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Posts posted by daquixers_is_back

  1. I've got it on Sopcast, seems about a minute delayed from radio, but I'll use it as if viewing highlights.


    I have a Slingbox. The end user license of slingbox forbids using it to broadcast your signal to someone else, and they state that if caught they will blacklist your box's ID code making it very difficult to use even just for yourself. I had thought about mailing my box to a friend in Florida and having them set it up on their system, but decided not to.


    For the record, I have season tix, they are being used today, I can't be there due to recovering from minor surgery. Go Bills!





    Pardon the ignorance, but a 'Slingbox' allows you to see blacked out games?


    P.S. SopCast just started working for me also.

  2. Get over it.  I still can't believe all the complaining on this board about this rule.  Ticket sales is the priority and it has to be that way.  When was the last time you saw a good live local concert from your couch when it played at a public venue attended by people that bought tickets?





    He isnt arguing the rule ... he is saying that even when we are NOT sold out we still have a higher attendance than many other stadiums in the league that ARE sold out. I am in agreement with him, and I believe there should be a league wide rule of about 68,000 for it to be a sell-out.



    sopcast is workin :thumbdown: channel 14470, binghamton feed



    Its saying "The sop adress is not valid" for me :thumbsup:

  3. I would guess that stores see people who DO know what the abbreviations mean using it, and say "Hey, that'll save ad space!" 


    The complaint about "X-mas" meaning you're "crossing out Christ" is old (I first heard it when I was six, which I'm pretty sure is before you were born).  It predates the modern PC bull sh-- attitude of "Must not offend non-Christians with Christian holidays".  It is NOT some grand conspiracy against your Savior, God-boy.  :thumbdown:




    I never said it was ...

  4. You will.....you will. :thumbsup:



    Uhm ... its not for me. :thumbdown:


    you do realize that you could have spent a fraction of that time surfing the internet and bought one online 


    There were ones online for $240 that would ship to my house by Christmas? :lol:

  5. No.  Not only is "X" an appropriate symbol for crucifixion (the typical Roman crucifixion cross was actually X-shaped; Jesus' crucifixion was very atypical), but it's also the Greek letter χ, as in "χριστοσ", which is "Christ" in Greek.


    So if you have a problem with it, the problem's yours.  The abbreviation is entirely appropriate.



    I guess the question is ... are stores/people using X-mas as an abbreviation for Christ, or as an abbreviation to take Christ out, not knowing that X could very well represent him? I would guess the latter.

  6. Yeah but it WAS Nate who got owned about 400 times more by Chris Chambers last year.



    Yeah and Champ Bailey has been owned in 1 out of his past 20 games too. :lol: So I dont quite see your point. Clements has been "owned" literally only ONCE in his past 20-25 games.

  7. Only $10 and YOU GOT STUCK and had to be PULLED OUT last game. Thats what we call a Bargoon!



    Come on now man, I gave you your props. I will try to find your lot next game ... but the reason we got stuck is because of the rain/snow/sleet for 4 hours.

  8. Nates had good and bad games against great WR's over the last couple years. He played well against Johnson and Smith in 2005. Played horrible against Chambers in the 2nd Miami game in 2005, and in this year’s game against the Lions he was owned by Roy Williams. Regardless if you perceived his play to have gone down or not, it's fairly easy to see his current play going up. That being the case it really doesn't change the fact that something has improved his play. Is that something a 6th year veteran getting it, coaching, contract, or all of the above? This post is about it being more about contract, and if that's the case the original question becomes very important in our decision to bring him back or not.



    Uhm ... Nate wasnt covering Roy Williams all day. That was McGee who got owned by Williams.

  9. It actually toggles it for all your keys.  In one state, it replaces anything in front of what you are typing with what you type.  In another state, it simply moves whats in front ahead one position.



    OK well thanks ... and apparently I am an idiot for not knowing it, because the rest of the board (and the world for that matter) knew how this function worked the day that they were born.

  10. cmon!  he was AWFUL that season!  the word was out...just keep #7 in the pocket and the bills offense is non-existent!  i know he wasn't the son of satan as some have portrayed him, but god, please don't defend his play that season.  he sucked!



    :ph34r: He had the best rushing year of his career that year (nearly 500 yards rushing that year)


    Flutie really had a rough stretch during THREE games that year. Take away those THREE games and the other 14 he had 2,500 yards, 15 TD's and 9 INT's. Not great, but NOT horrible either.

  11. In 2005 Nate was entering his 5th year, a contract year in which most expected the Bills to franchise him. His play really seemed to drop off in 2005. Given his age you would expect a progression which made his regression all the more noticeable. It wasn't injury related, and while the coaching was poor his play declined when compared to 2004 which he had the same coaches and system.  To me what separates good and great players in the NFL is effort and motivation. With other factors disqualified I really can't find anything else to explain Nates decline in play from 2005 and the start of 2006.


    As we all know Nate is now playing lights out football since the bye week. We promised to not use the franchise tag, and he's well aware of his future payday. It's not shocking to see a potential contract influence a player’s play, but in our case Nate will command pay that could make him one of the highest paid CB's in football. To me a contract so large is only worth it if it's going to a motivated Clements, otherwise your getting top 10 material and not top 3.



    Im not sure what people mean by the drop-off in play in 2005 and early 2006. He did have a few missed tackles but that is all you can really bag him for. He only really had ONE bad game last season, which was against Chambers. The other games he shutdown a lot of coners, including STEVE SMITH. The only thing I can think of is that he was not getting INT's. Other than that I thought he played good. Heck even Champ Bailey didnt have more than 3 INT's for FOUR straight years.

  12. face it, we had two bad QBs fighting it out that season.  RJ did what he had to do that day.  the game was lost by one really bad special teams play, as any close game could be. 



    Two bad QB's? I dont consider myself a Flutie homer or anything, but he did have 5,800 yards, 39 TD's and 27 INT's up to that point in his Bills career. Not sure how that is bad. Lets face it ... he was getting up there in age, and he wasnt going to be the QB of the future, but he had about a 68% winning percentage with the Bills (AKA about 11 wins a season).

  13. That prevented our 5th SB berth. I won't turn this into a Flutie RJ thread but though RJ played well i still think it was a distraction. And I'm drunk right now.



    I thought RJ played well that game, but overall as a team I think we would have played better and wouldnt have been in that situation if Flutie was playing. No real facts to back it up ... just a feeling.

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