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Hazed and Amuzed

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Everything posted by Hazed and Amuzed

  1. I don't know if anyone here remembers when this video gained popularity http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=De-mpTfmZv0...feature=related But now it seems as though people are remixing it and it's effing great. Here are some examples:
  2. Yeah thats right, she was a meth head. Glad she got it together.
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7z9bPrUark4 Come on Eileen
  4. I've been saying and a lot have agreed that Reed has been our most clutch WR the past couple of years. I'm not sure why some don't see that.
  5. You're right. That national championship showed me how overrated he really was.
  6. I think the greater question here is "What is Duke Freakin' Preston doing playing in a CELEB golf tourney?".
  7. KO Simpson will be stellar this year. Especially with front 7 so much stronger and Whitner being more familiar with our D. Simpson has everything he needs around him to be a star.
  8. As much as I think Taylor is still a beast, he's only a beast for a couple of more seasons. I wouldn't give a first for a guy who will only preform well for a couple of seasons. A third maybe but not a 1st.
  9. I'd like to see Barnes start. At first at least. FB is not an easy position to play as a rookie.
  10. I've always disliked the Mummy franchise but Jet Li might make it interesting.
  11. Personally I'd like to see the whole team full of CB's. Speed kills!!!
  12. Ahh!!! Seems like a dick move. Well wishes to him anyway.
  13. This is how little I know about hockey: What does that mean?
  14. Not much of a hockey fan myself but it was just reported that Sean Avery was taken to the hospital in cardiac arrest and wasn't breathing.
  15. Holy crap BuffaloBilliever was that really you're mock?!!
  16. Christ!!! the guy did his time by going through the court ordered therepy. He's kept his nose clean since. Give him a chance.
  17. Just for fun I'll post this guy beating Super Mario 3 in just over 3 min. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J31klTM6q78...feature=related
  18. I'm not offended by the ad but I don't think it's real. I just don't see an ad agency submiting something like that. On top of that VW buying it? It's just bad business for a very successful company that has done well marketing their product all these years. It doesn't make sense to me.
  19. Oh gee, good it's you again... and here I thought today would be boring.
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