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Posts posted by Reed83HOF

  1. But the pass blocking has gotten better.  There's another way to look at it.  We have a rookie 7th round pick playing RT and he isn't getting killed out there.  OL takes time to mature, give the kid some time.  His pass block skills are at least serviceable at the moment.  Give him an offseason to get stronger and see where you are.  Peters was playing special teams his rookie year, this kid is starting....



    Not to mention that Duke Preston is playing RG not the turnstile...I mean CV...


    Could it possibly be that they would rather have DP & TP focus on one aspect of playing on the OL, such as Pass-blocking, while learning the flow of the game by getting a good grasp of playing every down...I'm pretty sure that if an OL can pass block, they should be decent at run blocking; These guys have started how games in the NFL in these positions? Give me a break...

  2. Bucs coach Jon Gruden said he kicked the meaningless field goal so rookie quarterback Bruce Gradkowski, who grew up in Pittsburgh, would come away with something positive from his first NFL game there.



    What would be positive about that? Did Gradkowski kick the FG?




    Or that he was unable to move the Bucs in scoring position until there was 5 seconds left in the game?


    Good Job Brad...you helped us Score 3 points...



  3. We planned on going to this game and I was going to get tix Monday, but I decided to wait to see if the game was going to be moved....


    With the change and driving back to Utica and having to work on Monday makes it a pain in the ass and seeing that the playoffs are not going to be on the line...its not really worth the trip...the ride home from the charges game wa terrible with the accidents on the thruway...i don't feel like dealing with that at 9 pm....besids had they changed it early, dawn, my GF, could have gotten Monday off and we would have stayed at my Uncle's in Roch...its too late for her to get the day off now


    For Xmas my gf is getting us season tix seeing we go to 3-4 games a year; its nicer to have our own seats, but this flex schedule thing sux...at any moment they can really screw with the fans plans...for late games if you have enough notice, such as when the schedule is released, you can get the day after off and account for the time missed, but at the last minute like this? Look at what poor Lori has to go through...




    Besides I thought the purpose was so that those on TV can see meaningful games late in the season...like the Browns & Steelers this Thursday night...



  4. Just had an hour-long chat.  I blew her out of the water.  I could feel her excitement with the answers that I gave.  Even if I don't get this position, the lady that I spoke with will be my new boss' boss and I think I'm in a good spot now. 


    She apologized and said that there was a clerical error and I was left off the original list (as was another guy that works for her). 


    Thanks again for all the support.



    Congrats....glad to hear that it went well...hopefully everything works out for ya


    time to relax with an ice cold...



  5. I had a similar experience as you, actually, with a twist. My ex-wife was nuts,but she was also as close to a sexual playground as a wife can get. She was pretty much up for anything. And like your ex, there came a time when she proposed the idea of using her vibrator in my no fly zone. But the worst of it was that when I declined the invitation, her comeback was something to the effect of, "why not? my ex used to love it when I did that"  :doh:  :bag:



    You just don't say things like that...talk about a moment killer...that's not cool...its just wrong




    I got "well look at what I let you do...it's only fair"


    Bullsiht!!! not even close....




    My ex-wife was nuts,but she was also as close to a sexual playground as a wife can get. She was pretty much up for anything.


    Sounds like you were married to my ex too...


    I got lucking now though...my gf is up for anything, but isn't nuts...not yet atleast...



  6. LMAO



    I enjoy sexual deviation quite a bit and tend to be willing to try new things,



    as long as I come no where close to another dude(s) (Not at that there's anything wrong with that...) :doh:


    and that I remain an exit only virgin back there, unless its a nessecity for medical purposes - cancer of the ass, etc...




    Trying to surprise me with the wacked out SIHT they read in their women's mags, who are not written by men, is not cool



  7. Wire was never a safety until he reached the NFL.  LB is his more natural position.  I think he'll be far more productive at LB than he was at safety.



    That's a real stretch there...a plastic bag could be more productive at tripping a player up in the safety position than him



  8. I had to go to my Doc for a pulled groin a few years back...and his PA took me because he had to step out...a 30 yr old, who is one of the hottest chicks you would ever want to see....I kept thinking the whole time about the fattest nastiest stuff I could think of....




    I would be so ashamed if I popped one




    I also resisted the temptation of saying "You saw mine, now it's only fair if..."




    I'm also glad to say mine is still 'exit only' for a few more years, even though my ex-wife tried to change that once duiring the heat of the moment...that's one reason she is an EX-Wife



  9. No. No. No.  We need to pick OL on the first day.  It doesn't have to be a first rounder...but definitely in round 2 and/or 3.



    If the line keeps playing like it is...I'm thinking a most likely third rounder or if we end up with 2 second round pics, a 2nd rounder....I think a TE, provided a worthy one is still available, and a DL or a LB will come before the OL - they may go the FA route on the OL & LB


    They need a better OL pick than a 5-6-7 rounder...There is now way the take a first round OL unless it is with a pick between 27-32 - it won't be a mid rounder or a top pick - no way

  10. I have digital cable right now, but I play to get either DTV or Dish when I move into a new place in a month or two. DTV has the sunday ticket, but Dish has the most HD channels, including NFL Network in HD. So I'm torn, cause I tend to work on sundays anyway....


    I was very hot for a plasma tv until I saw how good the LCDs looked. I am planning to get more into gaming and I watch a lot of my tv in the daylight hours since I work nights....so the LCD sets have an advantage there. But honestly, I thought the samsung 1080p LCDs looked every bit a good as the pioneer and panny plasmas that I saw at BB. I compared them side by side and just found myself loving the Sammys.



    I almost switched to the Dish, due to the HD channels they have; but they didn't have Sunday ticket or YES, being a yankee fan...I need YES...On DTV with the HD package, the Thursday night games come in on channel 95 in HD


    you are doing the right thing, reaserching it on your own..asking others for their opinions and then using you eyes to see what's best for you...


    If I had to do it over again now...I would personally go with the Sony Bravia LCD's...if I was able to get a deal and swing the XBR version...it would be no contest...at the time I got my DLP...this was by far my best choice for the money...it holds up well during the day and with the lights on at night...you can also see a good pic from the side....The only complaint I have is when viewing whites you can see the texture of the projection screen...I have trained my eyes not to notice it as much....

  11. For the umteen millionth time, it is dominant. To be dominant is to consistently  dominate. Example: Bruce Smith proved he was a dominant defensive end, as he dominated the Colts offensive line and sacked Jeff George four times.



    I agree...you are correct....it was a typo on my part...it happens..I didn't even notice that I typed it like that


    Seeing that this isn't a term paper or a memo/email being sent around an organization; I don't re-read every last thing my fingers type; I give it a quick glance to make sure it is coherent and gets a point across...spelling...as long as I don't butcher it when I type it out...this is simply a message board


    sometimes i don't even capitalize my I's



  12. The NFL replay system is not designed to have a perfect game called, it's designed to have a better game called. The more calls the system gets right, the closer the game is to being perfectly called. It's like trying to be a good person, you cannot be perfect but if you try to be, you become closer. So it's a great system, just not perfect.


    There are also certain elements of the replay designed specifically NOT to get the right call. Those elements are designed like certain laws (re: cops cannot barge into your house without a warrant) to prevent abuses of the system, like playing after the whistle. The Refs, and the NFL, and reasonable fans understand those kinds of things must be there, otherwise all hell would break loose with the system. You cannot, for example, tell players to stop immediately when they hear a whistle, and then award a replay change or possession change after a whistle has occurred. That is going to make players play after the whistle.


    The system is constantly being tweaked to get it closer to being perfect. It has flaws, it could be a little bit better, but it's a great overall system.



    Just think about how crappy the league was when there was no replay....you got boned and had zero recourse....at least there is a chance to make a wrong call right...


    one thing they should do is ensure that there are an equal number of cameras at all games, this was there is consistency when it comes to a number of angles during the review process...that could have definately assisted us in this past week's games... had it been televised more angles would have been available to prove the officials blew many calls...

  13. I can guarentee they will not take a QB...a CB will only be taken if they let Clements go and they don't sign A. Samual in his place....


    I would look for us to trade down, possibly with the Pats for their 2 first rounders, provided there is not a clear cut stud that they can't pass up on...in any event I would be surprised if they don't trade down for more picks...this seems like this could be a great draft year


    If the season ended today...


    It will either be a quick, wrap up tackling LB - we've had too many missed tackles this year and we need someone with speed who can keep up with TEs - I wish AJ Hawk was available for us last year; plus with TKO still hurting & turning 30 (His Bday is the day we play the Fish), Fletch a FA & over 30, and now Crowell hurt - they will grab a LB early in the draft; possibly in addition to Cato June as an FA




    A dominate pass catching TE - JP needs a good outlet to toss the ball too; I think a WR is a late first day pick or early second day pick


    Now this is depending on what happens over the last 4 games...leaving all things consistent...


    I don't see them messing with the OL in the first or second round; they are playing well - McNally can expect another late day OL pick....


    If things change over the next for games with the OL...it will be a late first round or a second/third rounder - no way it's a high first and now way its a second day development project

  14. I never really paid much attention to the reflective glass until yesterday. The sales guy at BB tapped on the glass of the plasma, and then ran his finger on the screen of the LCD to show me how it was actaully a liquid. I work nights, so a lot of my viewing will be when I get home in the morning before I lay down....so that's definitely another plus for LCD....no glare :doh: 


    I'm pretty much decided on a samsung LCD....the things are just beautiful!



    Samsung has been making some great TV products, even when I was looking last year, I was impresseed with the picture...the Best Buy staff had lots of positives to say about it...


    Do you have DTV? The HD stations look unbelievable, Hockey, basketball, Channel 95 during the baseball season is YES HD when the yanks are on...its wow, Thursday nights they have the NFL network games on HD on this station...


    As I said...for me it was between the DLP or LCD...My gf was talking to one of her friends at work, they bought a plasma a couple years ago and they hate it...they wish they went with the DLP or LCD...

  15. Well...I got an HP....for $964. @ Best Buy (dv6135nr)


    here are the highlights...


    Intel Core 2 Duo T5500 (1.6ghz, 2MB L2 cache, 667 mhz FSB)

    2 GB DDR2 RAM

    120 GB hardDrive (5400rpm)

    15.4" screen


    I also got a $40 wireless mouse and a $40 Notebook bag tossed in...They had a special for all three of these for $1089 on the web...the store had a instant rebate of $125 on this package as it was their last one...it wasn't an open box or floor special either...


    I set the wireless network up myself with file and printer sharing...it was surprisingly easy...

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