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Posts posted by vorpma

  1. Defending Super Bowl champs.


    Bills, Jets, and Dolphins all making moves to close the gap.


    This year is going to be the most competitive in recent memory.


    Personally, I think the Jets have made the biggest jump so far, though they were also the farthest back.

    :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup: Great post, could not agree more.

  2. There might be a reason for that...


    I've been as hard on this team as anyone over the decade plus I've been around here. Read through any of the posts from previous regimes and that can be proven quite easily. I was especially harsh the last few years of Ralph's ownership for reasons that have been batted around forever on here. I hated the Buddy Nix promotion, hated Marv's debacle as GM, hated everything about the Era of terrible coaching hires, and led the charge that it won't matter until we have a QB who can win.


    Then, something kind of important changed.


    Like my opinion changes when there is new information. In the past few months we have seen new ownership with deep pockets committed to not only keeping the team in Buffalo, but also to spending money where it counts (coaching, facilities, guaranteed money) along with the first winning record in a decade. We've seen St.Doug (whose offense was the primary reason this team didn't win 10 or 11 games last year) leave and replaced him with the top coaching name on the market. We then added the best coaching staff in the league in terms of assistant coaches and coordinators. We've seen the team make bold moves to improve the RB, OG, and QB positions before UFA even began. Now three days into UFA we are signing anothe playmaker and still have room to add pieces to our line and other areas of need.


    Forgive me if I don't think now is the time to focus on the pieces that are still missing. Forgive me if I don't think now is the time to gnash my teeth in worry over how this team hasn't gotten better -- it clearly has gotten better from the top on down. Is the job done? No. But if you can't feel good about the direction this team is headed right now, you might have to look inward for answers.


    Or you might be suffering from JTSP syndrome.



    :thumbsup: Good post!

  3. We're going to be no better off than the Redskins when Dan Snider bought them. Splashy signings, big named coach, but ignoring the most important aspects of a winning team, a great QB and Chemistry. I know I'm in the minority, but it's hard to get excited about the team with another journeyman QB signing an O-Line completely ignored and only one option considered at TE...which looks the part of a fools plan right now.


    I hope I am wrong, but if you really take a look at what's under the pretty McCoy paint job, it's still just a pedestrian F250 trying to compete with a field of Porsche's and Ferrari's...

    I have been this teams biggest cynic and critic for well over ten years and I still am. I have received more hate mail on this board than most have in a life time. But I think you are wrong and I am very excited about 2015. BTW, I was sitting in the rockpile watching this team in 1966, my father in 1960!

  4. Hopefully Whaley is listening to all of my brilliant ideas because the rest of you clowns don't know what you are talking about :pirate:


    I am fairly confident that the FO finds my posts very informative. In fact, the recent dust-up I had with Beer Ball on salary cap relevance probably led to the releasing of Scott Chandler and the Kyle Williams extension. TSW is a vital cog in the remaking of the team.


  5. The trade is a done deal. Both teams gave up a lot. The Bills had a great defense last year without Alonso and figured they could give up some defensive talent to get an upgrade on offense. The Bills get a great RB, and lose a very promising yet often-injured LB and also give up a lot of cap space. I personally would have preferred help at other offensive positions and not losing the cap space, but that's my only gripe about the trade.


    The Bills have worked out a new contract with McCoy. There is no way they're walking this one back.

    Thank you for the common sense! This is a very good deal for the Bills.

  6. A shout out to Nolan Johannes and Johnny and Jimmy! What's the count and the amount, Nolan? 8 from the bottom, Dave!


    Good times indeed!

    :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup: Every morning!

    I have not seen anyone mention Rocket ship 7 and The Commander Tom show. I use what these shows before and after school.


    thank you! i grew up with all of them.. i especially remember chuck healy on the bowling show "beat the champ".. on sat eves..

    Chuck Healy and Wrestling, remember when Hanz Schmidt hit with a forearm, pretty good acting for the time period.

  7. Ditch the Lesean McCoy trade and Keep Alonso as trade bait during the draft to move up and possibly get Mariota of Sam Bradford. Here is my possible scenario. The draft prognosticators are predicting that Marcus Mariota may fall to a far as number 10 in the Draft. St Louis is at # 10 and Minnesota is at # 11. We could we ditch the Alonso trade and keep Alonso for a trade with St. Louis or Minnesota. My thought is that in the draft if St. Louis picks up Mariota we could use Alonso as trade bait with Minnesota and do a player trade for Bradford using Alonzo. If things go crazy and St. Louis does not pick up Mariota and instead decide to keep Bradford we could do a trade with Minnesota using our 7th and possibly a 4th in next year draft along with Alonzo to move up into Minnesota 11th spot during the draft and pick up Mariota . We would get value for value as taking Sam Bradford in my scenario is much better than trading Alonso for Lesean McCoy. Running backs are a dime a dozen and if our scouts are doing their jobs they can find an adequate RB in the draft or as a unsigned free agent after the draft.


    I am totally against giving away Alonzo if a top QB is not in the mix.

    Thank you for posting this, we have all been so misguided. Now I get it.

  8. What successful teams in the past have employed this very strategy? I'm honestly asking, I'm curious what our ceiling is.

    If you are asking what successful teams have employed the strategy of a strong defense, strong running game and a QB not turning the ball over, ask the 1990 Buffalo Bills and SB 25! Second string QB and the old man, Otis Anderson kept the high powered Bills O off the field and controlled the ball 3/4 of the game. I think we can get through 2015, we still need the long term solution to QB.

  9. I attended my first Bills games in 1966, both against KC at the old Rockpile and they got beat both times to include the AFL Playoff to go to the first SB. Remember both Saban eras (63 - 65/72 - 76), the Knox era and the Kelly/Levy era including the late 90's. I know heartache when it comes to this team!!


    But I am cautiously optimistic we are indeed in a new era and have hope again.

  10. Would they win in it all in the 2015 season, probably not. I think given a year or two to mold with Sammy, and you keep this d together (even if you lose Hughes), i think yes. Awesome topic by the way!

    Great post!!

    The "heyday Bills" didn't win a Super Bowl with Jim Kelly, so what you're really asking is - - is the rest of the current Bills team (sans QB) better than Kelly's teammates in the "heyday."


    No way.


    The current Bills are improving, but it's not even close.

    Great topic!

  11. So many things fell in to place for that team. Take James Lofton. The guy is the 6th pick in the draft and has one pro bowl season after another on a franchise that, at that time, seemed hopeless. The Packers had to deal with a scandal involving sexual assault charges against Mossy Cade, a defensive back. And then Lofton was charged with sexual assault leading the team to suspend him with a game left in the 1986 season. The Packer's were getting killed in the press and corporations were starting to pull out of sponsorship deals with the team so they cut both Lofton and Cade. Lofton was eventually exonerated but that came too late to save his career in Green Bay. He signed on with the Raiders who had more WR's than they knew what to do with including Willie Gault, Mervyn Fernandez and a young Tim Brown. Lofton, over 30 at the time, was the odd man out and was cut after two seasons. Meanwhile, Nick Nicolau, the WR coach for the Raiders had been fired by them and hired on at Buffalo. Then, Chris Burkett, a WR for the Bills in his 5th year with the team, skips out on a team meeting and quits his job. Lofton, 33 and unemployed at the time, hears about Burkett and calls Nicolau and before you know it, the Bills have a veteran receiver with some gas left in the tank who is 6'4", still runs in the low 4.4's, hasn't dropped a pass in a decade and is a 7 time pro bowler.

    And as if all that wasn't improbably lucky enough, Lofton had a tryout with Eagles before we had a roster spot open up due to Burkett's tantrum. Lofton was all but signed when Buddy Ryan, the HC of the Eagles at the time, balked at the last minute and passed on Lofton.


    In just four years with the Bills and only three as a starter, Lofton produced 21 TD's, 2,736 yards and averaged over 18 yards per catch. And he cost us nothing. Not a single draft pick.


    We get Thurman Thomas in the second round only because of doubts about an injury he had in his senior year.

    We trade OJ in '78 for a raft of picks including a first rounder in '79 which we use on linebacker Tom Cousineau who refuses to play for us and signs a huge deal with a CFL team. He wants to get back to the NFL in '82 so we trade his rights to the Browns for their first round pick in 1983 which ends up being 14th overall. We used that pick to select none other than Jim Kelly who is only there at 14 because the Chiefs, picking at 7, passed in Kelly and Marino in favor of Todd Blackledge, a QB from Penn State who was out of the league in 6 years.


    Some of that team was built by savvy personnel decisions but some of it was built on good fortune and the top draft picks that are the only reward for the misery of being one of the worst teams in the league for years.

    Really great post and very true. But as Napolean said "I want lucky Generals!"

  12. Got OJ and Ben Gregory autograph when they came over to the GM Parts Division on Walden Ave. The Juice was getting a blue 69 Corvette.

    Ben Gregory was a awesome FB, big and fast, until a 1969 knee injury ended his career, Putting him with OJ in a backfield would have been interesting,. Then in 1971 we had, OJ, Jimmy Braxton (best blocking back in Bills history), JD Hill, Marlin Briscoe, Heaven Moses, and Bobby Chandler as wide receivers and still sucked at offense.

  13. Just out of curiosity:


    Buffalo Bills trade OJ Simpson to San Francisco for 1978 2nd, 3rd, 1979 1st, 4th, 1980 2nd.

    With SF's picks the Bills drafted 1978 Scott Hutchinson DE, Danny Fulton WR, 1979 Tom Cousineau LB (1st overall), Ken Johnson DE, 1980 Joe Cribbs RB.

    In 1982, Bills traded Cousineau to Cleveland for 1983 1st, 1984 3rd and 1985 5th round picks.

    Bills drafted Jim Kelly with the Browns 1983 1st round pick, 14th overall.

    Side Note: Even though the Bills blew the 1st overall in 79 (at the time) they had a fantastic draft. Jerry Butler, Fred Smerlas, Jim Haslett. Jon Borchardt, Jeff Nixon, Rod Kush all in the first 5 rounds.


    If the Bills didn't trade OJ to SF, they very well could have not gotten Kelly in 1983.


    This site has every draft trade ever. http://www.prosportstransactions.com/football/DraftTrades/Years

    Great post :thumbsup::thumbsup:

    The not signing of Cousineau in 1979 is a major reason why Chuck Knox would be leaving Buffalo - there was no commitment.


    We went a year later to the brink in 1980 without any help from that #1 overall - Knox was a great great coach.

    Another great post and very true! :thumbsup::thumbsup:

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