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Posts posted by todd

  1. 1 minute ago, Rk_Bills86 said:


    JA will get an extension - not a new contract that has any monetary value effect for this season. The earliest this would hit our cap would be next year. 

    could be, but I think Beane sees the value in spreading the cap hit out. Allows him to get paid, but also allows flexibility for the future. We’ve seen so many teams hamstrung from competing by the QB’s contract. One of the reasons the Cheatriots were able to compete for so long is because Brady kept his hit low. 

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  2. Pump the brakes there, cowboy. Look, I LOVE Coach McDermott. I love his leadership style. I love how he cares for his team. I love the way he does things. Don't get me wrong.


    But Marv got the team to 4 straight bowls, 3 after losing the previous. It's really quite amazing when you think about it. McD has a ways to go before he's at that level. That's an historic level. McD has been to one AFC Championship game. 


    If McD wins ONE SB, he will be royalty in Buffalo, and he'd deserve it. He will have taken a perennial loser and in a few years won a SB. Let's wait to see. I'm very hopeful, but let's pump the brakes.

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  3. 1 hour ago, Royale with Cheese said:

    I love this!


    Jayjayb said:

    Gotta love the Bills trolls... when they sucked for the better part of 25 years you don’t hear from them, then they get a taste of success and they become big time a$$holes... I grew up in Niagara Falls, Canada- been to Bills games, and I remember getting beer thrown at me when I was 13, because I was wearing a Marino jersey... grown men calling on a kid because I was a Dolphin fan- drunk and verbally aggressive, scared the crap out of my family... never experienced that in any other stadium I’ve been too...very disappointed in the loss today but I am glad I am not a part of the most ignorant, disgusting fan base in the NFL

    You love that some drunk fans threw beer on a kid? I think that sucks. That’s classless and shouldn’t happen. This guy is right. That’s disgusting and ignorant. That’s not my experience with our fan base, but it should never happen.


    18 hours ago, Unforgiven said:



    The Democrats dismiss any mention of the innumerable irregularities that tainted the general election as little more than crackpot conspiracy theories. This is a convenient way to avoid addressing serious questions raised by serious observers, but it will further undermine confidence in key institutions that form the foundation upon which the republic stands. Public trust in government, media, and even science was already declining before Election Day. This trend will dramatically accelerate if Americans don’t get answers to questions such as the following: Why would the voters deliver the Democrats a comprehensive down-ballot drubbing yet hand the White House to the worst presidential candidate in living memory?

    The only bellwether county out of the 19 that Biden won is located in Washington state, which long ago went to all mail-in ballots and one-party rule. We are expected to believe that this is a coincidence.

    The last time a Democrat “won” the presidency while his party sustained a double-digit loss in the House was in 1960, during an election tainted by probable vote fraud in Illinois and Texas. Still, we’re expected to believe that Joe Biden achieved the same feat in 2020 with no skulduggery? Moreover, as Juan Williams admits in the Hill, “President Trump set a record last week by attracting the highest percentage of the non-white vote of any Republican presidential candidate in the last 60 years.” Yet we are expected to believe that, despite the worst showing among minorities of any Democratic nominee since JFK, Biden surpassed Barack Obama’s record-breaking turnout by 10 million votes?

    Biden’s “victory” seems even more implausible after an audit of his performance in remarkably predictive bellwethers. The Wall Street Journal reports that Biden had a nearly perfect record of losses in counties whose election results have presaged presidential winners for decades: “From 1980 through 2016, 19 of the nation’s more than 3,000 counties voted for the eventual president in every election. Only one … backed President-elect Joe Biden last week.” So, a candidate who campaigned from his basement lost 95 percent of these counties yet won the election? What of the fabled bellwether Ohio? Last month, the New York Times advised that if Trump didn’t win there it was over:

    Four years ago, Mr. Trump built a particularly balanced coalition among Ohio’s white voters, winning across education levels. But his support in the state has waned over the past four years, particularly in the suburbs … Columbus’s growth, and the expansion of suburbs and exurbs into what used to be rural and blue-collar areas, might have once spelled an opportunity for Republicans. But under Mr. Trump the Republican Party has lost its footing among specifically these kinds of voters — and the growth in Franklin County plays into Mr. Biden’s hands.

    Well, not so much. President Trump trounced Biden in Ohio, winning the state by 8.2 percent. Suddenly, AP demoted the state to a bit player in presidential politics:

    As Ohio goes, so goes the nation. That’s the way it had been in presidential elections for more than half a century, until this year, when Republican Donald Trump won a decisive victory in the state while losing the presidency to Democrat Joe Biden. Biden becomes the first president elected without carrying Ohio since fellow Democrat John F. Kennedy in 1960. Trump’s statewide victory — his second, after carrying Ohio in 2016 — brings an end to Ohio’s role as a presidential bellwether and even puts its future as a battleground state in doubt.

    What we are expected to believe here is that the bellwether counties discussed by the Wall Street Journal and the Buckeye State have been left behind by the rest of the nation in the long march toward the mandatory lockdowns and mask mandates that Biden wants to impose on the electorate. In reality, Trump won Ohio and the vast majority of these counties because absentee ballots were managed transparently according to long-standing and coherent guidelines in place long before the election. The only bellwether county out of the 19 that Biden won is located in Washington state, which long ago went to all mail-in ballots and one-party rule. We are expected to believe that this is a coincidence.

    This brings us to ground zero for election fraud — Pennsylvania. The Commonwealth illegally changed its election rules before and during the voting process. Essentially, the Commonwealth Court and the Secretary of the Commonwealth ignored the General Assembly and the U.S. Constitution to rig the election on behalf of Joe Biden. The American Spectator’s Paul Kengor and Jeffrey Lord have covered this chicanery hereherehere, and here. We are expected to believe that such stories are conspiracy theories, despite videos showing Democrat election officials evicting Republican election observers from vote-counting locations and erecting physical barriers to prevent them from watching.

    Finally, we come to the Smartmatic/Dominion software that was used to tabulate votes in the swing states of Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. As this Fox interview with Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani reveals, this software was developed in Venezuela and banned from the U.S. a decade ago. It’s now been brought back into the country under the aegis of a subcontractor. Its major design feature is that it allows the vote counters to calculate how many votes they need to win. Jeffrey Lord has more here. The Democrats want you to believe this is a conspiracy theory. It isn’t. The Democrats knew they couldn’t beat Trump honestly, so they’re stealing the election.

    In the end, to accept Joe Biden as our legitimate Chief Executive, we must believe the voters hammered the Democrats in congressional, state, and local elections, yet decided to elect the “leader” of their party president. We must believe that he dramatically underperformed among minority voters, yet received 10 million more votes than Barack Obama. We must believe that virtually all of the reliable election bellwethers were wrong. We must believe that all of the elections in the swing states were conducted honestly and that the Venezuelan software used to tabulate the votes was secure. All of this beggars belief. Joe Biden may be inaugurated in January, but he certainly wasn’t elected president.


     I never come her and this is why. What a load of *****.

  5. 5 hours ago, Billsfan1972 said:

    Yep two bad decisions, but having the ball inside the 20 with 30 seconds to go & a chance to win, tells me he outcoached/schemed McD. 


    Nope. Pats lost, and would have won if Belecheck would have made different decisions. He was clearly outcoached by McD. Scoreboard? Yeah, scoreboard. 



  6. Bill Belicheck was out coached, pure and simple. The onsides kick was a bad coaching decision, as we were clearly talented enough on ST to recover it. He also put the ball in Cam's hands during a critical drive. Bad decision. He didn't respect our running game. Bad coaching decision. He kicked a FG on 3rd down to close the half. Bad coaching decision.


    He was outcoached. Period. Bills won, in part because they were better coached for this game. This will hurt some people with an agenda, but suck it up and listen to the truth.

  7. 42 minutes ago, MPT said:


    We didn't have any significant scratches except John Brown. The Patriots were missing about 20% of their players. This was a blowout on paper. The only reason we almost lost is because we got out-coached again.

    umm, Morse went down on the 3 rd plat. Hyde was out. Edmunds is still hurt, but playing. Milano is still on a pitch count. Norman is out. Knox is out. Ford is out. That’s significant. 

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  8. I think it is great. If it helps ease the pain of some people, even in a small way, it is beneficial. I have friends that have really struggled with this because of thow they were treated, and how much they feared to show who they really were. One even to the point of an attempted suicide. Even if it helps people a little, I'm all for it.

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  9. 2 minutes ago, SCBills said:

    Agreed.  The positives “should” fizzle out soon.  

    They’ve already had a game postponed and jacked up the Steelers bye week.  


    If they can play, they need to play.  Enough is enough for this team.  Move the game to Monday or Tuesday, if needed, and then move Bills/Chiefs to Sunday Night/Monday Night.  


    If it can be reasonably expected that the Bills would be safe, I'm all for it. I guess the incubation period is up to 14 days, and being isolated from their teammates since Tuesday means that brings us to next Tuesday for the game to be played. Of course, that is if they have no more positive tests and they keep their facility closed until then. 

  10. 9 minutes ago, YoloinOhio said:



    Wow. I'd be surprised (and concerned) if the game next weekend is still on. I highly doubt the Titans have seen the last of the positive tests due to the incubation period, and that would prevent them from getting in the facility any time soon. People could still test negative and be contagious next weekend if the game is still played, butting our Bills at risk.

  11. 22 hours ago, Coach Tuesday said:

    Yup.  I tried it out (in my living room) and I kind of get it - if you bring your front foot off the ground on the rotation you can swing your hips through faster.  Not sure how it affects velocity - it’s odd because you would think raising your pivot point off the floor would reduce your power but if you do it all in one motion it really doesn’t.

    Check golfers. Many lift their left heel off the ground in their backswing. Same idea. 

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