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Posts posted by H2o

  1. The biggest problem with your logic is the playoff runs Madden says we're a 6-10 team


    The biggest problem with your logic is you're going by computer simulation. Play a couple of regular season games in between each evaluation, simulate the rest, and play the Super Bowl. They'll be 90 overall, atleast, after the 1st year. :blink:

  2. Cleveland.............Man, I can't believe I just said that, but it's true. It doesn't matter if Anderson or Quinn is playing. If Anderson plays at the same level as last season, or even if he doesn't because Quinn is ready to be an NFL starter. They have Braylon Edwards, Jamaal Lewis, Donte Stallworth, a ticked off Kellen Winslow that wants more money, and one of the NFL's best offensive lines (I'd say top 5 easy). They seem to be the most stacked opponent.


    With San Diego I have too many ?'s about Rivers, Gates, and LT's health. Yes I put LT in there also because he's been playing at such a high level for a while now. RB's always end up starting to fall apart, especially RB's who carry a team like he does.


    Jacksonville? I'm only worried about Gerrard scrambling. I'm not worried about anything else about their offense. Porter is definitely overrated and Fred Taylor is old. They have Jones-Drew, but their OL is going through some changes also. That could spell problems.


    I think the Jets offense will give us a tough task as well. Their QB spot is shaky but they have Thomas Jones, Coles, Cotchery, Baker (if he plays), and what looks to be an improved OL with Alan Faneca. They also have Leon Washington, who can break out with a big play from time to time.

  3. The Dolphins 8-8 and we go 6-10 :rolleyes: WTH? The Dolphins are AT BEST going 6-10. The Jets going 10-6? I know they got Faneca, Gholston, and a couple of other people, but they still have Chadwick and Kellen playing the QB position. I don't see it. Us? We'll be atleast 8-8. I'm hoping for 10-6 and a Wild Card slot, but hope hasn't gone very far with our Bills in years. The last time I had hope it was crushed by Pittsburgh's 3rd string team and Drew Bledsoe's decision making.

  4. That's really only been this past season--their team was a bit more balanced in prior years. Last season's O did an awful lot to mask the D's weaknesses--I do think that their D's high ranking statistically had more to do with things like time of possession being way in their favor and playing against teams made one-dimensional by playing from behind all the time. Take some of that away through other D's catching onto their O, subtract some key personnel they've lost this offseason (Samuel, Colvin and Gay come to mind) and add a year in age to some of their Sr. Citizens Brigade and this team ain't as unbeatable as some folks (chief among them, Pats fans) like to think, even this year.....


    You're right. Let's not forget the the major sports networks that hype up the Patsies EVERY YEAR, since they won their first SB. They're the ones who try to make it seem like the Pats are going to win every year. I think that last year was the beginning of the downfall. I think the Giants gave everyone a blueprint to follow and the ones who remain will never forget the 18-1 season.

  5. The only problem with Crowell is his overall speed and his coverage skills. He's an instinctive player, but doesn't really have great speed for the ROLB position. He reads and reacts to plays well though, well enough that he could be the starter here for a while. I think the upgrade with Stroud will benefit him the most, Crowell that is. It will free him up to make more plays for our defense. I expect a big year as far as his stats go.


    I think Greer is definitely gone after this season. He'll go somewhere else and get paid semi-big money, about 5 million a year. I don't see us paying him like that. I don't think McKelvin was drafted to be his replacement because Greer was set to leave though. McKelvin was drafted because he has the potential to be a Pro-Bowl CB, and quickly.


    I think that we need to keep Fred Jackson. The guy is a solid RB. He showed that last year when Marshawn went down with an injury against Miami. The man stepped into the starting line-up and stepped up his game. I think this is a "no-brainer", if he wants to stay with the team. If he leaves it's because he thinks he should be a starter and not a back-up.


    Wilson? I don't know. He filled in alright last year in Ko's absence, but he wasn't spectacular or anything. I think that this season will be the deciding factor for this guy. If he beats out Simpson, then he'll be our guy. If he doesn't, I think he's expendable.


    I think we'll re-sign DiGiorgio and Ellison no matter how Bowens developes or not. As long as our current staff is in place that is. I think they trust these 2 guys in the defense we run. DiGiorgio played his tale off last year. He may not be a superstar, but you can't tell me the guy won't contribute as a back-up and ST guy. Ellison too.


    Everyone else......................................Don't let the door hit you on your way out :wallbash:

  6. Well that and they will always be more than willing to find new and effective ways to cheat.


    Their current defensive group has been lousy on paper for several seasons now but somehow just somehow they manage to keep on winning.


    When your offense is better than 90% of the NFL, you'll have that.

  7. Agreed re Palmer. Since PGH's von Oelhofen hit the turf then lifted up his elbow into Palmer's left knee in '05, he's not the same. He still sees the field, can move in the pocket, can rifle the ball, but throws high on longer passes. Not banana, high arc passes - but high. He can't plant and lever off the left leg like he used to.


    He can't or maybe it's because he's scared if he does then someone will....? And no, I don't really believe that anyone else on our team should be on this list right now. We have alot of solid players, but no real "superstar" players at the moment. We have guys with the "superstar potential", but no one who fits the bill.

  8. Only one Bill makes the top 50 and it's Jason Peters at #27.


    link: http://www.sportsline.com/nfl/story/10877567


    No Marshawn, no Crowell, no Stroud, no Evans, and I don't think there's anyone else I could mention from our team. One thing is certain and that is that Peters could get BIG MONEY somewhere else. I think our front office needs to re-affirm to this guy that we intend to work out a new deal, just in due time. If he sours on our franchise then we will end up losing one of the top LT's in the NFL and they are hard to come by.

  9. I don't think being a star athlete has anything to do with it. People with LOTS of MONEY do get preferential treatment under the law that is just a fact of life.


    That's it in a nutshell right there. People with money get out of alot of things. Look at O.J. , Snoop Dog, T.I., DMX, Ray Lewis, Paris Hilton, Lindsey Lohan, and countless others who've all been in the news over the years. I'm only naming the first few that popped into my head. I'm sure that if I sat here and really thought about it, I could come up with a heck of alot more. Now there are cases where the case against some one is so strong that they choose to try and make an example of that person and this is what is taking place with Vick. But if the evidence has any chance of being disproven, for the most part, the person with money will win out. Or, they get the biggest slap-on-the-wrist plea deal that you will ever see. For example, there is a strip club owner here in Richmond, VA with the last name of Moore. He owns and lives over top of "Velvet". The cops raided his place and caught him with a sex-tape of him with a 17 year old girl. She's under age. If me or you get caught with that tape, we get nailed to the wall with all kinds of charges. This guy pleas to a 30 day jail sentence that is likely to be commuted to "work release" and or "community service". Money. A Nascar driver gets a DUI here in VA and gets his charge reduced to wreckless driving, even though he FAILED the breathalizer and a field sobriety test. He doesn't have to pay any of the hefty fines, attend ASAP, AA classes, or any form of counseling like anyone else. He also doesn't even lose his license for a year like anyone else. Money. That's all this world really revolves around is money.

  10. If you could put Chadwick's brain in JP's body you would have a first ballot HOF player, as it is though the Jets have one of the worst QB combos in the league. I am not all that impressed with their running backs or receivers either.



    Yeah right :thumbsup: JP short-hops balls to RB's in the flat, routes that are 10-15 yards up the field, and seems to overthrow the ones that he doesn't short-hop when he has pressure waiting with a clipboard in hand on the sidelines. The one thing he can do, throw a nice looking and accurate 50 yard pass. That's far from a first-ballot HOF career, Pennington's brain or not.

  11. I still think Ebay is the best place for that stuff. I got an awesome Whitner jersey with everything hand-stitched for $47. I mean that's ridiculous


    I got a "Home" Lynch jersey for $60 at Christmas time off of E-Bay. It was a good deal I thought, but people tell me it's not a real authentic jersey. I haven't worn it since the "supposed" hit-and-run. I'm sure I'll get a few comments from people when I do.

  12. Is it just me or is anyone else having a hard time with the Lynch hit and run aftermath? According to Channel 2 four witnesses say that Marshawn was at the wheel and that other Bills were in the car with him.


    If true, what does that say about the moral fiber of this team? The old Polian/Levy "draft only character guys" philosophy is dead. I can't imagine Jim Kelly being in a similar scenario back in the glory days and hiding behind attorneys for days on end.


    What kind of a team do we really have if players (plural) would hit a citizen of the community and leave her laying in the road. For all they knew they may have killed her.


    I'm starting to think that Beast Mode may have a double meaning.


    They drafted this guy last year and up until this point, everyone has raved over "Lynch's Character". From him talking so well about the city of Buffalo, to the color of the tips of his dreads, to how much of a momma's boy he is. Everyone makes mistakes in life, especially when you're young and rich. I'm not trying to downplay the seriousness of this situation at all, but it was a mistake. They were probably drunk and seeing all of their lives coming to an end right before their eyes. Thank God that the woman was not seriously hurt. But we shouldn't write this guy off yet. Look at Ray Lewis. He supposedly only "witnessed" a murder and he's still a "poster-child" of the NFL. If Jesus loves Marshawn still, so can we :thumbsup:

  13. The latest report is that his dealer was actually...........................Tom Brady :rolleyes: Yeah, he was coppin from Brady back when Brady was wearing that boot on his foot going to Giselle's house before the SB. It was all a front so Brady could hustle his pain killers :wallbash:

  14. The biggest problem I have with that list is, as well as with every list of "top RB's in the NFL", is that Steven Jackson is the most overrated RB on the face of the planet. The guy had one "BIG" season in 2006 and he's the 3rd best RB in the NFL :wallbash: ? That turd only had 1002 yards last year and 5 TD's in 12 games. Let's talk about some previous one-year-wonder RB's. Barry Foster, Bam Morris, Timmy Smith, Samkon Gado, Reggie Brooks, any Broncos RB that's been plugged into the system since Terrell Davis, Anthony Thomas, and I'm sure that you guys can add some others. Final analysis on Steven Jackson................OOOOO-VER-RAAAATE-ED :rolleyes:

  15. This year holds alot more possibilities than years of the past. I understand that any player has a shot at making the Pro Bowl on a year to year basis, but we all know that we aren't the Cowboys and there aren't as many Bills fans to have 13 of our players on the roster. So, realistically, who do you guys see from our squad possibly making the Pro Bowl? Here's my guesses and explanations behind them.




    Lee Evans - I think that he returns to his "Pro Bowl" form this year because he actually has a viable threat playing the #2 WR position in Hardy. It will open up the field for him tremendously. Along with our running game coming into it's own, which will open up the play-action pass.


    Marshawn Lynch- His second year will clearly be better than his first with more yards from scrimmage and more TD's. The threat of our passing attack will open up the interior for him because they will not be able to throw 8 or 9 guys in the box any longer.


    Jason Peters- He will play to show that he is TRULY worth the top tier LT money that he wants and he will get it.


    Those are the only guys that I think will get the nod on our offense. We will have solid contributions from others such as Dockery, Parrish returning punts is a possibility, and Hardy will make a big impact as a rookie maybe even garnering ROY honors.




    Marcus Stroud- I think Stroud is really ticked off that he was viewed as not worth keeping and will play his :( off this year.


    Aaron Schobel- Won't be getting double-teamed this year because of the addition of Stroud and the emergence of McCargo.


    Angelo Crowell- Playing for a contract and the addition of Mitchell, along with a healthy Poz, will allow him to have a monster year. You also have to figure that our d-line will require more focus which will free up our LB's to make more plays at or behind the line of scrimmage and Crowell is ball hawk of a LB, seeming to be in on every play.


    I think McCargo, Mitchell, Whitner, and McGee are strong canidates as well.




    So, I see six making it from our Bills team. A team that will make the playoffs and surprise alot of people around NFL circles. What do you all think?

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