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Posts posted by Reed83HOF

  1. Only thing that sucks is when you go down to the pool in the summer to do some "prospecting" and there is some 6'5" freak of nature getting all the attention from the ladies.  Oh well.... :lol:



    Take the good with the bad...right???




    look at it this way...aside from the 1 or 2 night stands....the real women down there will appreciate someone who may not be a freak of nature but can tell them all of the letters in the alphabet...



  2. Believe it or not Hargrove lived in the apartment straight across from me for a very short time.  The Rams put up there players in my apartment complex while they first get to Saint Louis.  He's a really nice guy who is extremely passionate about football and really approachable.  For being a pro athlete, this guy would always stop for a few minutes and just shoot the sh*t.  I was ecstatic when he became a Bill!



    Get the !@#$ outta here!!!


    That's awesome...during the Jags game he was standing close to the end zone during a ST play where we were (129 row 13) he was going nuts...I was telling my gf that this guy is one of my fav players...after the game he jumped into the stands in section 129....right in front of us...we ran down there...but couldn't get close - he was mobbed...

  3. That was a great article...going to the last couple games I make sure I keep an eye out for him...it isn't hard to miss him either...the guy is so into the game and pumping up his teammates and the fans...it has been soooo long since we had someone like it was a great trade we made for him...the Rams really made a mistake not keeping this guy...he's young, fast, strong and loves the game...teams need players like this...I'm glad he's ours

  4. Meathead has worn his time out in Miami too??? I almost feel sorry for the guy


    The blow dealt by the Jaguars knocked the Dolphins out of the playoffs and into next year, and if the team is going to improve in Saban's third season, the problems made obvious Sunday have to be addressed.


    Among the issues Saban will definitely address is his comfort level with offensive coordinator Mike Mularkey, who is in his first season with the Dolphins. Miami's offense started the day ranked middle-of-the-pack 16th in the NFL and Saban has disagreed with the way Mularkey has called some games, particularly in key situations, throughout this season.


    Saban has not publicly criticized Mularkey and instead always accepts responsibility for anything that is wrong with any part of the team.


    But Saban was unhappy with Mularkey's call of a reverse against the Chiefs last month despite basically signing off on it by not overruling his assistant. Sunday came another example of Saban deferring to Mularkey's expertise despite his own reservations.


    And, again, it backfired.


    With Miami trailing 10-7 with 50 seconds remaining in the first half, Saban wanted to run the ball because the Dolphins didn't have great field position at their 23-yard line and already had gained 9 and 5 yards on consecutive runs.


    But Mularkey wanted to attack Jacksonville, hoping to get a field goal, so he called a pass on first down. Cornerback Rashean Mathis intercepted Joey Harrington's pass and the Jaguars scored another touchdown two plays later.


    Saban would have preferred to play it safe and continue running the ball, so after the game he showed some frustration over not imposing his will on Mularkey.


    ''We were probably being too aggressive,'' Saban said. ``We probably should have run the clock out to be honest with you. . . . Probably not smart in that situation right there.



    here is the Link to the entire article..



  5. I HATE the cover 2....London said the same thing yesterday that the entire D has said all year...we need to stay in our gaps and focus on our individual roles for this defense to be successful...That's tough for these players to do..since the GW, they were taught to go toward the person with the ball...and hit them...it just seems overly complex with small DT's that get run over by OL, TE's, FB's and RB's....

  6. You've got to be kidding.  He was the Bills best player yesterday.  Is he where he was in 03-04, not yet, but the signs are encouraging.  Hopefully this trend continues.



    He played well yesterday...that's 1 game and the first play of the year...he has been injured and non existent in the rest of the 1st game and the other 11


    As I said in my previous post; and it has also been said on a ton of posts about other players from other posters as well; lets see if it's his turning point and what happens from here on out...


    He has this season and the next training camp/preseason - most likely all of next season and then a decision will need to be made over a review of many games and not 1 game against SD or 1 play against NE in 2006


    If he plays well and plays to the level of his salary; obviously you keep him


    If not, see if he'll renego for a lower amount - that's comparable to his level of play; if not...if you are able to make a move for another impact LB...see ya...it happens all the time....


    and I want TKO to succeed in coming back...I also loved Sam Cowart and wanted to succeed too...

  7. Do you understand how the K-Gun worked?  The K stood for Keith, as in McKeller.  A dominant TE was a vital part of that offense, and we don't have it.  Second, it required a gifted quarterback in Jim Kelly, who was able to call his own plays.  JP has yet to prove he can handle that consistently - few QBs ever have.  Third, it relied on having a big-time all-purpose back in Thurman Thomas.  Willis can run, but he's questionable out of the backfield and is not a great blocker.  Finally, it required the best offensive line in the business, and one in great shape as well.  We're not there yet.


    SHowing a few minutes of the no huddle every game is a decent idea.  The K-Gun is not.



    Yes I know what the K stands for and how the offense worked...I don't need the history lesson..it was alo required 2 good WRs...and I do not disgaree with the TE comparision; ours suck...I also know that quick 3 and outs get your D on the feild more often and bad things can happen against a tired defense....


    Looking at how well we've played with the last few weeks in the 2 minute offense; it is something that I would like to see us use more of...The team plays better with it....and moves the ball...I do agree with your last comment...they should show it a few times during the games and see what happens...if it isn't working scrap it, if it does go with it until they stop it...obviously you wouldn't just suddenly change the whole offensive philosophy and go with the K gun...


    My post was meant more for this conversation; the Kgun comparision was a simple relflection of our past use of the no-huddle...besides we don't have Rusty Jones anymore



  8. It hurts so much cause we all had SB on our minds this year and knew they would make the playoffs. No one predicted the Bills to just improve and not make the playoffs.


    How did SD get so good, could have something to do with drafting so high for so many years, and hitting the QB jackpot when they fleeced the Giants over in the Eli Manning deal, they got a better QB and some picks for a decent QB (at best) who did not want to play for them


    People make it sound like SD and Cinncy are teams that have been successful every year and never had down years.


    As for the typical, "I have been waiting 10 years for them to rebuild" comments, if you want to enjoy football again, you have to throw that thought out the window and remember that this is Marv and DJ's FIRST year in charge and it will take more then 1 year to fix the mess TD left behind. When you can get past that, you will be able to notice a much improved tem that looks like they will be competitive again soon



    LOL...this is a good post though....this is a young team that despite needing more talant has been extremely competitve against better teams in the league this year...just as the players are growing into the system..the coaches are learning about the make up of this team, who can do what, and are trying to find the best game plan for success & development; which is not an easy task...if they can play like they have through the rest of the season and have a smart and good offseason...in 2007 we will see a playoff team

  9. After three weeks of watching the Bills literally getting run over up the middle by opposing runningbacks, I really don't care much about where Clements will be next season. We're in desperate  need a player that can stuff the middle.



    And then next offseason can we look forward to your post saying that over the past 12 weeks you are sick of seeing the Bills get torched for long TD passes...and we're in desparate need of a CB that can cover WRs?



  10. I was impressed with his game yesterday, especially that first series. He needs to be in on plays for us and he needs to have a presence. It was good to hear his name called again.

    If he's 89.5%, will you round up?





    He played goood yesterday...let's see what he can do the last few games...just to make sure it wasn't a one game wonder...I recall reading somewhere that Fewell would like to be able to do some other things with him, but its too late in the sseason for it...


    He will get next season; I think that's a given - listening to his post game comments; he isn't the same asshloe when TV was placed on IR...


    The decision to keep or cut will be next offseason and dictated by the this years and next year's FA LB class; possibly even the draft....

  11. I'm all for it if it puts Shelton on the bench once-and-for-all.




    LOL...I was watching them drive the last three weeks at the end of the game...on the way home yeasterday and Listening to the radio on 96.9 it was a conversation they had as well...if JP doesn't have time to think too much and just plays...he's great..we were talking about it in the stands too...

  12. bills and jets always play tight games. I expect no different this week.

    and by the way .. what a killer schedule we have had this year.

    You would think we were the SB champs last year or something.



    Next year's shedule isn't going to be much easier...I am impressed with how we've been playing as of late...the D can't come up with a big stop with the game on the line, but thats hard to do when you are giving up 175 yds rushing each week...The offense can come back and win games, there appears to be "mental toughness" has anyone noticed how the drive-killinretarded penalties have stopped?


    I can see us winning at least 3 games - the Phins, Titans and Jets; Baltimore; its a toss up; if their D plays any part of the game..we are toast

  13. Has anyone noticed how much better the offense plays in the no-huddle?


    The WR's seem to get open, Losman makes great decisions..JP seems much more efficient and a GREAT player when he doen't take his time in the huddle...he goes out, calls the play and relies on his abilities..the offense moves the ball so well


    I honeslty think that the Jets game, if it wasn't poring out at the end of the game, Losman would have pulled that game out...


    Another thought is that Cielsak should be starting at TE; I hate Royal He can't catch; Everett was a total waste..A TE in this offense needs to be able to catch the ball

  14. You don't recognize any progress since camp?  He's coming along as far as I'm concerned.  He's earned a year 2 after the injury evaluation as far as I'm concerned.  In other words, he has a minimum of the next training camp to prove himself or, morely likely, the whole of next season.



    I love TKO; he gets one more season, if he doesn't comeback to atleast 90%; he's gone...he'll never be 100% and for his salary he needs to be atleast 90% the player he was

  15. i loved jp's emotions out there again today.  you can tell that the kid really wants the football in his hands and wants to win the game.  it doesn't mean anything if we don't win, but while this is all coming together i'm happy to see some life, unlike what i don't see from willis.


    i also thought that last TD grab by Price was one of the better catches i have seen in a long time.


    in sections 202, 203, and 204; the fans were rocking for jp.....I havent heard the fans rooting for a qb like since jk's last season when everyone was souting Collins! Collins!



  16. Every one seemed to hit a majority of the plays that were terrible...I saw the Chargers LT hold Schobel on at least 2 occassions on LT runs that were not called.


    When SD was driving in the 4th, the fans were going nuts, the play clock expired and Hoculi stopped the clock said oops...there was no foul on the play and gave them 10 secs on the play clock...my gf's unlce, a giants fan, even said that the Bills got hosed big time by the officials...he was telling everyone calling him with giants vs cowgirls updates....he said it was some of the worst officiating he's ever seen...


    what is ironic is that we were talking in the stands, at the beginning of the game, we were lucky we had Hoculi officiating as he is a god ref...opinions definately changed quickly...it was just pathetic...

  17. Grossman is horrible, I'm a moron for thinking that every week he'll rebound and i start him on my fantasy team.  Well, I just released his ass an hour ago.


    The Bears will not win the SB this year with him at QB.  His field vision is extremely poor and his decisions are 100% worse than any Losman have ever made.



    They said on the NFL Network that his passer rating was 1.3, not 13, but 1.3

  18. In May 2005, as a Divorce present, I bought a 52" Toshiba DLP (model 52HM84) Consumer reports rated it best in value which was $2500...My sister and a bunch of friends work at the Best Buy. I spoke with everyone and this was the best $$ for a TV; if you want to spend serious $$$, the new Sony Bravia's are definately worth it.


    The DLP was more appealing because replacing a $300 bulb every 3 years, you get a new TV...the Plasma's, well they look great, the picture deteriorates and can't be fixed, most of the $$$ models are good for approx 70,000 hrs (if I remember correctly)...I just couldn't spend the $$ on them...The LCD was the other I was looking at more resonably priced than the Plasma and still a good picture...


    It was bewteen the Toshiba I got and the Sony LCD, about $500 more than the Toshiba, (not the flat one - again a $300 bulb every few years)...looking at the pictures and playing around with the features between the 2 TVs; the Toshiba had a much better pic and was cheaper...I don't not regret my decision..DVD's look great and so do the DTV HD channels...The non HD channels even look pretty good using the HDMI...

  19. That's a common misconception.  At four year schools,  they don't focus on technology because it becomes obsolete.  Instead they focus on theory and basics.  I know how a processor works, but not how a specific processor works.  Associates degrees might teach current technology, but not a BS in CS.  Along the same lines, I never took a class on "how Linux works" or "How Windows works."  I learned basic OS theory.


    That said, people with CS degrees generally tend to read about technology all the time. :D


    I posted a link to a good laptop deal in case you missed it.





    I did see that and thanks....that is a good site..the Dell deal is pretty good


    i'm going to go play around with a couple at Best Buy and Circuit City to get a feel for them


    The theory and basics is what I would much rather learn. As far as programming is concerned..I am great with excel, but don't know visual basic...a class in that could be well worth it; but I don't really want much more than that...


    By technology I simply mean what each piece of hardware is responsible for and the effect that it has on a whole...this combined with basic understanding s is all I need

  20. Computer Science degrees don't teach you how to buy laptops or anything...  What's funny about your situation is that usually people who are going into any sort of IT field actually enjoy IT enough to learn all the ins and outs about it (especially about CE products).  That's why people were making fun of you :D



    I know they don't teach you how to buy notebooks or pcs, but they tend to focus more on the technology in them...and for programming


    My Bachelors degree is in Operations & Human Resources Management. The unfortunate part of this is that my Operations degree focused mainly on the manufacturing environment & I have over 6.5 years of experince in a bank in the International Trade Dept as a manager responsible for a $20 million a year in revenue. Even though I worked with 75 of the bank's largest customers (GM, Ford, GE, etc..) and assistsed in facilitating their international trade transactions; I needed out - they were horrible to work for and I built a very solid resume during my time there; there were only 2 promotions left for me over the next 20-25 yrs...and there was not much more for me to accomplish, so I left in June


    After applying to a few local companies and finding that all they want is people with call center experience (not my cup of tea) or insurance companies - who specialize in Health care ( I am not going to tell someone who has cancer that "Sorry we can't honor your claim beacuse of this clause in Section 14 Paragraph A..." So I decided that it was time for me to go back for my MBA part time (seeing I own a house and need to pay my bills), which I always planed on doing...I wouldn't mind getting into a mfg company; but it has been tough to do because even though I was involed with selling a company's mfgd goods to an overseas buyer; because I worked for a bank I am labled as someone in a service industry even though my degree is in mfg...


    Knowing that MFG is an industry on the downturn in the US, IT is growing. There are many computer programmers in the work environment already and a ton in school now...using the experience I have in analyzing business units and working with the programmers seems like a natural choice for me; that is what a portion of this degree offers..on top of that, it will help fill in the gaps that I do have as far as IT hardware. I actually also plan on taking a few traditional CS classes too


    As far as enjoying IT, in the company I worked in from Jan 2000 through June 2006; I was actually transferred to the IT area for 2 years to work with the programmers in desigining the procfessing system, in addition I spent the last 3 years of my career being very actively involved in the specs, and overall design of the upgrades and the UAT, I usually ended up writing the procedures for the enhancements and conducting the training classes for over 300 people who use the system about the upgrades...For the most part I enjoyed it (I just hated to argue with stupid people and there were plently of them) - I am more of the idea and this is what we need type of person - go build it; This SU degree focuses on mainly on this; the integration between your suppliers, customers and own processing needs; and methods to pull information from various systems to assist in decision making. There are classes in software & hardware, so that you better understand the technology.


    I personally want to learn more about computer technology and am slowly working towards it, hence my post.....


    Overall in CE products; I know quite a bit - TVs & Home Theater systems mostly, as I have done a ton of research and managed to put together a great system. Notebooks are new to me and my desktop knowledge is limited - I haven't touched the subject in 5 years....


    I have always had issues with AMD vs. Intel...each has their own pros and cons; it isn't a clear cut decision...just looking for some helpful advice

  21. You're getting an MBA in IT and you need help shopping for a laptop  :lol:


    just kiddin.  but anyways, i'd go with the intels over amd since they don't run as hot



    I know that's what's funny about it...The IT program within the MBA is for Data mining and knowing how to build a databases; how to intgegrate systems into organizations stuff like that; it's not the Computer Science IT...


    I'm finding the choice of what to buy to be very difficult..TV's and Av Rreceivers stuff like that is simple; even deciding in my deskptop was simple...this damn note book is a tough one though



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