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Posts posted by todd

  1. Yes, it's good to see Antoine get some props from the announcers. Collinsworth was really singing his praises.


    I'm cheering for the Vikes....Newman, Cottrell, Winfield!!! I love those guys, the homegrown talent, rather than these free agents we bring in! Just my own opinion.



    Yeah, Vincent, Milloy, Fletcher, Spikes all friggin suck. I'd rather have Flowers, Newman, an overpriced Winfield, etc.


    Yeah, and we shouldn't have let Cotrell go - Jerry Gray friggin blows.

  2. Yes. Communitcate lots via e-mail. Save them. All of them. Print them out.


    It happened to me before, and I stayed above it all - not playing her game - then when the perfect opportunity presented itself all I had to do was be honest and truthful and she looked bad. She ended up being asked to resign.


    Finally, I've decided to work for small companies only. Screw the giants.


    There's this director type of another department that is the stereotypical corporate weasel.  Will ask questions and nod and understand, but then call you out in front of your boss.  Will ask for suggestions, disagree, and then bring them up as alternatives in meetings that you're in.


    I'm of the same level as this guy, calling him out is an option, but probably not the right one. He's a complete slime ball.


    Comments? Thoughts?




  3. My wife and I just bought one at Best Buy for $35 - a $10 mail-in rebate.


    It's not fancy, but it does everything we need for our upstairs TV. It plays DVDs, DVD-Rs, CDs, CDRs and VCDs. It has component and s-video out, along with standard RCA.


    If it breaks in a year and a half, who cares? We'll buy another one for $25.


    My SONY dvd player has stopped playing my DVDs.  I can hear it spinning like crazy when I first put my DVD in the player.  After about 20 seconds it displays a message that it can play my DVD.  I Tried several Disks that worked in the past... they all are unplayable.


    The manual was know help... (shocker!)


    I'm thinking that I'll have to replace it.  I figure it will take too long to repair and they are cheaper then cheap now.  But I thought I'd send some feelers out to the wise people of TBD for some advice.  :blink:


  4. TD. 4 years, sold out house, no return for money paid and loyalty given by the fans.


    He's a football equivalent of a corporate raider. I don't blame the PGH organazition for hating his guts.



    We need one of those smiley faces of someone smoking crack. That's what I'd reply to this post with.

  5. As far as I know, he's a FA. And Willis needs a vet to learn from. Smith can't carry the load for a full year, but I think he'd be a good backup, along with another big young RB. Shaud Williams is OK, but he's not going to do well in a power running game. Neither is Joe Burns.

  6. "There is no doubt in my mind he can still win," Jaworski said. "Drew is one of those guys who needs protection. He's what I call a plant, step and throw quarterback. He needs to be comfortable in the pocket where he can do that. If you start showing color in his face and he starts throwing off his back foot because of pressure up the middle, he becomes a little bit erratic. When you build around him, you have to start with the interior of the offensive line. I think Drew is still a very, very good quarterback in this league."



    Nobody has a heck of a lot of time to throw the damn ball! Even Manning is hurried sometimes. It's when you DO have time to throw the ball that counts. You've got to make the best of it, and Drew doesn't.


    IMHO, "Drew is still a ver, very good (backup) quarterback in this league."


    That's not to say he lost the game for us, because he didn't. He didn't win it for us, either. And we need a QB who can do that when the special teams and defense are not playing up to standards.

  7. Wish me luck  :(



    Hell, luck? You're lucky. You get a vacation while your new job starts. Now *THAT'S* luck. The worst part about not having a job is not knowing when you have a next one. Take it from me. I know first hand.


    Sounds like a Garbage Plate is in order. I'm buying. Just tell me when.



  8. LMAO. This might be the single greatest post EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    You, despite your relentless hatred of me, have now risen to the top poster on my list!


    :ph34r:  :P  :w00t:



    Dear God,


    I will stop hating JP-era and buy him a garbage plate, too. Please, God.

  9. Dear God,


    I know we don't talk much these days, and I'm sorry for all the stuff I've done which might have pissed you off. Like all that premarital sex (not nearly enough, IMHO), and the times I've abused my body with alcohol and garbage plates, and all the times I've taken your name(s) in vain, and all the naughty thoughts about thousands of girls - sometimes more than one at a time, and for wishing bad things to happen to people I don't like, and the dirty tricks I've played on people, and the time I cheated on that test, and the time I lied about speeding to the judge, and all the bad stuff I think about organized religion (I'm not sure you'd be mad about that, though), and the times I've lied to girls just to see them nekkid, and anything else you can think of I did wrong.


    For all of that I'm truly sorry. And all I ask is that you please, please, please, please, have the Jets or the Broncos lose this weekend. And the Bills win. Please? It's been a long time since I cared about the playoffs, and despite all of the sins I've been pretty good. Please?


    Thanks, God. I appreciate it. Amen.

  10. You get that motherboard figured out?



    Yeah. It was my vid card overheating. A little cable was touching the cooling fan on my ATI 9800 Pro AIW and slowing it down ever so slightly. It would overheat and the system would lock. As soon as I figured that out everything worked great!


    The 10000 RPM SATA drive is amazing. I notice a difference with disk I/O like you wouldn't believe. I'm impressed.

  11. I'm home in bed with the Flu that is going around. My head is spinning and I feel like sh--!


    I could not imagine getting on a football field and playing football for 60 minutes. I read that a few of the Vikings players have the bug also.



    Let's get a pool together so to buy you tickets to both New Jersey and Denver. Then we can have you spit on all the players for Denver and the Jets, thereby giving them whatever you have.

  12. He only took the worst defense in the league and turned it into one of the scariest. Statistically the 2nd best and he surrendered the fewest points against. Nobody wanted to play that browns defense.



    Well, Bellyache also got fired from that same team. I'm not worried about Saban. Hell, Gregggg Williams was the D-coordinator for a great defense in Tenny and we all know what happened there.


    I wouldn't get too anxious about it. I don't care how often he talks to BB. He's NOT BB. And the NFL is a different game, especially with GM responsibilities.


    It will be a good long time before Saban does anything with Miami, if he does at all.

  13. You are right.  He is not the second coming.  He is what he is.  A winning QB in HIS 1ST YEAR!  You don't see any potential?  How is your 1st rd QB doing? Breaking any records?  Want me to list the ones that Ben has broken as a rookie?  Please...



    Jeez, we should have a dumbass test before we let opposing team's fans in here. I have a feeling you wouldn't have made the cut.


    Hey Mr. Mensa - I was complimenting your TEAM, not trashing your QB!

  14. I


    They're definitley beatable even at full strength. Big Ben will be exposed in the playoffs.



    That's the thing. Who cares if Ben is exposed. The important thing to realize is that Ben isn't the reason the team is winning! The Steelers as a TEAM are winning, Ben or not.


    You can rattle Ben and still get beat by the Steelers.


    It also bothers me that Pittsburgh fans are acting like Ben is the second coming. Well, he's not. He's a very good QB on a very good team with a great defense.

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