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  1. Why does anyone care what the espn people think? Gee, at the start of the draft today I loved the way espn showed highlights of the last 5 years and how their crack staff of genius prognosticators nailed all the future super stars coming out of the drafts. Oh, that’s right we didn’t see that because I bet if you go back and analyze their comments on draft day the espn gurus SUCK! Just like the rest of us. None of us have the slightest idea if the Bills stretched for these guys and we won’t know for about 3 years.
  2. Yea, well I watch a lot of Big Ten football and I distinctly remember Whitner knocking Maroney on his butt! Five years from now Whitner will be a great safety and Maroney will be out of the league. Bank on it!
  3. Yea and back when we drafted Mike Williams at #4 did all you guys give us an A!
  4. Very solid pick by the Bills. Living down here in Cincinnati (after growing up near Buffalo and going to UB) I’ve become a big OSU fan and believe me this kid can play. As far as the draft experts, please, give me a break! These are the same clowns that had Mike Williams as a 10 year rock at tackle. Also, this kid is high character and will make an impact right out of the gate.
  5. Stats are nothing for a QB if he can't win some playoff games! Think of the game Kelly had against Cleveland in 99 when the Bills lost a shoot out. At least Kelly came to play. Or how about the AFC championship games against LA, Miami and KC. Jim had excellent games in all three! Manning has got to win a couple of more playoff games and at least get to one super bowl before he can be at Kellys level. Think about the last two drives Indy had against the Steelers. With the game on the line Manning takes back to back sacks to hand Pittsburg the ball on the 2. Then after the miracle fumble, Manning completely messes up the FG drive. As we Bills fans know FG’s beyond 45 yards are never sure things. Manning had the responsibility of getting the Colts into easy FG position. Let’s face it, the Steelers had conceded the FG and they were concerned about the TD. On 3rd and 2 at the Pittsburg 29, Manning should have run James to get the first down! He then could have moved them closer to give Vandershot a sure thing. Instead he almost threw a pick 20 yards downfield! So when you consider the last two drives and the FACT that Manning threw an INT midway through the 4th that would have ended the game (the NFL now admits the ref was wrong) his performance AT HOME in a playoff game at CRUNCH TIME was horrible. So yes, Kelly was a better QB than Manning is today.
  6. There is NO comparison between the super bowl Bills and the Indianapolis Colts. The Colts have not earned the right to be even mentioned in the same breath as the Bills. The Buffalo Bills went to FOUR straight super bowls! Win, lose or draw that accomplishment will never be done again. In contrast the Colts are choke artists of the first order. Manning is not as good as Kelly, Harrison is not as good as Reed, James is not as good as Thomas, Freely is not as good as Smith. Heck, no one in the Colts secondary is as good as Kelso! The Bills studs produced in multiple playoff games throughout their careers. What have the big time Colt players accomplished in their playoff games? Not much, thank you! From the 41 – 0 beating they took at the hands of the Jets a few years ago to yesterdays horrendous performance, the Colts are a pimple on the A@# of NFL history while as each year goes by the Bills achievements look grander and more amazing. Everything was set up for the Colts, home dome advantage, loud crowd and “big time” players. And what happened, they got crushed by the Steelers. The game wasn’t as close as the score. Sorry I had to get this off my chest. Whatever you may say about the Bills, they NEVER, I repeat NEVER, blew a home playoff game during their best years like the Colts did yesterday. From the coaching staff to the water boy the Colts are not in the same league as the super bowl Bills.
  7. Indy is half way to the choke of the century! What a scuzzy performance!
  8. Hey when the same guy can run TWO on-side kicks back for TD's how can you lose! Do you think the NW special teams coach might be looking for work?
  9. Looks like the kind of schedule that would allow the Bills to turn it around big time, if, and it's a big if, the coaching staff can get their act together.
  10. Lee Evans ended the season on the up swing. He's going to be a great one! Also, Parrish showed us a little of what we might expect to see next year. The guy has moves and he IS FAST. Also, I thought the fans were great. Big increase in season ticket sales and wasn't every game sold out?
  11. Great another year of dumb and dumber. Well, all I can hope for is that the Bills turn it around next year and I have to eat my words. But with these two numbskulls in charge , I doubt it.
  12. How about the game at Pittsburg where he tore them a new one! Palmer is the best young QB in the NFL. I would trade Losman, Holcomb and the coaching staff to get Palmer. Forget about the fraud Vick, Palmer is the real deal. Let’s face it people we had a chance to land Lewis at coach and TD blew it. The Bengal’s are going to be good for the next 5 years. The way the salary cap is structured this was a great move for Cincinnati.
  13. I think this quote highlights the problem with the Bill's D this year. Lay back and let teams pick up 3rd and long. To me, the only reason the Bills didn't end up losing this game is McGee's INT. It looked like the Bengal's would get the FG and send the game to OT where they end up winning. By taking a gamble, McGee gives us a great Xmass present. I for one have been less than thrilled with Grays coaching this year. It looks like last year the team was still living off the ghost of Dick Labeau.
  14. The two great tackles, Anderson & Jones, help Palmer a whole lot. This has to be the Bill's number 1 priority!
  15. Great insights grog, I’m a Bills fan that’s lived 20 years down here and couldn’t make it due to the Christmas Eve timing. Of course being 4 – 10 also had a little to do with it! Over the years I’ve made every Bills/Bengal’s game at Riverfront/PBS and your right that the Bengal’s fans don’t mess with you much. Growing up in Western NY I remember that wasn’t the case at dear old “Rich” stadium. Among many of my best memories of the chaos inflicted on poor opposing teams fans was the guy wearing a Mark Gastinuea jersey who as he walked through the parking lot was under a steady barrage of stones, hot dogs and beer bottles (full and empty). What made it amazing was that as the guy walked there was this little cloud of debris following him, so yes, Indy and Cincy are great places to see the game as a Bill’s fan. PBS is a great stadium to watch a game in. I like the way PBS is right downtown on the river. I always thought the Ralph should have been downtown on the lake! As for Cutler he’s harmless. A big rah/rah guy whose tag line is “it’s a great day to be a Bengal’s fan”. This year is the first year he could say it very often.
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