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Posts posted by Gordio

  1. 10 hours ago, Sherlock Holmes said:

    Ding ding ding... Oh you bet your sweet behind they were naming every death Corona for this reason.


    Also don't put it past them to lie about having Corona, anything with flu like symptoms... it's like the flu went "extinct" all of a sudden. They already lied about cause of death, what's a little "misdiagnosis" for the living???



    My wife's cousin works in a hospital in Tenn and she said one person was tested positive for covid a few months ago, got in a car accident a week after testing, died and was listed as a Covid death.  This is just one example.  Why are pneumonia deaths down like 60% this year compared to last?  This will all be over by the election, once Trump is out, the virus will have moderated, there will be a vaccine coming out shortly after that and the left wing media(CNN/MSNBC/NBC) will be covering this virus very differently.  Something else does not add up here, the stock market should be getting killed right now, but it has loss minimal points since this whole thing started.  The airlines are getting crushed, entertainment is getting crushed, car industry is getting crushed, travel is not good, but yet the market has balanced out.  Something tells me Wall Street knows this is about the election.  

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  2. On 7/20/2020 at 1:06 PM, MR8 said:


    The Concern about "Herd Immunity" is you need a vaccine for it.  Too many people are contracting Covid and having it be very mild... many don't even know they have/had it, and others don't have serious symptoms at all.  These cases are what has pushed the narrative that it's no big deal, however in Sweeden (a country that didn't shut down at all) they're finding despite an explosion in cases, there is an VERY small population who actually have the anti-bodies.  What that means is if you have Covid-19 and its very mild your body never really fights to create strong enough anti-bodies for them to be retained in your body's Rolodex of anti-bodies to fight it in the future.  


    That's where the concern of re-infection comes from, if people don't have anti-bodies after a while for this thing, there potential for re-infection is very high.  That's hugely concerning.... If people can be reinfected, then there is no possible way to reach herd immunity unless everyone gets the virus and it's bad.  OR a vaccine could accomplish the same thing, but right now it looks like most are almost a year out... in the US there are 3 different vaccines being tested on humans right now, but clinical trials will take until December to know which ones are truly viable for mass production.... Then you need to factor in time for production by pharma companies... the estimate right now if everything goes well for one or more of the vaccines is April for the roll out to the the population for a vaccine, starting with those at the highest level of risk first... doctors, nurses, first responders, social workers, people with illnesses which make them more susceptible, followed by elderly.... then it would go to the general population. 


    For everyone to be inoculated in America it will take MONTHS.... now factor in how many people are anti-vaccines and what that does to the idea of "herd immunity".  We could still be a full year to hear and a half away from even considering getting back to "Normal".


    I think the hard part about football is there are SOOOO many more players and moving pieces.  Hopefully a "bubble" works, but with expanded rosters, you're talking about soooo freaking many people in the building, all it takes is 1 person breaking quarantine to reintroduce it to the rest.   



    Just wondering where you are getting your info from.  I watch very little news these days, because everything is so depressing but I do watch an hour in the morning when I log onto work.  I had NBC on today & they had a doctor that said there are 4 vaccines already set to go final phase & they show tremendous promise, especially one that gives a double shot of antibodies including T Cells which is big, that is above my paygrade but basically it attacks infected cells in the body.  The doctor said because the government is willing to bet/spend billions on vaccines that haven't been approved/deemed effected, once one is found the doses are going to be coming in by the 100 millions.  One guy said we could have over billion doses produced by end of next year.  This year is shot but it does sound promising for next year.   My guess is your a guy that really looks at the glass as half empty don't you?

  3. 1 hour ago, Augie said:


    UGA alone might have challenged Harvards endowment size if they sold commemorative  UGA face masks and begged fans to wear them so we could have football on schedule! 



    I saw a guy wear a mask at Wegmans the other day that said "this mask is as useless as our governor"  I thought that was pretty good.

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    • Haha (+1) 1
  4. 19 hours ago, Rocbillsfan1 said:

    because they deserve to have safety measures put in place you stooge. If there are none, than it is completely reckless. Even most jobs across America have made drastic changes to invoke the safety of its’ employees. But you sound like an entitled cry baby who wants the players to just shut up and play football. Why do they need any safety measures ?????

    your immediate reaction to this situation was to have zero empathy which shows you have a lack of basic caring for people which probably means you love Fox News. 



    I didn't get that at all from SC's post.  All he was saying was it is cool if you want to opt out but why should they get paid?  If a worker at a grocery store or an Amazon driver doesn't show up to work due to concern about the work conditions & their health, I am pretty sure they are not getting paid.  & your flat out wrong about how the players don't need the owners.  The billionaire owners make it possible for the numerous athletes to be millionaires & live a lavish lifestyle.  


    BTW you should be banned for 30 days for name calling.  I thought it was prohibited on this board, I guess the rules only apply to certain posters.  

    • Like (+1) 1
  5. 20 hours ago, Paup 1995MVP said:

    I wish he did.  I went to Michigan in the 80's.  My son played at Syracuse and then transferred to Georgia Southern.  Not quite Michigan but hopefully he can turn some heads this year if he can stay healthy.  Had a bad knee injury against LSU last year.  Fortunately surgery went well last fall, and he has busted his butt rehabbing.  



    I got to tell you, I don't want to offend you but my son just played a baseball tournament in Ann Arbor.  He was supposed to play on Michigan University but they switched that due to covid.  I wasn't impressed with the university.  I thought it would be nicer.  Lot of low end housing around the campus, on campus had no special feel to it.  The Big House looked cool(at least the outside, didn't get to see the inside) but it looked small, maybe because it looked like it was built underground.  Hard to imagine though that place holds 100K +.  Just wasn't impressed with the campus as a whole though, thought it would be nicer.  Even around campus I didn't see a ton of college bars.  I did see some frat guys playing beer pong on their front lawn so that brought back some good memories for me.  I didn't think it was that impressive though.

  6. I got to say I never was a fire works guy.  Thought they were a waste of money, but with all the stuff going on this year, my son & I took a drive early last week & loaded up.  My wife was firmly against it but I did it anyways.  I live in Lancaster & honestly never seen my neighborhood and the surrounding neighborhoods like this on the 4th.  The fire works were coming from all angles and someone up in North Lancaster went all out because it honestly looked like a town show.  My old friend came over with his wife to spend the day & it was a perfect day, weather was perfect, great food & we blew off the fire works I bought around 9:15.  They lasted to about 10.  Blew them off in front of the house, some of the neighbors told me thanks, & they enjoyed them, had some nice cakes.  I got to say I am kind of hooked now, gonna double them next year.  Hope everybody had a great 4th! 

    • Like (+1) 1
  7. On 7/4/2020 at 11:35 AM, Hapless Bills Fan said:


    So the source for this NY Post article is "According to a Report by the Athletic"


    One news media citing a "report" in another news media as their source, warning sign of a possible "nothingburger"


    So let's look at the Athletic article. 


    It cites "sources" and a "source familiar with plans from a stadium reopening working group", and that it's a proposal this group may forward to clubs.

    I think that makes it a long way from a sure thing.


    The NFL is considering requiring fans attending games this season to sign liability waivers shielding the teams from COVID-19 lawsuits, sources said.  The waiver proposal is likely to be forwarded to clubs by the middle of next week as part of a broad range of league recommended best practices for re-opening stadiums amid the coronavirus pandemic. 

    “It is probably something you do electronically, just trying to figure out the operational challenges associated with waivers,” said one source familiar with plans under development by the stadium reopening working group headed by NFL Sr. VP of Security Cathy Lanier. “Just have to work out how best to do that.”

    The league has said almost from the beginning of the pandemic that it expects to play its season as normally as possible. Teams are preparing for a range of scenarios, from no fans to nearly full stadiums, and the NFL is leaving those choices to the clubs and local health authorities.
    On several groups I frequent, every time a liability waiver is brought up, lawyers out themselves and tell us they don't really mean anything, and the parties mandating the waiver can still be sued.
    Is a waiver worth anything?  I don't know.  If the stadium takes precautions in keeping with the best public health advice currently available - ensures that all fans are wearing a mask when they enter, clearly communiciates expectations for behavior, spatially distances seating, whatever other precautions they can take to reduce density - maybe?

    If the football game turns into a super-spreader event and my Granny who signed no waiver gets infected and dies as a result of being cared for by a friend of a friend who was there, can I sue?  If she can't get the best medical care because the hospitals are overwhelmed and contact tracing indicates the game was a major spreading event?  ?‍♀️



    Do you consider the protests a public safety hazard in what you described above.  If not I would be interested in hearing your reasons why.

  8. On 7/2/2020 at 10:59 AM, DrDawkinstein said:



    Holy cow.


    One of the earliest football memories I have was going to that Colts game with my dad. Same thing, we moved around to probably 8 different parts of the stadium just to see the different perspectives. We were on the news that night because we were down in the front row of the end zone for one of the touchdowns and we were easy to spot as we were the only fans in the shot! ?


    I also remember, on our way into the stadium, Fred Smerlas and Darryl Talley pulled their bikes in front of our car and was giving my dad crap about going to the game saying "You're paying to watch bad football!". And my dad rolling down the window and saying "You guys were 4-12 last year, how much worse can it be? Come on, I got a kid in the car."


    They moved their bikes.



    Great story, I love it!

    On 7/1/2020 at 8:02 PM, Limeaid said:

    If NYS is only state with this rule Bills will play elsewhere.



    Kind of interesting because WNY probably has the lowest hospitalizations & lowest % of cases in the entire country.  I believe by last night we were down to 6 COVID hospitalizations and have been hitting right 1% of positive cases with the testing.  If they don't let fans around here, they shouldn't allow fan attendance anywhere else either.

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  9. 16 hours ago, Jauronimo said:

    It is interesting.  My understanding is ICUs operate around 80% of capacity most of the year.  So a sudden shock to the medical system, like a pandemic, can easily push our healthcare system to a point of overload.  As in, inability to treat new patients.



    Yes I saw one of the doctors explained the perfect scenario with ICU is running at 80-90% capacity.  The hospital makes money & there is still some wiggle room if something unexpected comes along.  So I guess 95% capacity isn't so crazy last year.

  10. 13 minutes ago, machine gun kelly said:

    PTR, I live in FL and you’re right.  I get so annoyed with especially young people down here that are not respecting the social distancing protocols.  I’m actually glad our Governor instituted masks mandatory in any building (except my gym as the space is so vast they don’t require it, only employees which doesn’t make sense to me), and irritated by some people just ignoring things that keep you protected.


    I know it’s a letdown not having fans in the stadiums, but it’s a way to stop this thing from spreading even worse.  If they do open, people can do what they want, but I won’t be there if the tickets were given to me.  I value my health too much.  The sad thing is J&J and other companies are in phase 3 trials, but that will take another 8-10 weeks, then 6 weeks for submission to the FDA, then because it’s a PMA (new product filing) it will even with a rapid review take 6-9 months.  Bottom line is even if they hit a solid vaccine, they won’t have it commercially available until 2021 Spring, and then any company would need to produce upwards of 350,000,000 doses which no matter how big the company will take a long time.  Sadly, we’ll be lucky to have fans in the 2021 season.  That’s depressing, and there will be some who do not inoculate for various reasons.






    Hmm, a doctor just said on the Today Show J&J could produce 100 million doses of the vaccine by the end of the year if it gets approved in the fall & 1 billion doses by the end of 2021 so I don't think the vaccine prospects are as bleak as you portray them. 

  11. 7 minutes ago, eball said:

    Cuomo was literally one of the only guys to step up and lead during this outbreak.  Every decision isn’t going to be the right one but focusing on the wrong decisions in hindsight totally misses the point.  He is a leader and he did everything he could for his state at a time when the national response was (and still is) a joke.  New York is now in better shape than most of the country because of Cuomo’s leadership.  That’s just a fact.



    You have been away from NYS too long Eball.  Sending sick Covid patients into nursing homes, forcing these nursing homes to take these patients to as early as March stating this virus was nothing to worry about & New Yorkers should go on with their lives.  This guy is pure evil.  I am done with this conversation before I get suspended again.

    • Like (+1) 1
  12. Just now, PromoTheRobot said:


    So if the Covid spikes are due to the protests, why are we not seeing huge increases everywhere? Just in places that decided to open up?



    I have no idea, but why was it okay to protest, and that couldn't possibly cause the rise in infections where 1,000s among 1,000s of people gather not practicing social distancing but god forbid meeting a few friends at a bar spreads like wildfire.  Come on Promo, your better than this.

  13. 11 hours ago, Logic said:

    As much as I want there to be a 2020 NFL season...if it means endangering athletes and coaches by pushing them out onto the field in the midst of a deadly pandemic in the name of the almighty dollar, I'd rather they just cancelled the season. 

    It's bad enough that the NFL pretends to care about the health and safety of its players while constantly engaging in actions that put them in greater danger (Thursday night games, adding a 17th game to the season), but to now potentially stage a season in the midst of massive nationwide spikes in COVID numbers (and don't forget, the second wave that may be yet to come, despite the fact that we haven't even exited the first wave yet)? I just don't see how they can do it safely.

    I hope, hope, hope I'm wrong. But when it's all said and done, I don't need 1,600 athletes and 32 coaching staffs full of people to put their lives and their families' lives in danger for my entertainment. Life, health, and safety are more important than sports. 



    Please, the players have much more of a chance enduring head trauma developing later on in life.  Your a hypocrite.  If your so concerned about the players safety, you should be on board with ending football for good, studies have shown it is a very violent and sometimes deadly sport.

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  14. 12 hours ago, PromoTheRobot said:

    If the price of playing this season is no fans, I'll make that deal. Right now the odds are against the NFL playing at all. (Thanks Florida, Texas, Arizona...)



    You could thank the protests Promo.  I find it comical that these liberal government states such as Calif shut down beaches, restaurants & gyms but openly encouraged protests, violent at times.  Whatever this country has become a joke.  

    11 hours ago, Chaos said:

    Actual N.Y. state is the root cause of the nations COVID -19 problems 



    Don't tell King Cuomo that, he was pumping his chest out pretty good yesterday saying NYS did everything right.

  15. 43 minutes ago, plenzmd1 said:

    Funny, i have always said that was one of the most fun games i have ever been too! 4PM start, was at Weichecks till like 3:30, in seats in time for kickoff...think i sat in about 8 different sections that day..the game was the game...but man i had fun!


    I don't remember anything about the Colts game..and i mean not one thing..but know i went!



    My dad took me to the Colts game.  I remember when we went to our section the usher looked at us & said "any seat you want, you got the whole stadium to yourselves today boys."  

    • Haha (+1) 1
  16. 55 minutes ago, driddles said:

    My rep confirmed this morning that the first 6 to 8 rows of New Era will be tarped off this year.  So the NFL mandate is true for that. 

    They also confirmed Canadian season ticket holders will receive a refund or credit for any games where the border is closed.

    Also, the Bills have not announced the early access sale for remaining seats to individual games to season ticket holders.  There may be fans this year* but clearly there will be no full stadiums in Buffalo.

    * I don't think we'll see fans in the stands.  Flu season starts in Oct and hits full speed in December.  Sneeze droplets hang in the air for a good 10 seconds and longer in cold weather.  
    While 60 - 80K people die of the flu every year 128K are already dead and we are only at the half way point of the year.

    My fan side wants to be in the stadium, but my rationale side says it's a recipe for disaster



    My friend whose dad works for the bills told me that they are leaning towards allowing season ticket holders to attend.  Take it for what it is worth because my rep told me nothing has been decided but did say if no fans are allowed the bills will issue a full refund or you could get a credit for next years season, it is up to you.


    One last thing, WNY has only 34 Hospitalizations right now with only 9 ICU patients, they have not had anybody pass away from Covid in 3 days and only 2 deaths in the past 7 days.  If these numbers keep trending downward, which I know is a big if, why wouldn't fans be allowed at the stadium this year.  

  17. 5 hours ago, steven50 said:

    Retail isn't the only thing hurting. I live off my military pension and my dividends from investing. I keep a very close eye on the market. Plenty of industries are hurting now. Tens of thousands of oil workers are on the street right now and with capacity at nearly 100 percent those people wont be working any time soon.  That is from the guy working the rig to the people on the ships to the people that maintain the pipelines and the guys that drive the trucks. Its basically the 1970's steel crises all over again in that industry.


    Any cruise line not named Carnival could be filling tomorrow, and truth be told Carnival is only surviving due to scale. Auto industry sales are down 38%. Plants are closed or operating at diminished capacity. People without jobs dont go on cruises and they dont buy new cars.


    Tourism, Sports, Entertainment, Retail, Marketplaces, Restaurants and Fintech are Most Affected by COVID-19 Lockdown https://www.marketwatch.com/press-release/5-industries-most-affected-by-covid-19-lockdown-2020-04-21


    People are not taking this seriously and its easy to see why. All of whats going on in these industries should be in the news everyday but pimping fear is easier. Joe average doesn't even know its going on.


    Anxiety is a very real problem and we will be dealing with the after effects of this for years to come.


    I do not know of anyone that that has died from covid-19. My son had it and a friend had it. My 30 yr old son didn't even know he had it and my friend was sick for about three days. On the other hand I have a friend whose 20 yr old son has turned into a recluse basically refusing to leave the house except for food. I  Know of another guy that was a drug addict, clean and sober for over 12 years that is using again because he has been sitting in house for the last 4 months doing nothing but collect that extra $600 a week.


    That is not to mention all the people with preexisting health conditions that haven't been able to see a doctor, many of whom have probably been self medicating, or the tens of thousands that will find out they have an incurable cancer or other disease that could have been cured if they could have got that test done back in March or April that they were scheduled for. Heart disease Kills about 650,000 every year and Cancer kills around 600,000 BTW.


    This is on top of the work from home push that will probably shutter some office buildings and tech complexes across the country. A lot of people are about to have no job to go back to.


    You can revisit this comment in a couple weeks after that money runs out. I predict sky rocketing crime, double digit unemployment, and higher taxes. and its already starting to happen IMO. Even CNN admits that https://www.cnn.com/videos/us/2020/06/26/violent-crime-rising-gingras-nr-vpx.cnn . I hope you get to tell me I was wrong but I dont think so. This is just like the steel plant closings of the 70's only on a national scale.



    Excellent post sir, well done.  Your seeing crime go thru the roof now, with this defund the cop crap.  It is criminal how the media portrays situations, especially COVID & these riots/protests.  Perfect example is the two BPD that are being sued for that arrest last month.  Yeah it looks bad on camera, what the local media especially channel 2 has failed to tell you was this guy who was arrested was known gang banger and has been causing trouble for the local authorities for years.  There is a special place in hell for these media members that thrive on creating fear among society.  

    2 hours ago, machine gun kelly said:

    I understand the other issues discussed, but what is most likely from the title of the thread is there will not be fans in the stadiums.  I’m not saying I want or don’t want it, just this the most likely scenario.  The cases here in FL are skyrocketing and the highest incidence is 25-34.  We all have to wear masks anywhere in an enclosed place except home.


    Bottom line is it won’t be the NFL or teams making the call.  It will the respective Governors.  States who have opened too early and seeing spikes in cases are closing back down one by one.



    Less then 1% of the people in wny are testing positive, there are under 40 hospitalizations in Erie County due to COVID & NYS overall is in single digit deaths for the past week per day.  If your the Pegula's and it is truly up to the teams to decide whether to allow fans in the stadium, why wouldn't they allow fans at the CAP with those kind of dwindling numbers?

  18. On 6/27/2020 at 7:02 PM, Rochesterfan said:



    You are correct the goal was spread out the virus and prevent the overwhelming of hospitals and allow people to get the correct PPE.  The issue is places like Texas, Florida, Georgia, and South Carolina - even with closing the states - rushed to re-open and yes it helped some business, but hospitals are starting to get very overwhelmed.  The death rate is down as there are better treatments and techniques, but length of stay - especially for ICU patients is very long.  The hospitalizations and death rates also lag about 2 weeks behind the the infection rate - so as the infection rate rises - in 2 weeks we start to see the increase in severe hospitalizations.


    For South Carolina - looking at the national statistical data and trends - the hospitals are saying they have room and will hit 100% capacity within the next 2-3 weeks, but they have under 3 days room for ICU patients already.  With currently almost 900 people in ICU units and a capacity between 1000 and 1500 depending upon if they want to take away from other beds - they are sitting very close to 90% capacity.  The projections based upon the current infection rate is that by next week they will need over 2100 ICU beds to handle these patients - 40% more beds than their maximum rate right now.  


    Georgia is in even worse shape as numbers are still rising and they are already at 100% ICU capacity and numbers are rising.


    Texas and Florida recognized this very late and they have started to reclose things like bars and stop other things from opening and cut back on Restaurants levels and even gatherings outside.  Beaches are being closed - especially with July 4th coming up - that is a sign of exactly how bad it is.  This is creating huge issues as things re-hired and now are laying people off.  They had to restop elective surgeries because they need more hospital beds to creat an increase in ICU space.  The issue is exactly what we are concerned about with the players.  Bars were packed with "healthy" asymptomatic people - many in a younger age bracket and we are starting to see them get sick and their extended families get sick.  We are also seeing it sweep across college areas before the classes even start.  The Clemson kids were talking about "college bars" off campus being packed as people had not gone out and now many are getting sick.  The issue is that they are not alone because they do not feel sick - they go shopping, to restaurants, work-outs/gyms and they pass it to others that may not be near as young or healthy.  Therefore we are still seeing huge rises in hospitalizations and ICU visits.


    If things do not start to get under control - they are going to need to put more and more restrictions in these places and to bring this back to Football - With higher infection levels - more and more players and their family (and their extended families (elderly parents etc.) are going to get infected).  The NBA is going to try a bubble approach, but they have had a number of players refuse to play because they do not want to be away from their family.  MLB is trying to control with testing, but there are a lot of holes - especially with team travel and the players being able to be with their family at home.  They are expecting a continuation of positives and having to isolate and self quarantine to protect teams.  You can do that in MLB where for the most part 1-2 players matter very little.  The NFL is going to struggle because they can not create a tight bubble and if players in Miami (for example) live at home with their family - every time their wife/kids or cleaning lady/cook/etc. is out there is a higher risk that they get exposed and their is an increased risk they come in pre-symptomatic and spread it.  









    From this post you seem pretty knowledgeable about this subject.  There was a doctor in Houston on the news the other day said they were at near 100% capacity in the area but stated we were at 95% capacity this time last year.  I don't know, I just thought that was interesting.  

  19. 2 hours ago, K-9 said:

    We’ve taken science denial into a whole new realm when we not only deny it, but we also know more than the experts in any field of study or discipline. Acquiring knowledge and refined expertise to levels that used to require years to obtain can now be had in hours simply by watching a YouTube video or listening to our preferred news sources. Voila! Just like that. 



    Why is it that when scientists come on and make horrible predictions they should be taken as the gospel but when a scientist or doctor states any hope of optimism he is quickly dismissed by people like you?  

  20. On 5/25/2020 at 10:52 AM, scuba guy said:

    Several of my friends are Drs and nurses most deaths not all are from it 

    Example older person dies in hospice care goes down as pneumonia family doesn't want otopsy goes down as cov 19


    Sad but my Dr friends are being told to do just that



    I have two friends that are doctors and my wife's cousin is a nurse, they all work in hospitals.  They have all told me the exact same thing.  & to get it changed the family needs to do an otopsy & lets face it, no family in their right mind is going to do that.

  21. On 5/24/2020 at 8:15 PM, TroutDog said:

    “I think the lesson we can draw in general from 1918 about how to respond to a pandemic is that closure orders and social distancing is effective.” This is the quote from the article that resonated with me. 

    Here’s a tip for those offering their two cents: listen to scientists and scientists alone. Most else is political garbage. 

    I LOVE politics but the extremes (MSNBC and FOX) are simply propaganda. There is a vast amount of reasonable news out there, you simply have to think critically. It seems to be a lost art these days. 

    Back to football: I hope and pray we have a season in some way, shape or form. It will benefit the psyche of our country...and allow Buffalo to have our first SB victory!!!!!! ? 



    Are you kidding???  The scientists and experts have been wrong at every turn thru this whole ordeal.  Their projections have been criminally wrong.  Man you are naïve.  

  22. On 5/24/2020 at 3:30 PM, Johnnycage46 said:


    The scariest part to me is how it seems like a lot of people are putting their own little selfish needs before the health of others.  For example, my neighbor here in Henrietta (suburb of Rochester) has about 15 cars worth of people at her (presumed) Memorial Day party.  I get that we all want to get back to normal, but the more people start to stray outside the lines, the more likely it would seem that we'll all have a longer lock-down, no live events (including the NFL), and continued quarantine misery.  Sucks.



    There is no facts keeping everybody lock down has any effect.  Especially the type of lock downs everybody is doing, which means packing the grocery stores, packing home depot, ordering takeout.  Why aren't there any outbreaks due to this?  Florida & Georgia  have opened up for nearly a month now, and their rates have gone down about 15%.   I believe WNY has now under ICU 100 hospitalizations due to COVID, which out of 1 million people is not bad at all.  I don't buy the death totals, & whoever quoted 6% as the death rate is either an idiot or just has an personal agenda to spread.  This isn't about the virus anymore, it is about government control and that is a scary thing.  It is interesting that Cuomo, who I am not a fan of, has changed his tune greatly over the last few weeks and he seems to see the light about finally opening things up.  They said WNY should be in phase 2 sometime this week as the numbers keep declining.  People are worried about a second waive which the left wing media keeps pushing, but to be honest most cities have not even seen a first wave yet.  Take away NYC/Conn/NJ area out of the mix & our countries numbers across the board are cut in half.  It is something to think about.  NBA/MLB/NHL will be sarting shortly, Paul Finebaum said late last week College Football will start on time, they can't afford not to & I also believe the NFL will start on time.  Fans, I am not sure about, I give it 70% chance football will allow fans in but who know.  So keep the faith, don't get consumed with the negative information, there are a lot of positive things happening also.  

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