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Posts posted by vorpma

  1. I just can't see this team winning next year either. Too many holes to fill on offense. Whaley and Marrone will be gone so why waste another year? Time to move on now.

    :thumbsup: :thumbsup: Could not agree more; this is a failed organization - 15 years - tear it down and start again with competent proven football people.


    I say none of those.




    The move would be hire his guy, I like the idea of Accorsi, to build a winning football program the right way from the top down.



    Firing/retaining/structuring is trusted into the new guy. From the outside.

    :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
  2. I have zero problem with him staying. As long as his duty's reporting to Kim are. power point presentations on the upstick of seat cushions, Hot Dog Sales, and the stats on people caught sneaking subway sandwiches into the games.


    He is useless, a guy who has been here for every second of suck, better known as Bills football. He should be muzzled, fired, whatever. he is a huge reason the Bills and more importantly the staff at OBD are one of the worst in the NFL. With his supposed "new" position within the organization it was actually stunning for him to still be making football related comments regarding the team. he is a moron, and a loser, like his crony staff.


    Put him in the basement and take his stapler.

    :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:


    Terry needs Brandon to sell his lemon. He's losing big time in the oil/gas business.

    Ya, I'm the sure Pegula's are counting pennies at night worrying about the next meal.
  3. This is a failed organization, for 15 years; poor coaching, poor drafting, and the bottom line - last playoff appearance 1999. Clean house and start over or one year from now we will be having the same discussion.


    it's all about getting a FRANCHISE QB



    whaley and marrone will get one more year to get it right.



    Orton is gone.

    What about the O-Line and a premier running back?
  4. "...the Raiders, and that's a limited, strange, isolated clan." No argument there!


    My point regarding the UCLA, and USC games is that there are football fans in LA. I know more than a few people who go to those games who are not alumni.


    But, more to your point, LA is a great sports town. And, there would be some deep pockets marketing an LA franchise. I remember reading somewhere, quite a while ago, that it is now a league rule that when a team relocates, they are required to change their name. But, I don't remember where I read that, and I'm not sure if it's true. But, if a team did move to LA, I suspect they would change their name, and be heavily marketed. And, even a die-hard Bills fan like yourself, with over 28,000 posts, would start to pay attention to them. You'd (maybe secretly, at first) start to root for them when they were playing anyone but the Bills. Fan bases aren't created overnight.The next time you are in Los Angeles, go to a Dodgers game, or a USC, or UCLA game, or the Clippers, or Lakers, or Kings, and your questions will be answered.


    Edit: For that matter, go to the NHRA Winter Nationals in Pomona, and see how many people are willing to spend their hard earned dollars to be utterly assaulted by the top-fuel dragsters!

    OK, great I stand corrected, but still no answer to "Why did LA lose two teams an the city remain void of an NFL franchise for over twenty-years?"


    I got it regarding the Dodgers, Lakers, UCLA and USC - however they do not compete in the NFL.

  5. Again, if it's such a winner and the fans so great why could they not hold the Rams or Raiders, or put a team there over the last twenty years. Some cities have other entertainment, cultural, and sports interests other than the NFL, TV and corporate boxes are great and costly but you still need a fan base. During my visits to SD and LA you see people actually enjoying the outdoors, boating, biking, surfing, hang gliding, and other entertainment value. This is competition to the NFL for the discretionary spending dollar and while I am sure a team would provide a passing fancy, I see a stadium on a fall afternoon three-quarters full yawning at the action AKA 1985 and Eric Dickerson.

  6. The game has changed though. It's no longer about the average fan and all about the luxury boxes. Sell those and that's what they care about. LA has plenty of companies who would buy those boxes for ludicrous sums of money.

    The concept of luxury boxes sounds good on paper, you still need a loyal fan base. As stated, if LA is so great why no team for over twenty years. These wealthy LA Corporations could have easily influenced the NFL Corp HQ to put a team there, again, LA sucks as a sports town.
  7. Do the research?


    I would be willing to bet there still isn't a team in LA in two years. The only stadium idea right now that has any validity whatsoever is not even a plan yet, but a bunch of land bought near Hollywood Park. It's not going to be Orange County. Teams are still using LA to get better deals from their own city. The only guy with the balls, money, and lack of soul willing to do it is in St. Louis and he ain't going to Orange County.

    Great post. The whole NFL has had the opportunity to grab LA forever, if its such a great market why no takers. LA is a very competitive town for disposable income, especially the entertainment dollar. I attended a Rams game in 1985 with Eric Dickerson at his peak, lots of empty seats and a boring "who cares" atmosphere.
  8. I love how so many people think a blow up legal hit is cheap and dirty. It was textbook, and not late. It's football. Matthews was still in play and shoulder to shoulder. What do you want Wood to do?


    There was absolutely nothing illegal, cheap, or late about this hit. NOTHING. I hate seeing late or cheap hits as it is dangerous to both players, but legal hits are part of this game.


    If you hate this part of the game, watch soccer.

    :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
  9. I think those moves are dirty, I don't care if it's "revenge".

    It was a clean hit!!!


    Am I missing something?


    Woods hit him in the chest while the play was live. I hate dirty play but that doesn't seem dirty to me. Looks like good football.

    It was a clean hit!!!


    It's hits like Jerry's on Bulaga that will keep Schwartz from getting calls to a be a HC this off-season. He instructs his players to play right on the edge. The hit was legal, but the intent was to lay the dude out hard. We didn't get called on it (don't know why we would, but we see that call all the time) but the Denver game is a perfect example of guys pushing the limit and being flagged for it. This is a good thing to have in a DC (I think), but not as a head coach. Detroit wins close games and doesn't take half as many dumb penalties as they did last year. Hopefully FOs remember this so he stays our DC for a couple of years.

    Come on, do you people follow football seriously. It was a clean hit! Hits like this happen each play in every game. Give me a break.


    C'mon, that's not what I said.




    It's a fine line to walk, I just hope we don't get suspensions for shots like that, that's the thing I worry about.

    For blocking!!
  10. I still think the most important move for Pegula is to hire a consultant to assess the team, the coaches and the front office. A fresh look at the overall organization is needed, and now is the time to do it. It would have been helpful if this had started immediately after Pegula bought the Bills, so that the consultant would be in a position to recommend changes at season end, particularly since the competition for certain potential head coaching and GM candidates will be tough. Assuming that Pegula has not secretly hired a consultant who will have completed his review by the end of the season, you would have to think that coaching and GM changes are unlikely be made this year. I do not believe that Pegula would make these kind of moves without the assistance of a consultant/expert, and if he gets one after the season, it may be too late to hire the top coaching/GM candidates with certain teams ready to start their head coach/GM searches now.

    :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
  11. I don't think Manning would allow it.


    And it's not like it'll be tough to protect him. Keep extra blockers back, run the ball, don't let him get hit. It's not like they'll need to put up 30 points to win the game, and they've got the third ranked defense going against an offense that's in the bottom third of the league in every category.

    Ah, common sense, thank you!


    Having a day without a laugh is a day without sunshine, this topic has dictated the need for ray bans ASAP :flirt: :flirt: :flirt:

    This post gets my vote for the most entertaining of the 2014 season!
  12. The Bills get a clinic on how a playoff team conducts business in December, by 17 points! I agree any team can beat any given team on any given Sunday, and if the Bills win will be more than happy to eat crow. But by the time Christmas hits, this board will be alive with discussions and debates regarding the 2015 season - and the focus will not be playoff opponents in January.

  13. Just saying, let's let the blood now, get it all out. We know we are not winning that game on Sunday. My point is, Marrone has it right IMO, you look at the season as 4, four game seasons. This is game 1 of the last quarter of the season. Only game 1. So if we are going to be stupid and irrational and throw out the baby and the bathwater over a road loss to the defending AFC champion, lets do it now..



    The defining play of the 2014 season, without question.

    Lets face facts, the Bills are not a playoff team, I am happy we are playing games that mean something in December like any fan should be. While they are not a contender at the moment, they can be fairly quick.


    Hopefully the Pegula's clean house, real quick and put a new FO, scouting department and HC in place real quick. This will build upon a good defense and hopefully we start drafting better. If the right moves are made we can make a real run next year.

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