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Niagara Bill

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Posts posted by Niagara Bill

  1. 30 minutes ago, LeviF said:


    Who on the American left wants to "solve the divide?" What about their behavior and rhetoric makes you think they are interested in anything but winning?

    You are correct in that. And who in the right wants to move? The divide must be bridged. The right must stop the anti abortion stuff, the anti gsy stuff and the left must ditch AOC, the anti police crap to even start.

  2. 57 minutes ago, LeviF said:

    As demonstrated in this thread, the leftist ethic is absurd and untenable in a sane society. This is why they strive to make society more and more insane using postmodern doubletalk and non-sequiturs. "There is no truth," "a man can become a woman," "democracy crumbles when you vote for the wrong people," etc. 


    You CANNOT defend someone like Joe Rogan against leftist attacks on "free speech" or procedural grounds because leftists DO NOT BELIEVE in such things except when they are convenient for leftist causes. Their moral and political code is entirely patchwork and fails on its face if not for the SHEER WILL of leftists that props it up. You must mock and knock it down to reveal to the world that it has no clothes. 


    The side that wants to win will always defeat the side that wants to be left alone. So long as you tolerate baby killers, usurers, pornographers, war criminals, and sodomites saying with a straight face, "not a SLUR???!!!" you will lose, because you allow the absurdity to continue without challenge. 

    You are doing the same you accuse the left of doing. While I tend to agree with you call abortion as baby killing, sodomites etc, you can never solve the divide. What there are no gaps on the right, never an abortion on the right,  never a preacher who was a pedo. 

    Many rightwingers would have us go back to women cannot vote, the being gay is illegal etc. 

    Time to end extremes. Rogan can have a good podcast, by why the need to be extreme. Isn't freedom about choice.

  3. 16 minutes ago, wnyguy said:

    I agree, what we are seeing from our friends to the north is historical. A true non violent protest against government restrictions that should be lauded.

    Whether it is against restrictions or not, which is questionable, it is non violent still after 2 weeks. Wonderful to see, but as time goes on more violent groups will likely show up, at this point it is too cold for those guys😁😁😁

  4. On 12/18/2021 at 7:50 PM, B-Man said:



    39 Americans Evacuated From Afghanistan In First Major Airlift Rescue Since Taliban Takeover


    Among the rescued are more than a dozen children, including Project Dynamo’s youngest-ever evacuee, an 11 month-old American boy.


    Months after U.S. government flights ceased, 39 American citizens and legal permanent residents were rescued by a two-man covert team, flying on a privately funded plane out of Taliban-controlled Kabul.


    The group, sponsored by the non-profit Project Dynamo, is expected to land at New York’s John F. Kennedy International airport by 9 AM on Saturday morning.



    2500 Amer servicemen killed in 20 yrs in that hell hole.  Not worth 1 death. 

    900,000 to covid...let's be macho and pretend we can live with it....hmmmm

  5. 34 minutes ago, Mr. WEO said:


    1.  the old veteran walked onto the stacked team and so far has gotten that team as far as Goff had--and they dumped Goff not long after.  Goff's SB team scored 67 more points in a season with 1 less game and was #2 in scoring, with a bottom half Defense.  If glory is only a SB win then there hasn't been much glory for many teams  in a long time. Most would disagree with you and describe the SB Bills run as "glory years".  


    2. Rodgers is a great QB (who says otherwise?).  He's also a whiner. Winners call the shots and 2010 was a long time ago. 


    Over the Bills?  No chance.

    I have no idea what your point is. It is likely AR will change teams to prove his greatness, in his mind. 

  6. 1 hour ago, Mr. WEO said:



    "created" a scrub WR (by throwing him 20 passes in 2 years, no less!)?  lol--ok, he can have that one.


    The inescapable points are that they put talent on the roster, enough to get him his first MVP in 6 years, and that the Packers aren't going to win another SB with Rodgers as QB.


    Also, "a certain Lions QB" actually returned the Rams to glory 3 years ago......


    Quick, name another QB, who, beginning his second season (his first full season as a starter) would go on to win 42 games in the next 4 seasons, lead a number 1 and number 2 scoring offense in consecutive seasons, lead his team to their first playoff appearance in 13 years (and in 3 of his 4 seasons) and to their first SB appearance in 22 years....who was then traded.

    Quick, who is the  qb in his 1st yr on the team  who got Rams to SB? And maybe a victory. Rams have not had glory for a long time.


    So I guess you consider Rodgers a poor qb. Hmmmm


    He has been a top qb in the NFL for a long time

  7. 17 minutes ago, Mr. WEO said:


    Must have been brutal having to play with Davante Adams and Aaron Jones the past 3-4 years.  And bums like M V-S who averaged 19 YPC for 1100 yards and 9 TDs in past 27 games (missed some games this year) and Dillon who in his second season had nearly as many rushing yards and more yards from scrimmage total than any RB on the Bills roster.  


    Gotta suck when you have "no weapons".  


    Rodgers can come over to the AFC and choke away in the playoffs to Josh Allan/Bills for the remainder of his career.   Rodgers, Peterson and J Jones can play canasta in the locker room

    I am not a fan of Rodgers but he would say he created a lot of those receivers, like Jake Kumerow. I say, let him go somewhere and proof he us greater than everyone thinks. It worked for a certain Lions QB, who turned to the Rams gir glory.

  8. Great player, great team mate, BETTER PERSON.

    1995..Panthers 1st visit to Buffalo. Frank Reich qb

    My 10 yr old son's birthday. 

    He burns his hand on bbq and is bandaged in first aid but we stay. 

    Front row seats, 50 yd line behind Bills bench. At half time he sees my son and nods.

    Game over, Bills win. TT jogs over to our seats, reaches up and gives his gloves to my son. Smiles and jogs off to the dressing room.

    They are framed, and autographed. 

    • Awesome! (+1) 2
  9. 2 hours ago, billsfanmiamioh said:

    The difference is many of them have become the establishment now. And they know much better than anyone else how things should work so shut up and accept it, ya racist!  😂

    The 60s hippies as they can be referred to hated Repubs, Nixon, as well as Dems like Johnson. They protested the establishedment of military and military industrial complex, they loved the environment and the freedom of abortion rights and the rights to protest. 

    So, being more on the dems side 60 years later is not too surprising since the many repubs would exclude there beliefs and the dems are more open.  You bet your sweet Bippy.

  10. 11 hours ago, Chef Jim said:

    A wise man once chastised someone here with these words.  “Attack rather than debate.”  

    You don't debate, you build walls. Hundreds of thousands died of cancer, during WW2, but I think most people would suggest that ww2 was worse. Suggesting covid 900,000 added on deaths in US was not the biggest newest enemy is ridiculous. When one cannot acknowedge what the world is and has gone thru in 22 months,  then there can be no debate.

    Move on, have a good Ground Hog day

  11. 29 minutes ago, Chef Jim said:


    He said he would bring more opinions on his show but never once said he made a mistake with any of his guests.  So I guess you're wrong there.  But anyway one of the biggest challenges of podcasting is getting good guests on the pod.  Joe should thank Neil for giving him the idea to get more guests on.  Brilliant!! 


    9,500,000 people worldwide died of cancer in 2018.  Over 600,000 per year in the US alone.  

    Heart disease is a very close second to cancer in the number of deaths.


    And there are lots and lots of people disputing how many people have actually died FROM Covid vs people that have died WITH Covid.  Very few disputing the same regarding cancer and heart disease. 


    Covid will likely be way in our rearview mirrors while people will continue to die by the hundreds of thousands each year from cancer and heart disease.  Covid is just the political and media darling du jour. 

    You are a fool. Move on. 

  12. 38 minutes ago, Chef Jim said:


    And what TV interview would this be?  


    He never once, as you said above, admitted that any of his guest were a mistake.  


    Covid is the most dangerous enemy?  It is not.  :rolleyes:




    He did say he would balance, and Spotify got some of their 2B back. If you saw that different, sorry for your sight. 

    BTW, who or what is more dangerous??. Trump? 

    Who killed 850,000 people in 2 yrs suddenly.  

  13. 3 hours ago, Chef Jim said:


    Point out where Rogan admitted any of his guests were a mistake.   Neil was being a child with his either Rogan goes or I go tantrum. 


    And what's with the Covid information hysteria?  Why is Spotify using Content Advisory warnings for podcast around Covid? Why not podcasts on Financial Planning/Legal Issues/Mental and/or Physical health podcasts?  THIS is the Covid hysteria that you seem to espouse.  


    And one last question.  What guests on Rogan's show have made up anti-vax crap?  And even if they did so what.  Why should Young demand it be removed. Let people listen and make up their own minds.  Do you not believe in critical thinking?  Ok that was two questions. 



    Look at Rogans TV interview, he admits his error and said he would balance 

    Have a good year of the flippin Tiger. 

    BTW, covid is the most dangerous enemy your country and the world has faced since 1962. You my dear Chef, failed

  14. 2 hours ago, Chef Jim said:

    I’m just asking for clarification on things you’ve stated here.  Your “insult” vs your answer pretty much tells me all I need to know. 

    Classic pot/kettle right there. Holy crap. 😂😂😂

    Sorry Chef, I do not regularly follow Rogan  but as I understand he allows untruths and extremist positions on his show. He has agreed that was a mistake snc will ensure balance.  So Neil was correct. Spotify gets back their 2b$. 

    Choose not to be vaxxed, but there is no public good to make up crap which is anti. 

    Smile Chef, paprika is a wonderful spice...in many cultures.


    Let's celebrate the Year if the Tiger with mutual respect...

  15. 9 hours ago, Chef Jim said:

    Give us a couple of these so called untruths.  

    Rogan has agreed to stop what?


    What was Neil right about?  

    Sounds like Bill is spreading some untruths himself. 😏

    Me thinks too much hot paprika in your sauce Chef

    9 hours ago, aristocrat said:



    Neil is apparently a homophobic piece of ***** 

    Typical of a trumper. 

    Attack rather than debate. 

  16. 3 minutes ago, leh-nerd skin-erd said:




    Neil Young: “I think “Sweet Home Alabama” is a great song. I’ve actually performed it live a couple of times myself. My own song “Alabama” richly deserved the shot Lynyrd Skynyrd gave me with their great record. I don’t like my words when I listen to it today.”



    I was a big fan of Neil Young when I first started listening to music.   When we were kids, our two older cousins would come and spend summers with us and brought NY records with them.  I always related his albums to those visits and my cousins, and when one passed away suddenly several years ago I found some comfort in revisiting Harvest and other work.

    Anyway, seems like upon reflection, Old Neil wasn’t a big fan of his all of his own words and music, though legions of fans likely connected directly through his work.  

    This recent dust up, honestly, who really cares?  He calls for a boycott, he’s got a call hundo-mill in the bank, and it seems highly unlikely mainstream artists will follow, or that Spotify will lose anything beyond some songs sung by a guy representing the Lipitor generation.   


    That said, a NY station popped up out of nowhere on Sirius, I flipped it on, “HEY HEY, MY MY” was on, and I turned back time for a bit blasting the radio. 







    Neil always walked his own path, his father was a prominent sports writer and celeb, they didn't see eye to eye, Stills and Young tolerated each other for short periods, Neil  had no voice but could sing. 

    I loved CSNY, today there is not one song writer, or group that I am aware if who could capture the protests of the majority, without hate, without the violent threats of rap. They invited thought, protest not insurrection. Like Marvin Gaye, "What's going on".

    SKYNYRD, we're great, less popular in my area of the world, we didn't get much southern rock. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  17. 7 hours ago, LeviF said:


    Polio vaccine and COVID "vaccine" have nearly nothing in common.


    I pointed out 5 because it's tangentially related and I'm surprised nobody is publicly taking advantage, not so much because it has bearing on this particular subject.


    6: well, case in point. 

    Rogan has relented. Neil made his point.

    Vaccine is a vaccine. They save lives. Choose to take it or not, but do not spit crap and lies. Debate is healthy, vitriol is not.

  18. 7 hours ago, Chef Jim said:


    You are afraid of others opinions.  Why else would you support people like Neil Young who demands that Spotify censor Rogan? 


    So something not based in FACT to you is a LIE and not an OPINION?  


    People lie all the time.  You really need to live in bubble Bill.  As I've said it's a big scary world out there.  Stay inside where it's warm and safe. 

    Because Rigan us spreading untruths, as he agreed to day to stop and be more selective of his guests. Looks like Neil was right

    7 hours ago, SoCal Deek said:

    Niagara? In what way are you a Catholic if you refuse to listen to the Pope? Don’t look now but I believe you’re an Episcopalian. 

    Maybe you could be right. Never considered change. I figure ignore him like he ignores the truth of many priests and historic wrongs and continue my believes. I do not need him to allow me to celebrate.  

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