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Everything posted by firstngoal

  1. Once again! They are telling it like it is!! What part of what they said did you think was wrong?? If you think that hiring Marv was a good idea, then I feel sorry for you!
  2. I'm not a big fan of those guys on GR but think about it, IF we had a decent Football team it would be much harder for those guys to remain negative. However, if it sucks it sucks! It's hard to talk nice about something bad if its BAD!!!
  3. I totally agree with him, a fresh start? my arss! It couldn't be any further away! There is NO FUTURE in Marv and MM! None...Nota!! His penny pinching ways will keep this franchise below mediocrity for the next few years. And the sad part is Ralph doesn't even realize it!! I don't always agree with Sully's articles but he tells it like it is, No CANDY COATING!
  4. He may have gone 9-7 in his first year but had a cupcake schedule full of teams like the Browns, Lambs and Niners in it. However, when he played a real team like the Steelers his team self destructed against some of the Steelers backups for a good part of the game. This season when he faced a schedule full of decent teams the "real Mularkey team" came out. He also proceded to piss off some of the veterans on the team and was mainly a kiss-arss for any authority above him. And last but not least, his play-calling was brutal to say the least. I need not say any more because I'm getting pissed just thinking about him.
  5. Yea we wanted changes but not this horsesh*t! All they did was put a bandaid on a HUGE Gash!
  6. You think?? I have a better chance of winning the mega millions on Friday then the Bills have a chance of making the playoffs in 2006. Seriously, If they go 5-11 consider it a decent season!
  7. Marv was seeing Green as in saved $$$ when he decided to bring MM back. What a friggin joke! Cheap is as Cheap does! It's also possible that the Bills are negotiating with one of their ball boys to become the next Gm. Look at the Money they'd save then!
  8. http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/news/story?id=2279669
  9. I know it's not ESPN but this is the only thing Ive found so far. http://www.eastcoastsportsnews.com/2006Draft.html It makes sence why Ralphie didn't announce his Gm though!
  10. http://www.kffl.com/hotw/NFL?page=0 Bills | Levy to oversee football operations Wed, 4 Jan 2006 10:50:51 -0800 ESPNews reports former NFL coach Marv Levy will return to the Buffalo Bills to oversee football operations.
  11. The Bottom line is IF Ralph keeps MM he's a fool! MM won't change his colors overnight and history will repeat itself with passes to FB Damien Shelton the norm at One Bills Drive in 2006.
  12. I didn't say it did guarantee anything, but who would have thought that the Dolphins would be 9-7 this season?
  13. Yes Ralpie does pay out some cash for signing bonuses etc but he gets a huge load from the Network TV contracts every year!! He's not losing money! As for Marv, do you honestly think that Marv (at his age) would be able to take on the duties of an every day NFL GM? I don't and I think he will be in Buffalo only to oversee things not to be the GM. An every day GM has 12 to 16 hour days at times and I don't see any 77 year old being able to take on those duties (unless his last name is Kent - as in Clark).
  14. I'm not doubting his committment to winning but the way he's going about it! The right way to do things = Miami Dolphins spending a ton of cash by hiring a young and energetic Coach in Nick Saban and basically letting him call his own shots. A Bright FUTURE is ahead for Fins fans. The wrong way = Buffalo by keeping MM and not eating the remaining 3 years, remember History repeats itself and Ralph isn't going to "not care about Money" until they put him six feet under and then bringing back Marv for a job that needs a young man in charge. Marv is 77 and I don't care what type of shape he's in he will be overwhelmed by the every day duties of a GM IF that's what Ralph is doing. Plus it's a quick fix for now but what about the Bills FUTURE? How long will Marv be able to do the job? It all just wreaks, Bigtime!!
  15. He has more money than he can spend and even more money now by taking the cheap way out. Marv was a COACH for the Bills back in the day, not a GM! Bill Polian supplied the talent and Marv coached it. What does this move say for the Bills FUTURE? Answer - NOTHING! A bandaid put on a deep gash! Unbelieveable!!!
  16. I think Janet Jackson sang it, What have you done for me lately???????
  17. I almost forgot, ALL this is costing Ralphie Boy practically nothing! Cheap Barstard!
  18. He's too cheap to eat the remaining years on MM's contract so he keeps the loser around then instead of hiring a real GM he promotes Modrak (an extension of Donahoe) and then to put the icying on the cake it looks like he's bringing Marv back (for practically nothing I'm guessing) to do what? Oversee Modrak? Sorry to say but ever since they let Butler and AJ Smith go to the Chargers this team has performed a serious nosedive and is beginning to be the Joke of the league once again they way they were during the Hank Bullough era!
  19. I wouldn't be surprised if "Geek-Boy" dressed as a waiter or cleaning boy to overhear their conversation.
  20. Mularkey aint dumb, if he conveniently refuses to alter his staff and gets canned by Ralph he gets to collect 3 years worth of cash for doing zilch. Not a bad deal!
  21. ESPN Mortenson reporting that Marv Levy is a candidate for Bills GM. Link: http://www.kffl.com/hotw/NFL?page=0
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