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Posts posted by Azalin

  1. I'm just going to say it, but, I'm just going to suggest what was demanded from me: perhaps you guys should consider using emoticons?









    gee, what a wooooonderful idea......I can't believe I didn't think of that myself.






    I wasn't really being sarcastic before.....I thought what Tom posted was pretty funny, and was attempting a bit of humor myself. I'll do better next time. :)

  2. They might stop me from putting on the kind of shirt I want. We they start taking 40% or more of the fruits of MY labor they are stopping me from doing a lot of things. Kind of financial oppression don't you think?

    I wouldn't bother if I were you. I was talking about 'covering your backside' and he immediately thought 'shirt', missing the metaphor completely.

  3. http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/2013/07/22/rand-paul-aide-known-as-southern-avenger-steps-down/



    Avenger? Not a racist?




    Booth killed Lincoln after he heard Lincoln was going to allow black soldiers to vote. What a sick puke. He should try and get all the Libertarians together in one state and let them form their own Libertarian society of free citizens. Paul is a joke

    are you saying that all liberatarians are racist?

  4. From the article:


    "The number of escaped inmates has reached 500, most of them were convicted senior members of al Qaeda and had received death sentences," Hakim Al-Zamili, a senior member of the security and defense committee in parliament, told Reuters."


    Then why wasn't it carried out?

    or at least, why would they flee from guaranteed martyrdom? I think this brings their commitment to their faith into question.

  5. Did I miss the 200 page thread in which all you non-racist gun enthusiasts payed close attention to this trial and vehemently defended this man's right to defend himself with deadly force?

    so if you happen to think that Zimmerman's actions don't merit a 2nd degree murder charge, then you're a racist gun-enthusiast?

  6. Jesus-titty-f@$#ing Christ



    Just when I thought it couldn't worse than this




    and this




    they come out with this




    from the article: "My biggest issue is ... giving him the facts rather than getting upset and giving him how I feel, because I want him to come to his own consensus,"


    his own consensus? is there even such a thing as a consensus of one (apart from Al Gore)?



    Since when has Rolling Stone ever made anyone a celebrity?

    I suppose it's a matter of personal perception, but to me seeing that particular photograph on the cover of RS is like seeing that same pic on the cover of Tiger Beat or TV Guide. although they're not making a celebrity of him, it appears at first glance (which is how magazine covers are used to sell the magazine) as if they're going out of their way to portray him as someone deserving of our sympathy. I'm not saying that's right or wrong....that's just the way I see it.

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