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Posts posted by daquixers_is_back

  1. I have never been there, but Hammers lot has a very good reputation so that is something I would probably recommend.


    Other than that, I usually park at someones house across from the 7/11 on the corner of abbot road. Its only $10, usually has free space, and is pretty easy access to the thruway after the game. Not to mention its very close to the stadium.

  2. Are we still trying to say that a guy who has 125 runs and 70 ctaches is a WR?  I guess if 2/3 of what I did was discounted I wouldn't be happy.



    Do you REALLY not get what I am saying? Its all proportionate. If someone has 97 receptions at the end of the year it would be somewhat equal to a RB having about 350 carries, yet Bush will end up having around 92+ catches and less than 140 rushes. That is what I meant by the comment you are referring to.


    At this point I believe most of you understand what I was saying (as if you didnt understand it from the beginning) and are simply trying to be annoying. So have fun.


    Next topic.

  3. But you said receiver. As in, when someone suggested Vick was going to play RB, you said:

    I would think it would be smarter to make Vick a receiver.

    And then when people called you on it, you spent a few posts saying he lines up as WR.


    You right though. I knew what you meant, even though you said the opposite. And I was thinking that it maybe a great idea for the Bills to line-up and play Losman at TE, only have him move over behind the center and then throw it like a QB.




  4. I heard that Vick and Bush are both hardcore gamers and that both love playing Nintendo.






    No, worse. Because it's dumb AND not true. Especially since there have been a hundreds of RBs over the years that sometimes or even often split out wide to get them short passes. But there have been virtually a handful of WRs who shift back behind the QB and take handoffs for more than a few carries a season. What you should have said is simple. They should use him at RB the way the  Saints use Bush at RB, by half the time shifting him outside and throwing short passes to him to get him into the open field and keep him from getting killed by linemen and linebackers.



    Which is EXACTLY what I meant. I figured by saying a Reggie Bush TYPE of player, people would have understood what I meant. Obviously not. Note, I NEVER said a Reggie Bush POSITION, I said a Reggie Bush TYPE.

  5. Yeah, but Bush plays RB, not WR.



    Actually if you really want to debate this, one could say that Bush "plays" WR and is "listed" at RB ... look at the carries to receiving ratio. He is basically half RB/half WR



    Ok. Let me edit my post so that people who don't want to engage their brain can understand what my post originally meant.


    "I would not put Vick at RB. I would put Vick at Wide Receiver if ANYTHING. Like Reggie Bush is at WR 75% of the game (yes even though he is LISTED at RB)."


    Is that better?

  6. I can't because it isn't about just one part... There is no such thing as "hardcore."


    Especially in rap... When the "core" of the music is the same as it ever was.


    Say I agree with you...  :w00t:  :P   When will today's hardcore fade away or become passe?... To me it never does (if I was to agree on your term)...


    Can't I be a "hardcore" Nintendo player?... Why is that word reserved for X-Box and PS?  Because according to you it is the tourney's?  Or you think the numbers are greater in those platforms and the other reasons you staed to stereotype a group...


    You seem to want to neatly pigeon hole things into a word... Again IMO, it build's stereotypes...





    I think we are beating a dead horse because I think we both understand each others view point ... to me the "core" of rap was never the beat. It was the way lyrics could be strung at a clever and fast enough rate to accompany the music.


    P.S. no its not the tourneys according to me ... its the fact that Nintendo doesnt offer the type of games ... ah nevermind,

  7. You are right...  No it doesn't... Because don't a lot of these, what you call, "hardcore" rap songs get their origin in old school rap/soul/rock/etc...?  A lot of these "new" rappers are "sampling" all parts of old school music... So even these new rappers are listening to the old stuff...


    What really is "hardcore?"  I think you have a preconceived/generalization notion based on "age" (as in gamers) and now based on "words" in a rap song...


    In other words... The rap words may have changed... But, a lot of the beat/music or what not is the same... You are basically listening to "cover" versions that are tweeked for today...


    I am not really into rap... Yet, let me listen to the stuff... And I could tell you what has been lifted from all kinds of music... Old school rock/"dusties" (oldies) in every genre out there...


    I think you'd be amazed at what is really not theirs???





    I think you kinda missed my point. I realize that most of the BEATS of rap today are samples from older rap/rock ... but the LYRICS are drastically different. focus on that.

  8. I like Nintendo...  I am 38 and always thought that true video games would never return...


    Nintendo is making it fun again and bringing things back to its roots.


    I think tapping into the "original" video gamer market (myself, was a youngster when it all started) is great!...


    Watch!  If there isn't any colussion, Dax's "hardcore" crowd will be made irrelevant... Ah... One can dream, most of those games are such a waste!  :P:w00t:  :)



    Highest selling too ...


    I guess I can put my arguement into the terms of music


    Rap started out (arguably) in the mid 70's ... but the rap in those days was nothing like it is now. What once was talking about girls and money has turned into 'hoes, murder, rape ... etc' ... while YES the rap of the 70's, led to the rap of the 80's then the 90's, it is not the same type of rap now. Now we have a ton of rap songs promoting murder, drugs, abuse ... etc. Its a lot more hardcore now then it was then ... and while rap fans might listen to a few songs from the 70's now, the majority of the music they listen to is from NOW. That doesnt mean that the rap of the 70's is hardcore because the hardcore listeners also listen to a few songs from them. Just the same as Nintendo is not hardcore just because hardcore gamers play it every now and then.


    Hopefully that makes my point more clear, although I doubt it.

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