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Everything posted by bisonbrigade

  1. Seriously how can you not say this is a tank job. Do you really think the Bills can win more than 6 games with the talent that left, Gilmore, Darby, Watkins and others. Do you really think that the purge is finished? More trades to come. This is a good thing, do you want 8-8 forever or a team that can beat New England on THEIR best day and WIN a Superbowl.
  2. Never too soon. I have been waiting since 1997 when Kelly retired.
  3. TANK CITY. Anyone who denies this has smoked some serious stuff. 23 preseason games left until the 1st real game.
  4. Bills 2018 1st first round pick should be top 10, 2nd 1st round pick be in the top 20. Bills 2018 1st 2nd round pick should be in the top 5 and 2nd second round pick be in the top 10. Bills 2018 1st 3rd round pick be in the top 10 and 2nd second round pick be in the top 20. CAN WE PLEASE GET A DAMN FRANCHISE QB!
  5. NFL Network spending hours on Zeke Elliott, nothing about Sammy. Typical.
  6. Bills fans should consider the 2017 season as 19 preseason games for the 2018 season.
  7. Bills now have 2 1st round picks, 2 2nd round picks and 2 3rd round picks in 2018 Draft. Can we PLEASE get a FRANCHISE QB.
  8. The Jets and Bills race for the Bottom of the AFC EAST and the top of the 2018 Draft.
  9. Petermen showed good arm strength, pocket awareness and mobility. I think he is a keeper. Has a BIG upside. Next week I would sit Tyrod, Play Yates for a Half and Petermen for a Half.
  10. He can miss the next 3 games and be ready on September 10th. Let him rest.
  11. For most teams that would be the best, but Bills are not most teams.
  12. Best case scenario, Bills go 5-11, Kanas City goes 8-8, Top 5 and Top 20 1st round picks in 2018. QB & OT.
  13. Welcome to Ground hog day, a repeat of the last five years. See you in 2018. Hopefully with a Franchise QB.
  14. Worst case scenarios would be any record between 6-10 to 9-7. Anything below 6-10 would mean a chance to draft a possible franchise QB which would be great. Anything 10-6 or better would mean a playoff spot. Anything in between means the same stuff different year.
  15. He can teach a lot of things to Watkins and Jones which will help them. Good signing. Jones = younger Boldin hopefully.
  16. Americans have freedom of speech, NFL owners have freedom not to hire a Anti American punk who sucks at Quarterback.
  17. Liberal ABC which owns ESPN loves there poster boy Kaepernick. He stands for everything they believe in.
  18. Bills finish 6 and 10 and get a franchise QB in 2018. Gotta stink to get a good QB.
  19. If there prediction is true the Bills could pick Josh Allen, QB, Wyoming and not have to trade the pick from Kansas City. And if Kansas City goes 8-8, then Bills would have a top 5 and top 20 pick. LOVE N IT.
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