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Posts posted by todd

  1. I would like the guy's talent on our team, however you shouldn't mention Abraham and Smith in the same paragraph.


    I, and many others are thinking that TD is playing the tight wad game with his vets to get enough cash to grab a superstar. I still think its most likely a LT, but it could be the best damn DE in the league IMO, John Abraham.


    Heres Lenny P's take on the situation:


    Word is that Jets officials, soured now on Abraham, might indeed allow him to escape as an unrestricted free agent in two months. Earlier, the team had indicated it intended to retain him for at least one more season by designating him a "franchise" player, a marker that carries a qualifying offer of at least $6.503 million. But in the wake of the public relations disaster with Abraham, and some hard feelings inside the locker room and the executive offices about his attitude, there have been reports New York might instead use the "franchise" label to keep tailback LaMont Jordan, a guy who continues to make big plays when he is on the field. Jordan was the subject of the sideline tiff last week between Herm Edwards and running backs coach Bishop Harris. It seems Edwards, who all but ignored Jordan the first three years of his career, despite annual promises of enhanced playing time, suddenly has fallen in love with the reserve back and wants him to get more snaps. It's difficult to conceive, though, that the Jets would budget at least $5.16 million, the cost of the "franchise" tag for a tailback, on a backup. Starter Curtis Martin, even at age 31, is coming off a career year. Sure, the tailback position is one where a player could lose a critical step very quickly. But spending $5 million on a backup, even if the gambit is made with an eye toward retaining his rights to trade him, is a big swallow. And it's one that, rumors aside, the Jets probably won't make.

    Anybody else stoked over the thought of our next Bruce Smith?


  2. do you take everything TD says at face value? yea, and i'm the fool.......haha


    it was TD's excuse because he didn't want to commit the long-term bucks to kendall.......he made a mistake as kendall obviously would have been a good sign.......



    You keep harping on this Kendall guy, yet that is ONE example. There are many more examples of where TD made good moves. It's time you buck up and give more examples of TD being a tightwad.

  3. Not true. Donahoe has spent lots of money on good players. Moulds, Takeo, Fletcher, etc. Saying that he is cheap is just silly. It's beyong being wrong, it's just silly.


    well that is a huge blunder on TD's part, no?


    obviously he would have helped the team.......obviously we had a need there........obviously it would have been a solid move.......so if it wasn't about money, why didn't he get him in here? attitude? he didn't seem to cause any problems in NY, so i guess TD misjudged that as well........


    i think it was about money, plain and simple........TD didn't want to pay the bucks and wanted to get by with "bargain bin " talent......jets, on the other hand, weren't afraid to spend and reaped the rewards (i.e. playoffs).......


    it's amazing how people will defend EVERYTHING donahoe does......i like the guy, he's a good GM, but he's not perfect, and in this case he screwed up.......he over-estimated our OL, and we paid for it........another solid guard and we are in the playoffs, but TD miscalculated..........


    it's okay to admit it - it doesn't make you a "bad" bills fan to call out the GM for a bad move......but hey, if you want to be a sheep, be my guest........


  4. I like this kind of talk from TD. Anyone can see DB's play against Pittsburgh cost him his job with the Bills. Donahoe wanted to win that game more than anything. It was the Bills biggest game since he has been here, since Bledsoe has been here and the Bills choked. Bledsoe was brutal. Good-Bye and Good riddance. It's time for greatness with a trio of Losman-McGahee-Evans leading the offense.



    Yeah, Bledsoe was brutal, but so was the rest of the team. I expect more heads will roll than just Bledsoe. Bledsoe didn't step up when the rest of the team needed him most. We need a QB who will do that.

  5. So I'm selfish? Are you actually going to judge my entire economic opinions and personal worth on the merit of one post? You're trying to discredit my opinions, which is fine, but don't think that I feel that material goods are the be all and end all. Truth is you know very little about my thoughts, and whether or not I am materialistic.


    I've made certain decisions regarding my profession that might lead you to think that I am most certainly not materialistic or selfish! However, by making those decisions it's important that I don't throw $$ away on crap products. And by doing so, I can also tell the American auto industry that there is still work to be done before I return as a customer, which is actually doing them a favor.


    I am reflecting on the future, just not in a way that is equivalent to charity.




    Got you thinking, eh? :(  And I "get" the global economy.


    Some time ago, being selfish was actually considered a negative trait.  You seem to celebrate it, evrything a matter of money.


    Believe me, I know a lot about an efficient market. - more than you suspect. But you will do well to learn temperation of same. Material goods are not the be all and end all...


    We are not enemies, Todd - we have amicably conversed several times - but reflect on the future.


    Your friend,




  6. Retired from the US auto industry - process engineering, manufacturing, management, coatings systems and laboratory stuff. UAW plants.


    I see massive balance-of-trade figures that started in 1993 and continue. How long do you think this economy will fly if this continues?


    We see wage depression. We talk about outsourcing. We see people buying evrything Chinese. I'm going to be dead in ten years or so, and you will have to deal with the devastion of your purchasing decisions.


    No jobs for your kids, for one.


    Bon apetit. :(



    That's great. I buy what benefits ME. It's my money. I earned it, and I get to choose how I spend it. Buying a car is not charity for US auto workers, and doing so would be an injustice to our way of life. There is no viable reason to buy an inferior product. I tried to do it, but found it strained my car maintenance budget too much.


    I prefer to take the macro view of things. In a capitalistic society, if people don't buy the best product, there's no incentive for the inferior ones to improve. This is basic economics (unless you belong to a union).


    Let me put this another way -- American cars have been steadily improving since the 80s. Do you know why? Do you think they would have improved if they weren't under tremendous pressure from other corporations building better cars? This is the way the economy works, man.


    I will never, ever, buy a product just because it was or wasn't built in a certain country. As soon as I see an American car I like and am confident in it's reliability, I will buy it. I haven't seen one yet. I don't buy a car because it was made in Japan, I buy a car because I feel it's the best, most reliable car for the $$.


    BTW - I worked for Kodak. I saw the "American way" all too well. Inefficiency, waste, sloth, poor products, etc. Kodak isn't sh!tting the bed because of the Japanese, Kodak is shitting the bed because it failed to compete in a global market. There is never any reason to buy a Kodak product unless you feel it is the best available. Buying a product just because it is American is stupid. It doesn't fit the model of what an efficient market really is.


    Get with the 21st century, man. This is a global economy. Make good products or get out of it.


    Bon appetit!


    PS: I don't have kids, and I'm not planning on it.

  7. Can you sue someone for putting a tennis ball down a toilet? :-)


    You did nothing wrong. You are not a car dealer. You presented the information and let their "mechanic" look it over.


    It was 5 years old with 105K miles! You had no reason to expect the tranny was about to die (right??), nor do you have any reason to believe it needs to be replaced now (the AAMCO Syndrome). Maybe they are driving it and the slipping annoys them... it was doing it on the test drive and their mech said not to worry. YOU drove it that way for over 40K miles.


    That said, anyone can sue anyone, at any time, for any thing!


    good luck




  8. The only American vehicle I've owned that didn't make it to 100K without "major" problems is one that I totalled.  It was admittedly a POS but it was also the only one I owned with a Korean-made engine.


    150K, that's another story...Got one heading there now and it's leaking in three different places (let alone the noisy timing belt...).  Babying it until I can replace it in the Summertime...



    To be fair, the American cars I've owned are:


    1. Chevy Chevette. Barely made 60K. What a complete POS. Yeah, it was cheap, but I ended up spending tons on the repair shop.

    2. Pontiac 6000. What a garbage car. But I still wanted to "buy American."

    3. Ford Escort. Ugh. This one may have been a true lemon, as I've known people who did well with Escorts of certain years.


    My family members have owned:


    1. GMC Yukon. Lots of odd little problems, including a myriad of electrical ones. Enough to get rid of it. Oh yeah, then there was the new transmission. 80K miles.

    2. Pontiac 1000. 40K miles. 2 clutches. New Springs. New radiator. Head gasket. Ugh.

    3. Ford Taurus. Pretty good car until about 40K miles, then began to break down regularly.


    Certainly not the cream of the crop of American cars, but telling nonetheless.



    Non-american cars we've owned:

    1. '86 Honda Civic. 160K miles. No problems other than the air conditioning.

    2. '78 VW rabbit. Quite a few problems. Not reliable at all.

    3. '89 Suzuki - Body fell apart before the engine did.

    4. '97 Acura Integra. Good car. Never a problem, but way overpriced. My wife bought this one because it was red. Essentially the same car as a Civic. Sold it and got the Subaru.

    5. '98 Honda Civic - got this to replace the other Civic. Amazing car. No problems ever.

    6. 2003 Subaru Forester. Love it. Never had a problem, and is wonderfully safe and great in the snow. Only 26K miles, so I wouldn't expect any problems to arise yet, although the Pontiac I had started having problem after 20K.


    Overally, my direct experience with Japanese cars has been excellent, and my experience with American cars has been poor. Just the facts, jack.

  9. Hear, hear! I have an Ipod and have evaluated other MP3 players. The Ipod is so far superior it isn't even funny. It's like comparing a computer to a calculator.


    No offense, but I shall be going on a rant that will include most of my Bills brothers in this thread....


    Your criticism is unfounded.  Were you at MWSF?  Did you read the reports from there?  I'm guessing no...


    Flash-based players had 62% of the market in 2003 - the iPod mini reduced that to 29%.  Now, Apple has targeted the remaining 29% who see a value in extremely small devices.  They DID NOT claim to reinvent the wheel.  They ARE expanding their product line to appeal to users who have different needs.


    Considering Apple is kicking the absolute SNOT out of every single competitor in this area - with higher prices - maybe pausing to actually evaluate their new product would be worthwhile.  :doh:


  10. I've got a 20 Gig Ipod click wheel. It is the coolest tech thing I have ever owned. It is so much better than any other MP3 player I've ever experienced. I think the new teenie IPOD is a great compliment to it. I plan on getting one so when my wife and I work out we can both listen to our music without having to own two Ipods, or suffer with an inferior product that doesn't compliment what we currently have.


    The 20 Gig IPOD is amazing. I've got 2493 songs on it so far, and am not close to being full yet. The way it works with Itunes is awesome, and the wealth of accesories for it are great.


    Best of all, it's interface, including the click wheel absolutely blows away anything else on the market. Sorry folks, that's just the way it is.


    Based on the latest interview with Bill Gates, Micro$oft is clearly underestimating how much people who have Ipods love them. I don't own a Mac, either. I'm a PC guy, but the Ipod is awesome.

  11. The reason why I refuse to believe that is..it was non stoping talking for about 3 months..it was like clock work! morning, afternoon and then when she was off to bed we'd talk and talk and talk..and now all of a sudden it just stopped???? her reasoning for stopping it was because the cell bill was getting to high and she was getting busy..now I ask ya, how is it you weren't busy then, but your busy now? your doing the same stuff now that you were doing then?? in my opinion she LIKED IT ..she liked every minute of our conversations..and didn't want to lead me to believe that I had a shot soo she shut me off completely..she's been treated like crap by soo many guys, that she doesn't know how to react to a guy who actually likes her for HER



    Haven't you ever heard of a fallback plan or a security blanket? Respect yourself, and don't let her do that to you.

  12. Dr. Phil says:


    Run. Run fast before she starts to like you. I don't have time to type it all, but from personal experience - run.


    Actually, if you tell her to !@#$ off she'll probably like it, so do it in a nice way. Don't get emotionally involved in a woman who so clearly has issues on multiple levels. You can't fix self esteem issues in a woman, and that's clearly what she has. Run. Run, luke, run.

  13. He is...but I dont think TE is that much of a priority, what with Campbell and Euhus hopefully continuing to develop.  Besides, I'd much rather see that money spent on O-Lineman in FA.



    I don't know how much we can expect of someone coming off an ACL. We're going to need some better depth there.

  14. Since the Violent Femmes and The Clash have already been mentioned, I vote for the first album by the Pretenders, cleverly titled, "The Pretenders".  Like the Violent Femmes (not to be confused with Buffalo's Fems) the put out good records after this, but the first album is heads and shoulders above the others....ditto for the first, self-titled album by Blondie!



    I love that album. Did you know that the Violent Femmes discovered the Pretenders?

  15. What a friggin waste. Another European failure, just like the Concorde. It's going to be too expensive to run unless they have the thing 3/4 full. And do you think that will happen?


    The airline industry is all about flexibility of scheduling and cost. Very rarely is it about luxury or pure size.


    Since posters here are all over the map with (OT) stuff, I offer up one about the Airbus A380.  They just rolled out the prototype last week. Has anyone seen this monster? I'll link some pictures here.  It's supposed to hold over 500 people and has two decks.  The pics don't give it the proper scale but it dwarfs the 747 in size.  They have to modify some airports in order to accept this plane on taxiways and at jet bridges. 

    I can be a nervous flyer.  Even though it's very cool, I don't think I want to be on the maiden voyage.






  16. Thought this book was god awful. Certainly needed a better editor. If you really are buying this book to read about Marvs time with the Bills, I would say less than 30% of the book deals with that. Mistakes on scores I remeber in my head and plays I remeber in head.



    I'm enjoying the book. If you are looking for scores and stuff, buy a stats book. This book is all Marv, and what you are getting is anecdotes and personality. I love it.

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