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Posts posted by bkc

  1. Oblivious to what? You implied, aggressively I might add, that the poster had gone out of his way to find these pictures. He hasn't. You are wrong, and you failed to address that in your ridiculous and immaterial reply. The links are posted on one of the most popular media football sites in the country. You also implied that the poster deserves to be violently assaulted. If the Ryans didn't post the pictures, who did? It's widely assumed that Ryan was behind the camera, as his voice is noticeable on the videos.


    Stop spouting slogans. I'm not oblivious to anything and am perfectly willing to engage in discussion in this matter. Most of what is posted on the internet isn't suitable for puritanical folks like yourself. Better get yourself to a church...





    thanks, I was not looking to start any trouble . I find the whole thing funny that the could be that careless

  2. Funny but really, people go to such lengths to tear down others.


    I just need to ignore it.


    My bad.





    Maybe I am wrong on this but I doubt Rex put it there. If he did then he has a problem.


    My point with you is your spreading it. But never mind, I will just refrain and you continue on your way.


    By the way Rex is a blowhard

  3. Alualu has apparently been vetted as the #10 pick for the Jags.

    Started every game, 3 1/2 sacks, 30 tackles. Strong motor and big heart > small size evidently.


    Gosselin's redraft has the Bills spurning Spiller for.....a CB? Joe Haden?


    If we're holding an imaginary "do-over" can't we take an OT, a TE, or even Alualu?



    Hadden has played very well


    yeah the problem with Alualu is does he fit our system


    who knows, until Spiller start producing they are going to be open to the second guess

  4. Stop it and grow up.


    Do you go out of your way to find this crap?


    I would like to see a website of Rex pounding the daylights out of you.



    pounding the crap at of me . why because he has not self control. Can't stop eating,can't stop bragging, can't stop blitzing for that matter


    the stuff is all over the internet .


    The guy is a clown and should be treated like one. By the way I have no problem with what anyone does anywhere. You are the one assigning it as a bad thing. Everyone has their personal things but most of us are not ignorant enough to tape it. Let alone someone if the public eye.


    From your reaction wondering if you are going to show up in one of these.


    lighten up , he is a jet afterall






  5. Who would I have taken?


    Dez Bryant and his 1069 all purpose yds and 8 TDs wouldve been nice.

    Or Jason Pierre Paul's 4.5 sacks and 2 FF would've helped out a bit.

    Maybe Brandon Graham's 3 sacks and 2 FF? Possibly.

    Earl Thomas and his 5 INT's and 1 FF would've been nice too.


    But NO. We had to take the wonderboy. Spiller. And NO. I'm not talking in hindsight. I wanted these guys ahead of Spiller from day one.


    you wanted to draft another safety or undersized d end . I say salute to you that is good scouting

  6. I agree, but I think he is referring to how Nix stated that he does not like to move around during a draft and how it is rare for him to do so. He said this before the draft, to the media.



    I know Buddy said that he doesn't understand all the moving around on draft day, however when he was with the Chargers they pulled off one of the biggest draft day deals in recent memory. Remember he did say he was trying to move back into round one durning last draft. We never found out for which player. He will move but if he wants a player ,or gets a good deal to move back, but he will not do the Pats thing when he moves all around the board .

  7. As we grow closer to the last game of the season and we are seeing where we will draft, and the talks now of Luck maybe not coming out, I wonder about some things...


    1) If Harbaugh is truly being thought of for a head coaching job this offseason (rumors of SanFran), then I would think that Luck would come out, knowing he is going to probably be #1 overall, possibly be the last year of huge rookie contracts, and not want to go through learning a new coach.


    2) Is there any way to find the current strength of schedule? I want to know before the Jets game what our scenarios are in comparison to the Broncos and Bengals. Can we still get the 2nd pick? If not, where would we be if we win and fall into the cluster of 5 win teams. (For the record, I know there are many people out there who say true fans don't hope for their team to lose. But honestly, if I see a game where we lose and still put in a good effort that showed progress, then i'd be okay with that. No one is going to care next year whether we were 4-12 or 5-11, but I guarantee you we will be upset when the guy we want goes a spot ahead of us because we took it to the Jet's back-ups. Not that I know that will happen)


    3) In the top 5 picks, who are the teams that need QB's. Clausen, from what I can tell, has been looking better and apparently plays behind a worse offensive line than us with worse receivers. Tebow just had a 300 yard, winning game and is a huge fan favorite. I've head that Cinncy doesn't plan to pick up Palmer's large extension, so they could be legit QB hunters. I could see all of them in the market, but Carolina has a ton of holes and Denver may as well if they try to adopt a new scheme in the offseason. Orton also did pretty well for them. For the Bills, i'm not saying that Fitz is or isn't the answer. I think that if Luck is there for us, I would take him. But I think someone would trade down ahead of us for him or he won't come out.


    4) If Luck doesn't come out, I still think we are going to see the same QB hype that we see every year before the draft. Last year, it was all about Jake Locker if he came out, but then Bradfor shot up the boards. I'm curious to see if Mallet or Locker will do the same thing. For me, I'd be all for the Bills going to Luck if he comes out and there as he is, in my opinion, a special talent. If not, I have to wonder what our trade options will be to other teams who want to trade up for these guys if they project up.


    5) If we pick 2-5, are there any non-qb's that are can't miss type guys. I haven't followed any of these defensive guys like Bowers to know if they are game-changers. I also hear this is a weak offensive line draft. I'd love to hear about some guys that we are holding out for.


    6) If what I hear is true for the upcoming FA market. I would absolutely spend some money on Dave Harris from the Jets. I wanted us to draft this guy and I don't know if the Jets have the money to re-sign him. They have some WR's who need to get paid too. I would easily pay him top 5 money. I think he is an immediate impact player for us and save's the draft pick. Same goes for the many options at TE. If we can only knock out just two positions in FA and focus on the Offensive line and some Defensive Specialists, that would be great.


    7) As this season comes to an end, these are some of the positions I feel could use a change:


    - Woods to Center. Dude has been money and you can move Hartgarner back to Guard.


    - Kelsay back to DE. Just let it happen as it's the only place he doesn't look lost and actually seems to play better now that the line is bigger.


    - Moats to continue to start as our premier pass rusher.


    - Fitz, i'm good with him having another year if Luck isn't an option. I wouldn't waste a pick on that position until the later rounds.


    - Lee Evans, I would listen to offers. Maybe from Carolina or Washington. I'd take a 3rd for him. The guy just isn't what he is worth. I don't have any hate for him. Just not the guy we need for the money.


    - Whitner for 5 mil a year and that's it. I don't care about how the team tracks their own personal stats, the guy is not worth top safety money cause the dude just doesn't make big plays. 7 mil a year is big play money. I'm okay with Scott and Byrd back there.


    I'm not really trying to start a debate here or state anything as facts, this is just the way I see some things for the team. Feel free to add your two cents.



    Good read , I would say that I think the Handy era, as a starter at least .is over. Chan keeps saying he wants big physical guys up front. My guess is we get wood at center then a Urbik/Rheinhart battle for the open guard position .

  8. You will never get some here to take QB off the list of huge needs because Fitz is not the new shiny toy


    QB is a need because Fitz needs an understudy but we need to biuld a team up around the QB position first.....both lines need to be addressed in a huge way (RT.....and a utility linemen that can fill in at different spots) we need at least 2 defensive linemen.....2 linebackers.....and a Tight End that actually scares somebody


    QB and WR are so far down the list (especially with Easley returning) that I dont even put it on the list....unless a QB with high ceiling falls in this draft I wait till next....then you can make the the NUMBER ONE priority because we will have addressed the other huge needs of this team.



    Could not agree more

  9. Can all you Buddy Nix apologists explain the Chris Kelsay re-signing? 4 years and $24 million? I accept the excuses for the poor 2010 draft class production and the lack of big-name 2010 free agents, but the Kelsay contract is !@#$ing inexcusable. It reeks of the same foul stench that permeated Marv Levy's GM tenure.



    in the Nfl all that matters is guarenteed money. Kelsey does not have much so the contract is really pay as you GO . They can cut him at any point point and lose nothing. THIS IS NOT AN OLIVER PEREZ CONTRACT.

  10. I don't agree with the assessment that CB or WR aren't needs. McGee is on the wrong side of 30, McKelvin has been a flop, and Florence is a UFA at the end of the season. Also, haven't there been numerous threads regarding the Bills lack of a true #1 WR and how Lee Evans is not that. Patrick Peterson or AJ Green fill both of those needs. Also, it was two different GMs selecting Mike Williams and Aaron Maybin so I doubt their failures will have any impact on the pick Buddy Nix makes.



    no doubt the D backfield is going to have to addressed at some point. That said if they bring back Florence they can patch that sucker together for one more year. I agree with the previous poster that Chan has had his fill of the Run d i

  11. I would be willing to take that bet.....Chan has been bitching about his dead last against the run lack of pass rush defense all season.....


    We are going to take defense early and often.....



    I agree, at this point you get the feeling the entire off season is going to be about getting bigger on both lines and finding some freaking linebackers


    Finally a coach that gets it

  12. Sorry, but those are all RIDICULOUS excuses.


    1) Chan reports to Nix. If you're saying that Chan has free reign on his hires, then it's even more reason for concern about Nix's performance as GM.


    2) There were plenty of good players available in FA and via trade who would've helped this team. PLENTY. I'm not going to document each one of them, but I wish folks would stop repeating that there was no one available (or that those players who were on the market wouldn't have come here). B.S. This team chose to sit out, for whatever reason, while quality right tackles like Jamaal Brown and Flozel Adams changed venues. Think Scheffler would've helped at TE? The list goes on and on.


    3) Interesting revisionism there considering that they drafted specifically to implement a 3-4 defense to stop the run. It's not like Troup and Carrington were injured - they were benched.




    Which is why I said there are "some concerns."




    Not ANY first rounder does, for this used car franchise.


    Some would say Nix has been given an impossible mandate...


    Chan or any Head coach picks their staff or they walk.


    The Free agent pool was very week Brown was a trade if I recall and adams was out there all offseason and nobody wanted him. Pittsburgh oline has been their only weekeness this year.


    Thinking that two rookies a second and third round pick were going to instantly turn around the defense is no realistic


    Pieces are being put into place . Half the Board wanted to get rid of Bell who now appears to be on his way to being a solid left tackle, they wanted to draft Claussen ,when Fitz is playing at a level Claussen can only hope to reach in three years.


    By the way Buddy never said he wasnot going to be involved with Free agency he said he was not going to build the team through free agency . Like he did in S.D AND like the steelers have been doing forever.



    If you want to build a team with free agents you can root for the Redskins how is that workig out by the way

  13. Thats my point, he was the best player on the board by many accounts. I dont recall there being a player of equal caliber in a position of need being available, hence the CJ pick. Many very successful teams (Pats, Colts) follow this philosophy.




    That pick had trade partners, its very difficult to trade a top 10 pick, esp for more picks



    yep ,not to many teams trading into the top 10 unless they are chasing a qb

  14. No one really called Spiller a reach at #9. either. Prior years you could make the arguement that both the Maybin and Whitner was reaches at where they were picked. Really couldn't say that this year. Did he work out as well as a typical #9 pick should? No, but lets see how he looks next year. He did show spots where he looked like a #9 pick, just not enough of them.





    Agreed Whitner was considered a major reach , but dickie j wanted a safety , the whole fan base wanted the N.t

  15. How do you know Luck can read a defense? or Kellen Moore? or who knew Tom Brady would be that good? Fact is nobody knows until they get on the field so why not give the kid a shot? I agree with you I do but with his mobility I think if he get in trouble he can just run until he get better at reading defenses and since we have no O-Line he will or our QB will need to run for his life....





    This is just blatant racist shi*t c'mon son really? This is why nobody thinks Buffalo is ready for a black quarterback...



    I want Cam as a Bill he'll bring excitement to a team that is flat and boring period. I mean if Luck is there take him but if not Cam and Chan (That rhymes) well be ok in my book.... Lets go Cam...



    I believe Buffalo actually has either the first or one of the first black qb's in James Harris


    Why weren't they aware before the last draft? They ignired obvious holes on both sides of the ball because of the decision to move to a 3/4 defense, yet you trust that they'll get it right this time?



    I keep hearing this but it is a long term view. Again what player would you have liked them to picked at 9 that has as mich upside as Spiller.


    By the way 90 percent of the board begged for years to switch to a 3/4 change does not happen over night

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