither of that when it comes to 

    Wow, you are sooooooo knowledgeable about the world....I'm impressed. So let's see...protestors were allowed 3 weeks of illegal control, no one was killed, very very little violence  police were respectful, no looting, press access, warning after warning vs...

    4 dead in Ohio, Watts, National guard in Virginia, 1968 Chicago, Jan 6, 20 yrs of Guantanamo, the highest prison rate in the western world. 

    Yes Trudeau went too far with this law, which will not pass on Monday so a mute point, where unlike Russia, voting actually matters...a slightly different view than trump has in elections..

    But is your protest focused on the freezing of your contribution...hmmmm

  8. 4 hours ago, SoCal Deek said:

    The system? What system is that exactly?

    PS: fu? Nice Niagara….classy.

    The fu was not meant for you SoCal 

    1 hour ago, Buffarukus said:



    all i can think is you were being facetious in your post cause i have no clue what you are talking about with this. 


    no big deal ill try to stay away from whatever spin you think I'm in. 


    Jan 06, 2021, the day trump smiled at insurrection, violence against elected representatives and even death, then his fans spun it....

  9. So, if Ukraine is not important enough to have an actual war, what country is important enough for conflict. Georgia? Poland? Finland?

    Can there be a war? If not how do you stop the new Hitler at a time of nuclear warheads. Russia has never been shy about sacrificing citizens in conflicts.

    1938/39 saw the world wait too long...

    2022, there will not be opertunity for conventional build up, 


    Daunting challenges, 

    • Like (+1) 1
  10. 3 hours ago, SoCal Deek said:

    Wait …you draw the line at innocent people dying? That’s your red line? A few broken limbs and cracked skulls…no problem. Seizing assets…sure! Are you sure you’re defending the System or the Regime? 

    Go wax your board. I believe in the Canadian political system and Canada as a country. I know who I support. The red line is use the system, respect the system, respect fellow citizens, and for those who become extreme in either direction....fu.


    1 hour ago, Buffarukus said:


    at least your being straight forward with your view point now. all those studies i gave you showing masks and mandates were pointless when the real reasoning is dont trample on my right to trample the ones you used to have? outside governments should not get involved unless its the Canadian gov calling on the US gov to help them "crush and send a message". 


    i hope I'm misinterpreting.....damn! 😳




    Incredible how anyone who supported trump can even imagine protest without death, rioting, police brutality, and truth.

    You have joined the new news media, called internet spin.


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  11. 8 hours ago, leh-nerd skin-erd said:

    Bill, how on earth do people keep falling for the “Russia” ploy?  Do you really believe a full forensic review of the origin of the money has taken place in the past couple weeks?   

    I think the intent of the law is to crush dissent and send a message for the next time.  


    Yes crush and send message. Russia $$$ or US money...both us wrong and unacceptable. Every government has secrets, every dissident group has secrets. 

    I believe in free speech, but do not trample on my right when you do it.

    Frankly, if no one dies in this, I say...great.

    Protest, please, but never undermine your system of government

    • Eyeroll 1
  12. 26 minutes ago, leh-nerd skin-erd said:

    The protestors are not in Afghanistan, nor do they appear to be affiliated with the Taliban.  In our system, the people entrust leaders to enact and enforce laws dealing with terrorist organizations, that’s where the right comes from.  That brings me back to the original point—presumably law enforcement had the authority to enforce laws the protestors were violating, but that didn’t go far enough for Trudeau.   

    In fact, he decided that crippling penalties were necessary for citizens not arrested or convicted of anything beyond donating to a cause they believed in.  Imagine if your friend or family member was accused of a crime, and in support of their innocence you lent them money, or donated to help them defend themselves, and found out a week or two later that your assets were seized.  

    Actually, in Canada, we don’t have to imagine that scenario.  It’s playing out in real time.   

    Sorry but while I love peaceful protests, message sending and causing some stiff, I cannot support this process past the first week. They have made a point, they are endangering other citizens they have refused reason and law. While I do not support this whole law as it us not required, but money coming from the US , Russia to undermine Canadian politics deserves to be dealt with. Don't be thinking we are talking a small family of 5 here losing rent money and a savings account from a 5 yr old's paper route. 

    In any regards the law will not pass on Monday and with luck, the protest will be controlled. So far very little issue but many of the hard core will be last. 

  13. Listen, this protest goes much deeper than masks....everyone wants this to be the only issue.

    Like to US this involves long standing feelings about immigration, government support to immigrants, 49billion more given to indigenous this past year, $10million granted to 200 black families to help them buy a house in Toronto etc etc etc. Tax money spent only on some. You know the scenario.

    Left governments have been in charge too long but what idiots are running the right have gone too close to trumpers for 80% of Canadians. We will not unfortunately abortion, we hate the religious right, IMHO. 

    Safe houses for druggies, soft judges, guns, weak police, gangs all play a roll. When this real and truly non violent protest started lots of folks loved it, even if you liked masks. But time has rotted the fish

  14. 1 hour ago, All_Pro_Bills said:

    So sounds like all Trudeau had to do to shut down the protests was just send some leftist anarchists into the crowd.  Why didn't he think of that?  Or maybe... he did?  


    And while I'll admit to that being a conspiracy theory I take exception.  Who knows, maybe he talked with the FBI this week?  And why should my conspiracy theories be judged any differently than those created by government?  As they never offer up any proof, facts, or evidence.  What makes anyone believe them?  Credibility?  That's comical.  

    Strange how you said Portland allowed leftist idiots to over run  the city but when somebody takes kegal steps to control potential dangerous group without violence you whine.

  15. 38 minutes ago, leh-nerd skin-erd said:

    It’s not tough at all.  You said it in your first sentence, though I would suggest formulating a scheme to seize assets in advance of due process is much, much more insidious than simple “overkill”.  This is was a calculated plan designed to destroy and annihilate the opposition using the systems that people were conditioned to accept as safe throughout their lives.  

    The good news in the US anyway, is that the entire populace has not been ground down to the point that they’ll accept a banker seizing lawfully earned money.  

    Oy, Canada. 

    The US just distributed 10s of millions of Afghan and Taliban (some US citizens as well) money seized from banks and gave it to others. What gives any government the right to do this? Power, law, need. 

    When you are facing terrorism of any type, use what you can to control. If they dispurse, none of thus is necessary. But you cannot allow illegal occupation of any city, holding its citizens hostage. What do local citizens pay their taxes for so a few can claim freedom, that is bs.


    What I continue to hear is that behind this protest is a radical group looking for a reason. Parliament was shutdown today, called at 4 30 am, highly unusual. The protestors in Alberta went home when they discovered a radical group amongst themselves. 

    Everyone in a free country supports protest, not anarchy. 



  16. 42 minutes ago, leh-nerd skin-erd said:

    The challenge for you and some of your countrymen is that they’ve convinced you that kneeling is comfortable  and assured you that after a while, you’ll hardly even notice you’re doing it.  

    If the protestors were violating laws, there is presumably a process to arrest them.   Why didn’t that occur?  

    Wouldn’t that have solved the problem without passing control over the assets of everyday working folk to what really amounts to Corporate Canada? 



    Yes, likely this act is not necessary and over kill, but this God mig died and local belief us that there is a angerous group who joined in.

    Why not arrested...I assume they wanted to allow protest, a right until it hot out if control. No one wanted injuries. Protesters have now brought children so when they get arrested there are picks of the kids crying and being removed. 

    Trudeau is a politician, not a leader...

    But why did Jan 6th occur without police support, etc. Tough situation

  17. 50 minutes ago, JaCrispy said:

    Trudeau must have some really powerful puppet masters in his ear...His stance just doesn’t make sense from a logical standpoint...Everyone else is backing off of restrictions and mandates- even provinces within his own country...And yet here we are...


    He’s put himself into such a small box, that the slightest reversal of position will make him look like the biggest bi#ch- which most people think he is anyway...He overplayed his hand from the start, and it will probably be his downfall...



    What haven't they backed off federally. Travel restrictions and requirements at changing, truckers will not need to quarantine, but that matters little as they cannot enter into the US without full vaccination. The feds actually have little control of provincial rules, just like in the YS.

    These protests have far more depth that a mask. 

  18. 25 minutes ago, SoCal Deek said:

    I asked whether the PM would be tapping into back accounts if the protest was in favor of his administration? 

    If they supported him it is likely  not to be protesting for 19 days. They are not into personal accounts, but for terrorists, yes is the answer. A citizen can be a terrorists, many examples of that. 

    Of course, if protesters want to locate in a location not affecting other citizens, likely less issues.

    The protesters have set up soup and food buffets, saunas, music with dj's tents, yurts,. If any other citizen in this area were to do that, likely would be charged. Bars in the area have noise by laws after 11pm. 

    This so far has been peaceful for sure, proud of them for that and I am sure big bad government does not want to stir violent reactions. Many countries have had violent protests. Very different circumstances. 

    Both parties are now between rock and hard place.

    8 minutes ago, LeviF said:


    If your upshot is that there is no other way out, I can respect that. Just understand that the same sentiment will be had by those being targeted by these measures. They want their demands met. At this point I would include in said list of demands that it be codified that nothing like these measures can ever happen again. 

    As I said to SoCal, rock and hard place for both 

  19. 1 hour ago, LeviF said:


    Which part of the Enabl-, er, sorry, Emergencies Act, is invoked to "avoid cornering?" Their government refuses to budge on any of the mandates. This is their only stated goal, and Trudeau won't even come to the table.


    I'm editing hopefully quickly enough that you'll catch all of this because I have to ask: if this (freezing bank accounts, labeling citizens as terrorists) is how Trudeau treats potent, nonviolent, citizen opposition, what does that say about protests in which these things do not occur?



    Nah I'm sanguine. New York kind of sucks but America generally rocks, regardless of whatever ridiculous crap comes out of Washington every year.

    No government can respond to 300 citizens demand in an area that 88% of people were vaxxed, who followed the rules requested. Many restrictions including travel types, passports, some masking, restaurants to 100%, sports venues have already been announced and scheduled to change in the next 14 days. What is the point. Truckers from Canada can STILL not enter US unless fully vaxxed.

    As to banks accounts and terrorist, the legal issue is to allow dealing with groups like proud boys, gangs and others who are now entering the fray. In Alberta the good protesters went home when 11 people were arrested in the blockade with guns and weapons. The original protesters were honest and true, others are now trying to take advantage. There us no need for US donations or Russian donations unless it is truly just a cover for a more nefarious plot.

    Trudeau has lost the hill and any good will he could have had. The Ottawa mayor is in trouble, the Police chief quit, obviously a lot of political interference.

    58 minutes ago, SoCal Deek said:

    Now answer my question. 

    Never saw a question, just a political pronouncement 

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