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Just Jack

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Posts posted by Just Jack

  1. I've always wanted to build a trebuchet, but never had the time or lumber.

    I used to subscribe to a spud gun email list, one of the members worked on an oil field somewhere out west. He was building his out of old pipes, and using the field as a target range. Was reporting shots going for miles.

  2. Looking at the pics from yesterday reminded me of something - the #1 offense never went against the #1 defense.


    Just found that interesting...


    Because Zolman was picking apart the #1 Defense with his #2 Offense.

    Pity more people didn't join in on my Zolman chant. Yet an injured Travis Brown sitting on the bench got more applause.

  3. I also find it ironic that many of the "hits" these days are nothing more than samples from old songs, and remakes of old classics. I heard some kid the other day talking about the awesome song that some crummy band wrote called "just what I needed". Yes, the one by the CARS. Sigh, I guess I am just old too....



    I was working with a youngster a few years ago when Orgy's version of Blue Monday came on the radio. I started commenting about how these acts nowadays redo songs that I grew up with, and the younger generation think it's the greatest song they ever heard. Now we have 311 redoing The Cure. And I've even heard a dance/electronica version of Stairway To Heaven.

  4. I've made a few, a basic one, a small one I called "Lil' Spuddy", and a straight pneumatic that sounded like air brakes on a truck when it went off. That was my biggest and best. I had a stand for it so I could remotely fire, and interchangable barrels.

  5. I've been watching the show since it first came on several months ago, now the ones you're seeing are repeats. Anyways, you know it's a good show when Fox copies it, they're now advertising "Renovate My Family", similar concept, everything done in one week, but instead of just doing the house, they help out the family also with their "issues" like weight loss, or quitting smoking, etc.

  6. Don't confuse the "Extreme Makeover Home Edition" with the "Extreme Makeover Superficial Giving into the Pressures of Society Pointless Surgery Edition"


    The former is actually very benevolent, while the latter is just crap.


    One of the guys I work with was thinking of putting in an application for EM:HE. When I asked why, he said he and the wife hadn't had the time to do their own remodel. I told him flat out they would not make the cut. Watching the shows, you can really see that ABC is going for the ones that if you were their neighbor, you'd want to be helping the crews working on the house any way you can.

  7. I bet you, Jack and Mark were clowning around quite a bit there, too. *LOL* Great pics, Jåy. Looks like you guys had a good time.





    I actually spent most of the practice time up in the top of the stands in the shade, asking myself why did I eat so much. That's why my stomach looks so huge in those pictures. Yea, that's it, that's the reason why.

  8. The players do get to eat. They're asked to help do the serving for about the first 15-20 minutes, then they're free to mingle.


    And now that he's gone from the team, I can tell you a little story about my first year working at Taste Of The Season. I was near one of the exit doors of the club, talking to a few other Blue Coats, when out of the corner of my eye I see RJ. He's standing near the doors, looking around, and when he saw no one was watching him, he took off his serving apron, dropped it on a table a booked out the door. He was at the event only about 10 minutes.

  9. wish I could get an invite to this.... This will be the highlight of the whole season.


    It's just $100, and it goes to charity.


    I want to go.


    Start driving. It doesn't really start till about 5:30-6:00. And it's all you can eat. I'll be gaining about 5lbs just from the cheesecake table.

  10. Meet the 2004-05 Buffalo Bills at "A Taste of the Season"


    With training camp underway and the start of the NFL season just a few weeks away, Partnership members can join the excitement of the upcoming Buffalo Bills season at “The Taste of the Season – Buffalo Bills Style” on Monday August 30 (5:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.) in the Jim Kelly Club at Ralph Wilson Stadium.



    The fourth annual “Taste of the Season” networking reception for the Buffalo Niagara corporate community brings guests the chance to meet the complete lineup of Bills players and coaches and sample specialty foods and drinks from many of the region’s finest restaurants. The entire roster of Buffalo Bills players and coaches will be on hand, serving as guest chefs and servers at food stations located throughout the Jim Kelly Club.


    Meet the 2004-05 Buffalo Bills at "A Taste of the Season"


    A Taste of the Season - Buffalo Bills Style - Registration information

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