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Posts posted by Reed83HOF

  1. I tried to Tivo the game on Directv..I am in Utica 180 miles from Buffalo and the damn thing was Blacked out...I thought it was a 75 mile radius....I'm going to double check it, if it is I'm complaining...that is a BS policy...it should be like 90% of the stadium's capacity

  2. we were in 129...row 13...it was nuts...hargove hopped in the stands right in front of us after the game.....the FG was right in front of us....it was unBILLievable...the fans were great yesterday....I said it in another post, the only times I heard the stadium rock like this was the 93 AFC championship game and the Skis game with bruce and RJ a few years back...It really felt like old times....I am acutaully going to finally do Season Tix next season...the fans were crazy....

  3. I got to the stadium at 1030....the lots were empty....in fact the drive from utica down exiet 55 and down Mile Strip...there was no one!!!


    The only lines I had to wait forever in were for my Will Call tickets - they had 1 damn window open and about 50 people out there...ugh!!! and to go into to the damn Bills store; my GF (A former Phins fan) wanted a pink Willis jersey, which was naturally sold out so she settled for a throwback Willis...she even got her face painted with a Buffalo....Never made it to Lot 1 Pole 5 to see everyone...I was in the damn store for ever as she had to look at every last piece of merchandise....which get this...ordering stuff Online is much cheaper than it is in the store...that really surprised me...even at the fan wagons in the parking lots, the prices are more expensive by $1-$5 than in the store.... how stupid....


    We had Jag fans from Florida behind us...so as fans and even my GF was giving them a hard time...they called us Yankees...when the Jags scored the guy would run his mouth saying "Take that you Yankees"...what a dickhead...who won MuthaFuker!!


    Even screwing around in the lot for about a half hour, we went down 20, hit the 219 without much problem...the Lackawana Tolls were busy and traffic was very heavy and at times stop and go on the thruway all he way back through Syracuse

  4. I was at the Vikings game earlier this year and at yesterday's game. The team has improved tremendously in all areas...


    Willis was amazing in the action that he saw; he was a patient runner who waited for the OL to open holes and then hit the holes with a great burst...


    The OL; not 1 sack....against a top 5 defense...JP had time to make his throws; they did a great job against the Jags great front 4...If they keep this up no need to tinker with them this offseason....they played great..Peters is a beast


    The WRs did a good job of getting open and adjusting their routes


    The ST...was waiting for McGee to break one...Roscoes return was amazing...The refs called a 15 yd penalty for excessive celebration after becuse he lept into the stands and another Bill did too...this new rule sucks donkey balls... Lindell had to kick off fromt he 15 yd line...naturally the Jags scored...what crap!


    The secondary played very good...the run D sucks; The Jags RBs were always in the secondary...not good...need better LB play..Whitner made some great hits, for the most part McGee and Clements shut their WRs down


    The pass rush was good..wish we had a few more sacks....Schobel made some good plays and Kelsay was all over the place...I was most impressed with Anthony Hargrove; that dude reminds me of Talley in his love for the game (enthusiasm)...Hargrove was pumped all game...on the sideline he was pumping the crowd and his teammates up...on the field...he was craving the fans get louder....the dude has the enthusiasm that has been missing for so long...plus when he was on the field, he was around the ball...


    Now to JP....Kelly was at the game and right in front of us...got a good pic of him waving to us.... I said to my girlfirend, what I would give to have him back...too bad he just couldn't suit up and play...I was a JP supporter before the game, I know some people, DeLuca, will piss and moan about 167 passing yds, but he had a TD and a 45 yd pass play turned into a Pass Int penalty; Evans got mugged...he played great...at half time he had thrown the ball for only like 87 yds, but he completed passes to 7 different receivers...he had time to go through his progression and made the right play...oh...his INT was right in front of us...it was pretty windy on the tunnel side at that point...it got hung up in the wind...he had a WR open ....Royal (I even saw him catch a ball) made a great play to save it....but JP played great, like a QB who will be here for a long time to come...the light bulb clicked...that was a tough throw he made to Parrish at the end...


    All said...it was like watching two different teams this season...the Vikings game was from the team we have seen the last 5 years...this team fought and played as a TEAM...it was like waitching the late 80's version....some good young players trying to put it together and are only a couple players away...the only two times I have heard the stadium louder, at a game I attended, was the 1993 AFC Championship game and at the 'Skins game a few years back with BRuce and RJ returning to the Ralph...This time most likely won't make the playoffs (SD & Baltimore - but who knows!!!) I am proud to be a Bills fan...Things really are turning around....am gonna go to the 'Phins game I was convinced to goto one more game...

  5. Thats good to know...I goto like 2-3 games a year...always say I'm gonna buy season, for like the last 10 yrs...haven't done it yet...I am going to next season...no more playing around...lol


    I just hate the drive back to Utica...Once I hit 'Cuse, I don't want to drive the next 45 mins...


    Am actually thinking of selling the house and moving to 'Cuse or Roch....

  6. I left my job at the end of june and there is only crap here in Utica...am going back part time to SU for my MBA (provided I am accept of course)...might sell the house and move out to Roch...I have some family out there...plus a shorter drive 8 sundays a year


    as a former manager...don't tell them you hate this & that...you may end up working with some of them again at another company... just tell them that you are looking for a change

  7. Just an opinion......Again, times have changed. The free agent crops seem to be getting weaker and weaker because teams have more cap room to extend their good players, like the Bengals did with Willie Anderson and Levi Jones. The Lions kept Backus in this manner, as the Vikes did with McKinnie.

    Because of this, I really see a lack of deserving players out there to sign.


    Hutch got approx. 52 million last year to play LG. Others say I am wrong, but I think that Steinbach will approach this number because the cap is scheduled to go up even higher. To get these guys (and spend close to the entire cap allotment), RW is going to have to overpay some people, and Nate is one of them.


    Again, jmo.



    This is a good post...and I agree


    my gut tells me that Nate wants out - he wants the FA market and the glory of being the highest paid FA CB this year....

  8. The draft was what it was and Marv's history is what it is.


    As for Leinart, certainly you are not saying that I wanted to draft him! I would not have selected him under any circumstances.



    What positions would you have rather had them draft?


    QB (Kelly/Reich/Collins-back in the day Fans would boo Kelly and call for Todd - disgusting!!!)?

    RB (Thomas/Davis/Smith)?

    WR (REED/Lofton/Brooks/Early/Beebe/Moulds)?

    TE (McKellar/Metz)?

    DE (Smith/Hansen)?

    LB (Conlon/Talley/Biscuit/Paup/Bailey/Patton/Maddox/Rogers/Holecek)?

    DT (Wright/Washington/Williams)


    That leaves DB and OL, we all know how well highly drafted OL can turn out....

  9. It would only be 7.5 if Spikes plays... <_<



    That's wrong... :blink::blink::blink:


    If for once we can actually stop the run, this would be a good game for it...we need to make them try to beat us with the pass....Our pass rush can be decent...so I think they will attempt short passes...as long as we don't get toqasted by them like we did the Jets...we should be ok....


    The only concern I have is our OL vs their DL; I don't see us running too well either

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