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Posts posted by Azalin

  1. Soooo many assumptions being made about this story with no facts to back it up.

    The only thing we know so far is that she had $5, but had no ticket when inspected, so got kicked off the bus.


    Everyone is jumping to the conclusion that she was refused a bus ticket, or that the driver called her in, or that she was mistreated in anyway. Stop the outrage!

    quoted from the article:

    'She offered the bus driver the money, but he refused, saying he only accepted exact change.'


    not to jump to any wild conclusions here or anything, but I'm going to risk the assumption that the driver refused her a bus ticket because she didn't have exact change.





    No, our president is a thug and the media is too afraid of him and/or in love with him to hold his feet to the fire. In his 4 1/2 years in office he's presided over a half dozen scandals each every bit as serious as Watergate was. Today's "journalists" covering the White House are a discredit to the people that came before them that could actually be called journalists.

    but can't you see that this is just another phoney scandal that's been ginned up to draw attention from the real issues?

  3. You idiots are comical. Whining crying this and that... Shameless, I tell you!


    Conservatives are like mice that scientists implanted false memories into... LoL

    among of the responsibilities of a free press is to hold all public servants, especially policy makers, accountable for their actions. are you willing to say that they've been applying the same critical eye to this administration as they did to the last one?


  4. what this all says to me isn't so much about the current administration, but the major news outlets. I don't expect them to give Obama the same critical treatment they gave Bush 43 (or Bush 41 or Reagan, etc), but their less-than-casual attitude toward whistle-blowers really cuts across the grain of everything they used to stand for. I'm not so naïve as to expect them to be truly fair and unbiased, but I never thought I'd live to see the press at large so blatantly set aside their responsibility for holding public servants accountable. by comparison with their treatment of Obama, the press turned on Jimmy Carter like they were starving piranha.

  5. if the kid hopped a fence to get onto this guy's property and it was 2am, then nobody should be surprised that he was shot. under the same conditions, I like to think that I would hold the gun on the kid while I phoned the police, but I'm honestly not sure what I'd do.

  6. I am wondering why we haven't washed this story in to a race issue.


    when this first broke on the news, the very first thing I heard was 'the only minority juror serving on the panel believes that Zimmerman got away with murder', and it struck me how incendiary a comment that was.

  7. No one may bite off the leg of another person:


    TITLE 11

    Criminal Offenses

    CHAPTER 11-29


    SECTION 11-29-1


    � 11-29-1 Penalty for mutilation or disabling. � Every person who shall voluntarily, maliciously or of purpose put out an eye, slit the nose, ear, or lip, or cut off, bite off, or disable any limb or member of another, shall be imprisoned not exceeding twenty (20) years nor less than one year.


    this one certainly fuels the imagination.



    I was actually ever-so-slightly amused by "thumb-sucking helot" myself. I was just going to go with "helot" as an accurate description, but then I though "It's missing something...I need to jazz it up a little." I felt the end result - conveying both that 3rd is a whiny-ass little baby AND my B word - was worth the ten seconds of effort I put into it.

    to be honest, I had to look up 'helot'. it made it all the funnier.

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