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Posts posted by buffalobillsfootball

  1. If the actual FALLS cannot save the city of Niagara Falls NY, a stadium anywhere in Niagara Falls will not help one bit - just like the Casino has not helped.


    I am from Lewiston; now live in MA... was home this weekend for the holiday and decided to watch the fireworks in Niagara Falls. The city is a mess. Pine Avenue is a mess. Main Street is a mess. Some of the housing stock is ok but most of it is shot.


    There is NO sex appeal about the actual city except for its name and the state park. Anyone suggesting they build the stadium either on the state park or anywhere near the actual FALLS or Rainbow Mall have no clue wtf they're talking about...


    EVERY politician associated with Niagara Falls, on the local, county and STATE (yes, Governor, I am talking to you) - should be embarassed and responsbile for what Niagara Falls is today... the area should be deemed a disaster area and rebuilt. Only then, can we seriously talk about Niagara Falls as a viable option.


    Given the economic and socio-economic conditions of NY State - our options include:


    1) Remodel current location

    2) Build in Buffalo

    3) Build near UB North off 990 and team up with SUNY Buffalo Bulls

    4) Build on Grand Island near Beaver Island - amazing views of both the Falls, skyline of both Buffalo and Niagara... (yes, build a bridge from Canada to GI; and another access point near NT).

    5) Niagara Falls

  2. The Hamilton Tiger Cats want a new 30,000 seat stadium. I think if you can build a 30K facility it's not that big a jump to 70K. That is a project I would watch closely. It could become a threat out of left field.




    I agree - it is a concern... and although Hamilton is easier for American fans I think Toronto wants the stadium within city limits not 40 miles away.

  3. I live in Boston and always listen to the Sports Hub (98.5) - wish Buffalo had a radio station like this... I never listen to WGR's sister station here anymore...


    Anyhow, I didn't hear them ever bash the Ralph (not saying they didn't) but I have heard them put down our location for being too difficult to get IN or OUT via traffic.


    Excuse me - but how how many roads lead to Gilette Stadium? Why do fans leave at the start of the fourth quarter in New England?? It's to beat the horific, one way in / one way out option called Foxhole.


    ps: Patriot Place is a joke - worst designed / set up ever.

  4. I remember playoff games that couldn't sell out in the 90s, including the greatest comeback ever. The sad truth is there are a lot of people who won't go to games when its cold. First playoff game will be rockin'. Then if they don't go any father people will lose interest.




    It's so nice we can always count on your positive input at all times.

  5. I live in Boston. Been here eight years too long. My friends and colleagues all know that I am a loyal Bills fan and Buffalo booster.


    They respect the fact that I am loyal and stand by my team.


    If someone gives me **** about my support - it says more about them (ignorance) and less about me.


    It's called respect and character.


    Go Bills.

  6. All the reasons stated above make sense... (economy, no marquee players, no play offs, blah blah blah) but I am curious - do the BILLS advertise in Western/Central NY and Southern Ontario? You might argue that the Bills already have a known presence, etc but...


    I was in Miami/Fort Lauderdale this past weekend and the Dolphins are advertising everywhere; even @ the beach they had planes pulling aerial advertisements pushing ticket sales.

  7. Beggars can't be choosers but... if we ever remodel Ralph Wilson Stadium - I really hope we don't go with the reno-route like the Kansas City Chiefs. And if we do - I hope we do a much better job with the design:


    Kansas City Chiefs - Stadium - 1


    Kansas City Chiefs - Stadium - 2


    Kansas City Chiefs - Stadium - 3


    Kansas City Chiefs - Stadium - 4


    But the architects who designed Kansas City's "retro" remodel (HOK/Populous) have done some pretty cool stuff:


    Helps Buffalo's fetish with cable stayed bridges - how about a cable stayed stadium?


    Another cool view


    I do think Paul Brown Stadium would like nice on our Waterfront

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