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Everything posted by marauderswr80

  1. Noway a team gives a #1 for Willis. I know the Giants will need a RB due to Tiki's retirement. However, I have a gut feeling if Tom Coughlin was to be fired after the year, I could really see Tiki coming back to play for the Giants. Another thing, let say we traded Willis for a # 1 pick, we better use one of them picks for a RB, cause I can tell you now A-train is not the type RB you can game plan with. Hes a nice change of pace back, but thats all...... Again, if Willis was to leave, I do think the offense takes another step backwards. Noway do i think Willis deserves the type money Edge got from the Cards......
  2. One of the best back in the league? Where have I been the past 3 years? Willis has been mediocre at best here in Buffalo. Hes had one decent season, and for that he deserves top money? For real you gotta be kidding me......... Hes the 23rd best RB in the NFL right now......that tells me there are 22 RB's in this league that are better.......to me, thats not worth top dollar like Willis thinks. I dont know many RB's that are ranked 20th and beyond to hold out......
  3. Strength and technique are a issue with him. Ive seen many plays where he has been pushed into McGahee on run plays. I think he can improve in those aspects. But ive also seen the guy make nice blocks. I think it takes time to gel with a new OL and a new QB behind him. As long as he can get the job done, I can careless if he weighed 200 pounds.......
  4. I fell that way about Whitner & Ko Simpson.......I think after watching film in the offseason, and workouts with the NFL program they will get bigger and faster.....
  5. Was it me or did it seem like Whitner was always falling when making a break to cover a offensive player? But there is a part of me that thinks he can adjust to the NFL speed next year.
  6. Ian Scott would fit well with Tripplett, and Fewell is familiar with Ian Scott.
  7. But you have to find a starting point dont you? Im sure Buffalo will offer more then one contract. Im sure they will offer a handfull, its not like they will make one offer and if Nate says so the Bills say see ya.......im sure there have been talks about a contract long ago, its just hush hush right now
  8. From what I have heard Cal - CB Damieon Hughes is the best CB that will be in the draft this year....Unsure how true that is...... I also wonder if Ray Rice will come out and enter the draft. I think he stays another year with Rutgers and then comes out. He reminds me of a younger Corey Dillon, tough to bring down with some speed. Back when Dillon was with the Bengals.
  9. Right, I understand that......I just cant see Youboty or Whitner playing at the level Clements has this year and to be honest that can be a major blow to a defense, but it also sends a bad message to the fans. A fan base thats already up in flames for not having a winning franchise. But if he were to leave, like you state, i dont know many guys that can replace him. I keep hearing Al Harris from GB will be a cap casuality this year and he will be out on the market, he would make a nice fit incase Nate was to leave. I dont mean to come off mean or anything like that, I just want Nate to stay here, cause this team is NOT that far from being a winner. Nate is a huge reason the team has been in several games this year. I hope I come across better then my last post.......
  10. Exactly........ I just hope the front office is smart enough to see that this team is not that far away from winning. Clements is a HUGE part of the winning factor. He shuts down other teams #1 guys. He started off slow, but the work he put in to make himself better was what this team needs. I have a feeling Buffalo resigns Nate and London and makes one big FA signing and has a good draft to fill the rest of the needs. I also could see Buffalo keying 1 solid OL and one solid DL and the rest via the draft. If we have the money I say do it, cause like ive said before, Buffalo has not had this much of a shot at winning this much in a long time. And to be truthfull, its do or die for the Buffalo Bills and their ties with WNY.....
  11. I dont know how many times ive said it to people, yet you are the only one who gets it........ I said it lastweek, this team was 5 plays away from having a dog fight for homefield advantage for the playoffs. Yet noone sees it. But they key to this team is keeping the guys who make the team work, Clements and Fletcher are MAJOR keys to what this team can do next year. If we can add 2 DL, 2 OL and a nice WR to go along with Evans, this team will be dangerous. I believe in the system they are running with the Bills. Its crazy noone sees this. We have a team thats 7-8, but honestly with a flip of a switch this team very well could be 11-4 easily!!!!!!! maybe even better, there were only 2 games that we were clearly out played, 2nd game against the Pats and the Bears game, only game we lost by more then that was the first Jets game where we should have won if it was not for turnovers...... I have tried to look at the negatives about this team, but i just cant find many. Other then Run D and the OL still needs a little tweeking. A good draft and a few solid FA's this team is a contender!
  12. Id rather see it on the field that he can play instead of on paper......come on now! This team needs to spend a little cash and keep Nate. Go look at who we face next year WR wise, tell me we dont need Nate Clements on the field. Noway Youboty or Whitner can do what Nate has done! You think Youboty & Whitner can shut down Andree Johnson and Marvin Harrison back to back weeks? NOWAY! If this team loses Clements, its sending me a signal that they are not really trying to make an effort at winning..... Only valuable guy I see that will be on the market this off season would be Al Harris from Green Bay, who will be a cap cut end of the year!
  13. With the chances of us losing Nate Clements & London Fletcher, you want Spikes cut Monday morning.......LOL. You know alot about football!
  14. Granted we played the top 8 teams in the power rankings........ However.... With a play here and there Buffalo is 7-2 against those teams. Only loses that were true loses was to the Pats the 2nd time we played them and to the Bears.
  15. I dont believe what some reporter says, most of the time they are 100% wrong. If Ralph can make an offer that Nate likes, I see no reason why Nate leaves. Hes played very well 2nd part of the year. And where this team is now, they are very close to becoming a solid team, and I believe Marv & Co understand that this would be a major set back if they lose Nate. Cause not only do they lose Nate, im sure many fans will follow. This day and age of the NFL, you need to pay the good players to stay. If you want a solid fan base show the fans you are making an effort to win and im not just talking about extending a kickers contract. Keep the best players on the team. I can tell you now, I have NOT see anything that tells me Youboty can take over for Clements..... If Clements leaves, its another MAJOR set back for this team that has no room for any setbacks! Cause honestly, I think this is the last shot the team has at winning anything in the Buffalo area. Im pretty sure Buffalo would have the funds to resign Nate correct?
  16. You dont know what next year holds! Those teams you mention could have a down year or could have major injuries. If Buffalo played in the NFC, I bet they would be in the #2 spot for the playoffs, that NFC division is dreadfull. Look at how bad the Giants have played past few weeks, they are 7-8 and still hold the last wildcard spot. To me thats just awful. Look at Seattle they won their division and they are what 8-7 right now.... You cant base our 2007 schedule on what teams are doing this year.
  17. Id love to see a Monday night game at RWS...... How come RW dont like national televised games at home? I dont get it? Cause of the rowdy fans? what? Id think id want to market my team as much as possible.
  18. Tough to blitz when the other teams game plan is to run the ball down your throat.
  19. Sometimes a change in teams is the best medicine for a player. When we signed London Fletcher how many guys around here knew who he was? I didnt, I dont recall him doing anything with the Rams. Now that he is with Buffalo he has been shunned a few times from the pro bowl. I think Buffalo has made London a better play, a team that fit him better and in the end Buffalo was the place that has got the best out of London. I think this can be said about any player, except TO.......
  20. The best play thats being over looked was the throw to Parrish in the Jags game to put the Bills in fieldgoal position to win the game. Not only was it a great throw on the run, but it was a dart and it was an amazing catch by Parrish. Honestly let me ask.....do you remember a season that had soo many great plays in it? Cause I sure dont! There is a lot to be excited about with this team. We have young kids who are electrifying when they get the ball, we just need a few more key positions to get stronger and this team can make a run! I also think teams in our division are getting older while the Buffalo Bills are getting younger and more explosive! But play of the year does belong to Losman to Price in the Texans game. Its funny cause before that play i was screaming the following........JUST ONCE, JUST ONCE, GIVE THE BILLS A BREAK, LET THIS TEAM WIN......then the TD come with Losman to Price, and it went to review, I thought for sure it was going to be overruled. But I found myself screaming again, JUST GIVE US ONE F-ING BREAK FOR ONCE IN A GAME, GIVE US THE CALL....and they did! I still dont think he dragged his other foot........
  21. Lindell has been very good with the Bills, he has done very well at Ralph Wilson stadium. Besides, id rather have an honest kicker tell me the truth if he can make it or not. Noway he makes that kick against the Titans to win that game. Bironas has one of the strongest legs in the game, look at the game he won on a kick that was a 60 yarder. I think the field goal Bironas had over the weekend on the Bills was around 28 yards? I could be wrong, but I think I am right and the ball cleared the crossbar byt maybe a foot. You honestly think Lindell makes a 40 yarder heading the same direction? NO! Its not a knock on Lindell at all, just noway Bironas or anyother kicker in the league makes that kick going in that direction! From what Ive heard from other sources, in pregame kicking that direction neither kicker made it from 30 plus yards out....only kick made was the 28 yarder in the game by 1 foot.
  22. Play to win the game video clip........ If you go to youtube.com im sure you can find a few things.
  23. Those are the worst ones! My daughter got about 7 Bratz dolls.
  24. What id like to see is one massive DT next to Tripplett, a DT that has to take on double teams, that leave Tripplett man to man and then Tripplett can really use his speed. I think that would be the best option, not 2 DT's that are huge....
  25. I dreaded seeing the Titans offense on the field, I dont wish an injury on anyone, but I so wanted VY you pull a hammy.......That guys is amazing with the football. Titans beat us with the run game. I dont think a great DL can stop a QB that can run all over the place. Most of Vinces yards come on busted plays, which makes him dangerous. If the Titans fix that defense of theirs, they can be a force to wreckon with in the near future!
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