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Posts posted by todd

  1. We all knew Allen was a project when he was drafted, and the Bills didn’t want him to play his first year. Peterman was slated to be the starter, and played well enoug for the bills to trade AJ McCarronnnn to Oakland. Huge mistake. Peterman was awful. Huge miscalculation by the Bills and Allen was starter before he was ready. 

    His arrow is pointing up, though. He was really raw coming out of college, and still has some rawness he needs to work out. Arrow pointing up.

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  2. 1 hour ago, HamSandwhich said:

    If you’re making that claim, it’s on you to prove it. In order to believe this, you’re going to have to completely disregard research over decades and decades that state positive reinforcement and incentives create predictable and repeated behavior. So if we give positive reinforcement to say that if you label a person as dying from COVID then you will give them extra money, in the middle of an economic shut down no less, don’t you think they are going to be incentivized to call as much as possible as COVID deaths? Extrapolate logically here, no political bent needed.


    i can’t speak to your anecdotal information, I will say this. There are around 200k confirmed deaths (debatable but I digress) in the country as a whole. In a country of around 350 million, does that sound like a number that overwhelms? Again, extrapolate logically, don’t listen to political pundits. 

    If it was so bad, why was it that ventilators were not needed nearly as badly as Cuomo was crying for? They had to redirect the vents. Do you remember that political football? It’s all political! 

    That is your own opinion. You disagree with their viewpoint and you assign the fact that they are racist. I live in A rural NC town  at this juncture while building a house outside of Asheville because Asheville has lost its mind. They’ve approved reparations, Green new deal, defunding the police and I won’t be around to see the city fall apart like Portland or to have to pay the over inflated taxes. I’ll live amongst those so-called racists as you call them, in the rural areas over that type of craziness.

    That’s quite a biased agenda you have, there. Your myopia is showing.

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  3. 4 minutes ago, HamSandwhich said:

    That is a great series, I really enjoy them. 

    the crux Issue of your thought process is one that many seem to make here. It’s coming from an empathetic space and I understand it. However, you are assuming a lot here. You’re assuming you know the mind of everyone who’s has boo’d. I get it, it’s just easier to generalize and create an “other”, but id be willing to bet its more nuanced than that. If it’s purely racist intent then I completely disavow those people and agree with you, but it’s almost assuredly not the reason why each person is booing. Rather than assigning malicious intent to our fellow man, the country as a whole really needs to give the benefit of the doubt and assume positive pretenses and then clarify with those people to understand their viewpoint rather than judge a book by its cover as is so predominant today. Only then can we really understand each other and root out individual racist acts.


    I've been around long enough to see that there is an undercurrent racist intent, especially in the south. Actually spent lots of time in Hendersonville near you, and I'm disgusted by the incredible number of "Bless Your Heart" racists.

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  4. 3 minutes ago, HamSandwhich said:

    So you’re saying it is being made political? Affirming what people are saying? Well we agree then. 

    COVID, another political tool. It’s something real, it’s not as deadly as thought and it kills mostly those who are above the national average life expectancy, but the spin the politicians and news media put on it is a “hoax” to instill fear. Fear makes it easy to control you. That said, make your own decisions, if you feel as though it’s too risky for you, don’t go to the game. Don’t disparage those who want to go, it’s their right and they’ve assessed the threat differently than you. So be it! 


    Your comments on COVID are incorrect. It is just as deadly as we thought, if not more. It is not a political tool to control you. Take off your tinfoil hat. I have friends in the trucking business who had to send freezer trucks to NYC to handle the excess bodies the morgues couldn't take. Mitigation (masks) and treatment efforts (plasma, anti-virals, steroids) have improved treatment, but people face lasting damage from the disease. 


    If you don't believe me, go to the CDC web site and look at total deaths for our country and compare 2019 to 2020. Striking.

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  5. I was just watching "America in Color" series. Basically colorized films from each decade. The 50s and 60s episodes were great. Made me realize how far we've come, but also sad because we've not come far enough. When racist idiots boo people wanting to show they are united, despite skin color, how they worship, etc., I have no idea how that can be a bad thing. That is what America is all about. It shows lots of ignorance. Ignorance, prejudice and fear walk hand in hand.


    Would they have still booed if all the players were white? If they were all black? What if there was a confederate flag?


    There are still plenty of people threatened when people speak of others being treated equally. My Italian forefathers faced it when they came to the US. George Eastman wouldn't hir italians. How quickly people forget. 

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  6. 9 hours ago, T master said:


    No surprise ! Being a Hank fan for years ESPN should know he speaks what he believes & he's a American country boy no political correctness in him he tells you like it is & won't conform to the new age way of thinking as far as being "Politically Correct" that's why they took him back off .


    ABC the parent company will get on board with any ideal & will flip flop in a heart beat in order to keep those that watch their channel still and today's world is nothing at all like it use to be so this doesn't surprise me in the least .



    There’s a difference between politically correct and being a bigot.

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  7. He's a homophobe and bigot. He doesn't deserve to be on national TV. He's a moron redneck and needs to crawl into a hole somewhere and not come out.

    6 hours ago, JoPoy88 said:

    again still a good run. Don’t care what his politics are, and it was a catchy intro. I could not care less they’re changing it. It was a bit dated, though.


    I'm not sure it is about politics. His racist and homophobic comments have more to do with his lack of character than politics. 

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  8. 59 minutes ago, C.Biscuit97 said:

    You need to get a new slant.  It’s hilarious because I was once the angry homer like you.  Now if you aren’t completely biased towards the Bills, you hate them and love NE.  

    my favorite part of the angry homers is they don’t even choice to counter the post.  And you know Brady is on the Bucs right? 

    OMG!!! Peter King hates us!!! He’s so mean!!!

    So if the Bills won 6 SBs and went to 9 in 15 years, so you think writers won’t be gushing over us?  

    guess what people are biased towards??? Winning.  

    I get your point, but there are other teams to write about in the nfl. Not only that, Brady wasn’t t very good last year. Does he still deserve the wall to wall coverage?


    Or I could just be sick of him.

  9. King reports on the “quick take” thought process that has invaded NFL reporting. He hasn’t had a creative, in-depth original thought in years. He hasn’t done any investigative columns about real football things in a long time. He’s gone from a guy I used to love to a guy I have no respect for. 

    One thing you can always count on, however, is him gushing over Brady, Belichick, and all things New England or ex-new England in every column or interview.

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  10. 22 minutes ago, BillsSB2020KO said:

    One: it’s not even a virus. Hasn’t been isolated not has it come close to fulfilling Koch’s postulates or any other less strict protocols. It’s not scientifically a virus. 


    Two: germ THEORY is just that: theory. Not remotely settled especially in the area of virus transmission and aerosol transmission in general. 


    A virus is NOT a living organism. 


    This is a planned economic reset. ‘The Great Reset’ as is being conditioned into us. Fiat is absolutely on its way out, to be replaced by a fully digital, centralized one world currency. Screenshot this, and when it comes to pass in the near future, let’s have a conversation. And this is just one minor aspect of what is being instituted. 


    The majority of you have no idea what is about to transpire. I suggest you stop listening to established authority and start thinking for yourself. Your life and your livelihood will depend on it. 

    is there a qanon web site you can point me to that supports these ideas? Maybe a Glenn Beck podcast? I’m really quite interested in learning about the evidence behind these facts, and also the proper fashioning of tinfoil hats.

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  11. 4 hours ago, eball said:


    It’s also overreach to require placing a strap across your body in a vehicle in a free society.  Do you know how freaking uncomfortable those things are?  How dare they demand that of me.


    You and those who think like you are idiots, plain and simple.  Mods, if you want to suspend me for that comment go right ahead.  I can take a few days off.

    damn right. I’m removing the airbags from my car, too. And disabling my signal lights. It’s nobody’s business when or where I turn! Can’t wait for football. One week away!

    • Haha (+1) 1
  12. 1 minute ago, Gene1973 said:


    It's overreach to demand citizens of a free society to wear masks IMO. Now, I can see at grocery stores and pharmacies, but in parks and at sports stadiums, just no, people can choose not to go to those places as those are not life neccessities.


    And I won't go to a stadium, being high risk. My immune system is shot from radiation I'm getting, and the virus could kill me quickly.


    But what you are missing is that events like stuff in stadiums can spread the disease quickly and bring it to other people who didn't even go. If you call asking citizens to wear masks to protect the vulnerable, I guess I don't have many nice things to say to you. So I won't.


    Wear a damn mask every time you can't be further away than 6 feet from other people, even for 5 minutes. It's not that hard.

    2 minutes ago, DRutka said:

    With that, is it an over reach in a free society for the gov't to tell you to go 55 mph on the thruway? Why not go 100? You will get there faster. It's your right. To be damned with the other people on the road. Heck, if you hit them and kill them because of your speed, they shouldn't have been driving. They should have stayed home. SMH!!!!


    Reminds me of the whole argument against seatbelts. Or wearing motorcycle helmets. Lunacy.

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  13. 50 minutes ago, Buffalo03 said:

    They said that asymptomatic spreading of the virus is rare. The only people that should be wearing masks are the ones that are immunocompromised. It makes no sense for asymptomatics to be wearing them. I wish you the best in your treatment but don't force feed me into wearing one

    Force feed you? Really? That might be the most uncaring, ignorant, and selfish thing I’ve ever read on this board. 

    I’m not sure who “they” are. They are wrong. Wear a damn mask.

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  14. 44 minutes ago, BuffAlone said:

    sorry to hear of your ailment. truely. I have family going thru similar issues, including my mother whom i havent seen since this started. I wear my mask in public. I never said I didnt respect that. I just stated a truth and was called an idiot. Those who are in high risk need to be protected. Those who arent should still be careful and mindful. but damn, 50 million people died from Spanish flu. The world never shut down like this. 


    Sorry, but your truth is questionable.


    That was 100 years ago. Are you really comparing our understanding of medicine and how we deal with things to now? Don’t you think it is important to do whatever is in our power to save at risk people like me, including wearing masks? Is it that hard?

  15. 30 minutes ago, RiotAct said:

    I’m really sorry to hear that - hope you are doing well.  If I may ask, how did you ascertain that these people were asymptomatic carriers of COVID-19?

    The point is they could be. While getting treatment I’m currently living in an area riddled with maskless idiot college students. You just don’t know if they are infected or not, just that they are irresponsible and stupid.

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