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Posts posted by Azalin


    No, it's about this particular guy. He hates Obama. He is protesting Obama. People who watch Fox News (for anything other than the entertainment value) dislike Obama. He probably watches Fox News over MSNBC. It's a fair assumption to make. It has nothing to do with Fox News' Nazi policies or their promotion of said policies.

    yes, this guy probably does hate Obama, and I think he's an idiot for trying to protest Obama's policies by raising the nazi flag. I also happen to believe that it's just as idiotic to relate fox news with the nazi party.

  2. The point is that he's an Obama-hater, just so we're clear. It's a huge mental leap for some people to make. Like winning in the NFL, reading between the lines is hard sometimes.

    it's not difficult to understand at all...it just gets laughably tiresome to hear anything that has a conservative slant to it, like fox news, related in any way to the nazis. it shows an extreme lack of imagination, as well as a fundamental misunderstanding of what the nazis did. everyone should be offended at this bonehead for putting a nazi flag outside of his house, but people making a comparison between the nazis and fox news (I realize you weren't the one to bring it up in this thread) display an ignorance on par with that of mr Sincavage.



    Oh I assume Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton have something nice to say about him. Or more to the point she deserved it. How dare she prance around her home in the skimpy short dress.

    he was just out to pick up some skittles, and out of nowhere she began pummeling his fists with her face.

  4. I also know nothing about this. ... but if I had to give an answer I would point to the number and routine nature of us Senate filibusters as the difference.

    a filibuster is primarily a tool of the party that is in the minority, so just going by the number of filibusters a party has really only indicates which party is the minority. Fezmid is just pointing out the typical spin used by the MSM.

  5. Well, if we're talking about hamburger tips, let me throw out a couple more.


    When you combine your beef with salt/pepper/whatever, mix it with a fork, not your hand like you're making a meatloaf. You don't want the meat compact.


    When you form the patty, don't pack it. Form it gently so the fat can melt inside and give you great texture.


    Before you put it on the grill, press your thumb down in the middle to create an indentation (otherwise your burger will bubble up in the middle).


    Lastly, put a thin layer of mayo on the bottom bun before you put the burger on it because apparently the heat from the burger makes the mayo react in such a way as to create a seal so the burger juices don't make the bun soggy.


    Oh, and if you want a kickass burger, don't get ground beef. Get a brisket and have the butcher grind it for you (tell him/her to run it through twice).


    Carry on.

    I've actually never heard of any of those, but I'll be trying them all within a week. thanks!

    I sprinkle salt on my burgers along with fresh ground pepper for.......flavor. :nana:

    I am humbled.....you are a true professional! :)



    I just read an article to do this while grilling burgers, it caramelizes and bonds to the sugars in the meat and makes the burger tastier. Your Dad was onto something there.

    something else you may wish to try is a little trick I learned in my years as a cook: sprinkle some salt onto the burger patty when you first begin to cook it. it helps hold the juices into the burger as it cooks.

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