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Posts posted by junior

  1. 3 hours ago, Virgil said:

    Not to be that guy, but what exactly did he do in the game that I missed?  

    A sack is a sack, but the dude wasn’t blocked.  He ran in a straight line. 

    He did track down a player, but his motor wasn’t questioned.  

    I don’t remember seeing him be disruptive against blocks or generate and pressure himself.  Is everyone just looking at those two plays?




    Check out Cover_1 on Twitter. Erik tweets about Oliver quite often, since fans ask about his impact all the time. 


    Ex: https://twitter.com/Cover_1_/status/1196257055407034368


    EDIT: If I knew how to embed a tweet, I'd have done it here to make it easier.

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  2. 3 hours ago, ganesh said:

    Yeah. We still need a starting power RB, a starting CB,  3rd WR who can stretch the field, two on the OL,  two on the DL and rushing LB (due to Alexander retiring after this season)...May be a kicker too


    Agreed on getting RB, CB, and third WR at those tiers.


    Are you thinking we need two new starters on the OL and DL? Or are those depth additions? 

  3. When you're comparing him to previous Bills head coaches, he would get an A+. Compared to head coaches from around the NFL, I think he would get a B+.


    He gets the most out of his players and they seem to respect him. The defense is obviously stellar.


    However, he is awful at challenges and his timeout usage leaves a lot to be desired. I also wish he was a bit more aggressive at certain points - example: earlier this year (can't remember which game) we got the ball back with 1+ minute in the 2nd quarter and two timeouts. We sat on the ball and went to the locker room. Why not at least try to move the ball and get into FG range? 


    Needless to say, I'm happy he's our HC and I think the team is in good hands with him.

  4. 8 hours ago, Chemical said:


    I said before the draft Metcalf would put up a 1000 yard season out of the gate. Most here said no way, He’s on pace for 1157 and people are still criticizing him. Another reason ppl didn’t want Metcalf was Robert Foster. Oops. 


    As for Oliver. I’ve also moved on, but I agree with Joe for once. The DT position, especially in McDermott’s defense, is just not as important if only because they’re not on the field every down.



    Btw, does anyone have the snap count percentage or know where I can look that up?




    Having a DL that can create pressure (internal pressure from DTs, especially so) is probably the most important aspect of McDermott's defense...

    • Like (+1) 1
  5. A few for me:

    • Batted passes at the LOS - does anyone know how many we had last year after two games? The entire season? I don't remember seeing anywhere near this many.
    • TE blocking - not only do Smith, Knox, and Sweeney do it, but they seem seek it out/crave it. It's awesome to see guys take pride in that aspect of the game when so many don't
    • Morse pulling - holy crap, having a mobile center is awesome. He gets out in front of the play SO quick. I love seeing Morse/Spain, or Morse/Feliciano out front in front of Singletary
    • The mean streak our OL plays with - we seemed to have a bunch of pushovers last year. There's still kinks to be worked out, but I'd rather have a mean OL with minor issues than a passive OL with minor issues
    • Shaq Lawson - he's definitely motivated to get that next contract and I've been pleasantly surprised with his effort/play
    • Josh Allen - he plays with confidence and he doesn't go for the hero ball every play. He still makes bonehead plays every now and then, but he seems to be growing in that regard, which is great.
  6. 31 minutes ago, Estro said:


    Also a sign on immaturity on Oliver's part.  I noticed a couple of instances of that from him in the 4 episodes.  It was definitely one of the negatives about him heading into the draft.  Seems like the type thats going to need an attitude adjustement to fufill the potential many believe he has.



    Agreed. It would have been great to have Kyle on the DL alongside him, but I'm sure Alexander and Hyde can fill that leadership gap to some extent. 

  7. 3 hours ago, Logic said:

    People always overlook "rosterability" when talking about drafting players.

    You should draft players that you think will actually make the roster. 

    As I mentioned above, with four WR spots probably already taken and with Andre Roberts likely to take the 6th spot as a return specialist, it leaves probably ONE spot open. The Bills ALREADY have Ian McKenzie (former 5th round pick, has gadget versatility, and who the staff clearly likes) and Duke Williams (CFL's leading WR last year) vying for that spot. What are the odds that a 4th or 5th round WR would have beaten out these two guys? Last year, the Bills drafted two WRs just because they needed them: Ray Ray McCloud and Austin Proehl. How did that work out? 

    You have to draft roster-able guys.



    It's a wonder people don't understand this. Beane even talked about this very thought process in one the interviews leading up to the draft.



  8. 20 hours ago, Brianmoorman4jesus said:

    How would telling us what number a guy is going to wear, going to effect that?



    This reminds me of when people on Twitter tell the team account to stop tweeting because they should be focused on practicing lol.

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  9. 2 hours ago, LSHMEAB said:

    Don't like all the UB guys, but how in the world can you question this regime in the UDFA department after Foster/Wallace?


    They've made a lot of "questionable" decisions, but I'll give them the benefit of the doubt here.


    These rankings are meaningless. How in the world can you accurately gauge the true value of guys who weren't even drafted? 



    'All' the UB guys, meaning Jackson and Cam Lewis?


    Or am I missing others?

  10. 11 hours ago, Lurker said:


    My concern would be Williams learning the playbook.  And since there are no running starts in the NFL and few 180 pound CBs, that play he made in the CFL (while fun to watch) is pretty irrelevant...


    Is there any indication that he's incapable of learning the playbook? (I haven't read through this thread at all, so I have no idea if that's a legitimate concern.)

  11. 2 hours ago, starrymessenger said:

    Yeah no kidding. He's supposed to be a mature, level headed guy. He's a professional now, not a college kid, and he needs to act like it. Maybe Lorax or Frank Gore should kick his a$$.


    What? It's arguably the biggest night of his life and he recorded a friend jumping through a table.


    I'm having issues seeing what the big deal is here.

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