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Niagara Bill

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Posts posted by Niagara Bill

  1. 2 hours ago, Doc Brown said:

    Public opinion doesn't (or at least shouldn't matter) in Supreme Court decisions.  The SCOTUS isn't "picking this back up."  They finally have the numbers that allow them to overturn what many legal scholars (including those that are pro choice) as bad constitutional law.  There's nothing in the constitution that prohibits state governments from making abortion laws. 


    What this does do is allow people the freedom to vote for representatives that best reflect their views on abortion and politicians can finally do something about it.  This should be a net positive in this country in the long run.

    The problem begins Doc with the types of laws like Texas who want to punish someone for assisting a citizen to go to another state for the procedure even a mother or father of brother. It is equally nuts that organizations exists to encourage and help someone get an abortion. The extremes are sick!

  2. 32 minutes ago, sherpa said:


    Speaking for myself and our family, and nobody else.

    The second my wife told me she was pregnant, and all three times, we considered it, and treated each as human life.

    I think most people without politics would agree with that sense if a couple is involved. BUT, often a couple wishing to have a family is not involved. 

    If you believe a woman has domain over her body then some leeway must be considered. 

    Always amazed that the political right, people who want max freedom, are more anti abortion are unwilling to be taxed to help pay for children who are not wanted. Complex. Just give women domain over their bodies with restrictions, time, etc.


    • Agree 1
  3. 18 minutes ago, SoCal Deek said:

    “God forbid”….exactly. I’m not trying to pick a fight here. I’m really not. You’re welcome to your deeply seated belief system. 

    Right on SoCal...

    There are terrible consequences when unlimited, no time limits etc are not considered. BUT  Women must have rights enshrined federally not by church driven doctrine by state. Sharia law by Christians as I see it. 

  4. 1 hour ago, Chef Jim said:


    Yup and it's a beautiful system.  You don't like your tax code here in CA?   Great!  Move to someplace that has a tax code you like.  

    Ok now we know you are anti female rights, driven solely by personal money, would live in Montana rather than pay your portion of a subway in LA or NYC or Chi., want dirt roads rather than paved. 

    No problem with that. Your choice, but then you shouldn't mind others not agreeing with you. Live and let live. Sharia law may be next in a state, then we shall hear about rights on a federal level. Until then Jkm, happy cooking at the end of the dirt road, where they play one of my all time favs...(seriously), Brooks and Dunn, "Boot Scootin Boogie". Not a bad life, low taxes, good lookin chick's, Bud long necks, pick up trucks  and double wides.😁😁😁😁😁 ( no disrespect intended).

  5. 22 minutes ago, SoCal Deek said:

    Fortunately, or unfortunately, this is the system of government that we have down here. I'm guessing that very little will change when states get to set their own laws.  Back when I was growing up there were different drinking ages all over the country. (Maybe there still are?)  And believe it or not, there were some States then even allowed individual communities to set the age.  Heck, we used to drive into Canada to get fireworks.  (No idea if that's still a thing.)

    Yes all that us true, but women's right are different. 

    This is not no alcohol County, it isn't even woman cannot drink alcohol and men can. This has woman being denied rights in 25 states. Why not say states have rights to not allow woman the right to vote. Maybe some church wants that.

    But SoCal, not my fight for sure. I just see individual rights gone. We just heard 2 years of mask mandates based on individual rights regardless of affect on others. You pass on covid to me and I die but individual rights trumped that. I also detested church beliefs involved. Wait until enough Muslim can vote and laws are changed to support their church teachings. 

    The slippery slope gets steeper.

    Ps, we cannot buy most fireworks either now.

  6. 2 minutes ago, SoCal Deek said:

    Come on Niagara....all that this leaked decision does is leave the legality of abortion back into the hands of the individual State legislature.  That's it.

    I see it differently, I see women's rights as now being political in states and territories each election cycle, more polarizing, a bigger divide. I see churches being too powerful. Federally good rules for abortion like weeks, who, method, coverage, location, reporting could be done, in the states it NDVER will be settled.

  7. 42 minutes ago, Big Blitz said:

    We need to talk more about how the leak is designed to do exactly what the left has been alleging the Trump voters were doing on January 6th.  




    Only the intimidation, threat, and undermining of the Republic is actually happening here.


    Instead, they'll call the leaker a hero.  

    Some truth here , but the court appears to be running for election. Politics 1O1.

    Why elect congress, just let the Courts run the country, save money. They make many of the important decisions now.

  8. 3 hours ago, leh-nerd skin-erd said:

    Murders, firebombs, and anarchy sounds an awful lot like what went down in cities across the country just a couple years ago, Bill.  

    In fact, if you substitute police officers for abortion doctors it’s going on now. 




    True. But the coat hangers, back room stuff is hard to return to.

  9. 17 minutes ago, B-Man said:

    Welcome to the land of overreactive


    Ignorant statements like that show what the left has to resort to. 

    What history do you experience. Clinic bombings, preachers , illegal allyway abortions, ...you do not recall??? 🙄. I am not a lefty, just recall the times around RvW. Sad, very sad times 

  10. 37 minutes ago, AlCowlingsTaxiService said:

    What does not liking the play by play guy have to do with loyalty to the Bills?  I have plenty of history with Murph being that I worked in the media for over 40 years, and not all of it was sunshine and unicorns. I’d try to explain, but frankly, you sound like you’re twelve years old, son.  Go worship at the altar of Murph if it makes you feel loyal 

    Then calling people pumpkinhead is mature. 

    I never said I worshipped Murph or anyone else. If you were in the media get your facts straight. 

    By the way, Cowlings was the nation's first Uber driver not taxi service.

  11. 4 hours ago, sherpa said:


    If Russia decides to employ nuclear weapons, the entire situation changes.

    The only reason that strategy has ever been considered since WWII is when the threat to the very existence of a regime is threatened.

    (See Israel. 1973 Yom Kippur war and the "Third Temple.")


    Russian isn't under that threat, and escalating this when there are "outs," seems really irrational and perhaps regime suicidal.


    I'm not sure what the use of a hypersonic missile would do for them. 

    They don't need to.

    They surely wouldn't need that to do what they want vis a vis Ukrainian defenses.

    If they were to use one, if they really even have that capability, it would make sense to use it against a serious threat, like a US Navy ship, and I don't see them ready to take that step unless things got worse.

    To me, it's just chest thumping, as is pandemic in their culture and gov controlled media.


    Still, $33 billion request from the Biden Admin seems too high to pay.

    This thing has got to wind down in the next month.

    IMHO this will not wind down. Ukraine with the additional military equipment will step up the fight, inside Russia. Ukraine knows that even if they surrender the war will continue. This is not just about land possession. Their choice will be to invite Russia deeper into conflict to force NATO to be more involved. For the Ukraines, 3 times in a century is too much. They are living the phrase, Live Free or Die.

    • Like (+1) 1
  12. 2 hours ago, BillsShredder83 said:

    Dude he's a sports personality, not a blood flying blue rags lol you can't get in that line of work and not end up invested in other teams. We're a cool story, with a fun qb that anyone would kill to be around.

    And there is no one associated with the Bills available. 

    Jerry Sullivan would be a terrible choice but better than this joker. 

    Chandler 81 could do it, seems he has nothing else on.

  13. 47 minutes ago, sherpa said:


    Then perhaps you might consider ceasing challenges if you're not going to offer solutions.

    You've got tons of "do this" without any "how."

    Just a thought.

    Bad thought. I do not pretend to know more than experts like military folks and intelligence community. I see issues, directions to consider and obvious situations that need to be addressed. 


    I know one thing. Putin needs to be controlled, now, thru finance, thru power, thru force or thru a bullet from a comrade. How that happens is over my head. 

    Ukraine deserves help. They are one of the few nations that stand tall for their freedom and country. Not like many others. They are spiritual, family, Christian people who want freedom. 

    Putin will not stop here.

    We can talk in 4 months. The world will be different. The US will be consumed in internal elections, the rest of the world will not be important. Putin will have his way.


  14. 1 hour ago, sherpa said:


    Nothing in this post addresses my challenge to you, which was how and where do we do what you seemingly want to do.

    Expressing disdain to Putin and the culture is not a strategy for efficacy. It is merely an opinion shared by all.

    I don't "know" Russians, but I have been to Moscow a few times and have a view. That's why I've only been there a few times.

    Hate the place, but that doesn't provide a realistic strategy on how to handle it without triggering WWIII.

    And I'm having a great day.


    I don't do challenges.

    Glad your day is great...mine too

  15. 2 hours ago, sherpa said:


    Very strange post, and I hesitate to quote it.

    Still, I have never seen a post of yours that talks about specifics regarding how to do what you want, and what the cost would be.

    As background, I think comparing Putin to Hitler vis a vis territorial acquisition is absurd.  

    I will consider your comments.....nah 😆

    Russians have been involved the ethnic cleansing before. Never with a nation like Ukraine. He is making same type of claims as Hitler.

    IMHO he is a wannabe and copy cat, Russian style. The difference is his nation dies not back him, but he does not care, Communism vs Democratic Republic.

    Lenin,Stalin, Putin, same mould. Trump may think Putin is brilliant, he is, but that does not make him less like Hitler, it makes him more like Hitler.

    Russia is a very violent society. The country is run by ex KGB. If you know anyone from there you would know.

    Have a good day, 

    • Like (+1) 2
  16. 3 hours ago, All_Pro_Bills said:

    I'm sorry.  I expected that given your 1939 analogy I thought you'd be in alignment with the idea of attacking China.  Otherwise, I assume we wait until they attack Taiwan and you can start citing references to 1941 and the Japanese Empire's invasion of China, Korea, or other Asian nations. 


    As for diplomacy, there was little to no diplomacy in addressing Russia and their security concerns which US official dismissed without even addressing.  Just do what we say was the negotiating position.  That worked out great for everyone.  Some inside the NATO alliance suggest many member nations want to prolong the war as long as possible as a way to weaken Russia regardless of the costs to the Ukrainian nation and citizens.  I tend to believe that.


    My final assessment is that given the Russian military's piss poor performance against Ukraine's forces are we overstating or miscalculating the threat presented to Western Europe and the U.S. by Russian conventional forces?  I expect that in a head-to-head fight against our land, sea, and air services the American military would likely annihilate the Russia forces in a matter of weeks if not days.  So what are we really worried about?  


    1. We should never attack first, but like Hitler, you must be ready to respond immediately. Putin knew we would nit.

    2. This is not about security, it us about ethnic cleansing now. Allowing people Russians to take over Ukraine for the second time, and punishing if Ukraine fir the 3rd time in a century.

    3. I think you are right about letting Russia weaken itself.

    4. But Ryssia I am sure gas nit used its force. Both US and Russia could not contain issues in Afghanistan for 20 years of effort.

    5. Russia has defeated Ukraine. It is the people they cannot defeat. Like the Palestinians or Taliban. Ukrainians people will not be communists again. Freedom ir death. We should be fully supporting this. Is this just not a giant Korea 1951. 

    Good discussion All Pro😀

  17. 21 minutes ago, All_Pro_Bills said:

    Leaving it to the professionals should make everyone nervous as the recent track record on decisions to engage in foreign interventions is a disaster.  And looking up and down the bench at the current administration I'd say strategic thinking is not a strength of the team.  I mean, what's Washington's strategy here with Ukraine?  To pump weapons into the country fueling a war of attrition down to the last Ukrainian?  Because that's sure how it looks. 


    And if you really want to invoke the 1939 analogy and some "Minority Report" approach to policy maybe we should attack China on Monday before they attempt to invade (or maybe not invade) Taiwan sometime in the future?  And perhaps identify and eliminate all kinds of potential bad actors all over the world.  Because they might do something really bad later.     

    First you second paragraph on China is insulting to anyone who has half a brain. Certainly the west must have position formulated and coincide with diplomacy. 

    Second, who do you rely on to make knowledgeable decisions, Qanon, the guy in the Buffalo hat. None of us has enough info to give conclusions but collectively the governments do if politics stops interfering. Readiness is an issue for sure but where does this line get drawn. Romania, Poland, Greece, Italy, Finland?

    We are watching ethnic cleansing based on politics in a friendly Christian nation by our major enemy of the past 75 years. Patton was right.

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