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Posts posted by daquixers_is_back

  1. man, Travis could have 150 today.  Our D is just full of holes. 


    I thought VY would be a bust.  Props to him.  He's a good player now and he could be a great player soon enough.  He does not seem careless with the ball like Vick.





    He was averaging about 2 yards per carry, in his first 5 carries. He has had one long run and that boosted his average.

  2. How on earth can the Bills have invested so much in their secondary through the draft and free agency and yet still have Kiwaukee "the human 3rddown conversion" on the field? I'd much rather see Youboty getting snaps in the nickel but at the very least can we please send Kiwaukee packing about 30 seconds after this season is over?




    Unfortunately we are not in practice ... the coaches must see something that tells them that Youboty is not ready, as he has played about a total of 2 minutes in the past 14 games.

  3. BTW/  nice hold by Royal on the big Peerless catch on the td drive.  It wasn't called but he had a huge handful of jersey.  Bank that one when someone says the refs are screwing us.





    Do you know how many holds are not called during the course of a game? Atleast 10 + for both teams.

  4. For some reason I just dont understand this. Some people are saying that Ralph pays out of pocket to sign players ... I always thought that the league gives each team the ammount of money that the salary cap is set at. Example: if the cap was set at 100 million for the year, then the team would get 100 million from the league. Is this not true?

  5. So for all of you out of town (so called Bills fans) who are calling everyone out....bite me....put your money where your mouth is....otherwise piss off!



    Not that I agree with your choice of language, but I do agree with the overall concept. Some people just dont seem to realize that not everyone can AFFORD to buy Bills tickets. I go to about 3-4 games a year and that is when my parents/sisters/brother-in-laws pay for my ticket. Otherwise I can really only afford to go to one game per year. You figure the cost for me to go to ONE Bills game is about what I make in over a week.

  6. A coworker brought his Wii into work today and I got to play for a bit.  That thing is FUN!  I tried all of the games except Golf, and had a blast with all of them.  It's pretty cool in baseball, for example -- you hold the controller as a bat, and if you wiggle it around waiting for the pitch, it really moves on the screen!  Pretty slick!  On of my other coworkers loved the bowling game -- said he was able to get spin on the ball just like if he was really at the bowling alley.


    The boxing game is a workout - but the other games don't seem hard to play for long periods of time.


    I hope I get one for Xmas.  If not, I'll probably buy one sooner rather than later. :w00t:





    It definately is fun.

  7. I don't have a link, but I heard the boy is black and the girl is white.


    Not everyone down there is, but this smacks of racist overtones.  And the people who prosecuted this are  :w00t: .


    Makes me madder than hell.  Nothing makes me more upset than racism.  This is almost 2007, you  :P  idiots.


    Edit:  I found the linky.  An ABC News story can be found here.


    I sure as hell don't want to live in Georgia.  Until 1998, oral sex between a husband and wife was punishable by up to 20 years in prison.


    It may be the Bible Belt, and I may be a Christian, but the people who wrote this law are sick sorry SOBs.



    Completely agreed.


    Also this is the exactly why the judge should be ordered to inform the jury of the prison sentence before deliberation.

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