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Posts posted by smuvtalker

  1. I just threw up. Delete this thread immediately. I dont care if he won us the super bowl. It would feel cheap. No thanks, not in a million years

    This 1000x. I don't give a rats behind if he were in his prime, and had just had offseason surgery to replace his human arm with a bionic one. I would rather eat a nice, greasy pork sandwich, served in a dirty ashtray.

  2. There is an Ike's in Oakland, 2204 Broadway. It's in the downtown area


    OMG that's wonderful news! I live in Atlanta, but San Francisco is by far my favorite city to visit. I haven't been since March of last year, but every time I go to the bay, I absolutely cannot leave without getting me a delicious sub from Ike's!

  3. What is the local trademark food for this area?


    If you are a fan of delicious hoagies, there's a sandwich shop in San Francisco called Ike's. In my opinion, these are the best subs money can buy. To this date I've never had one better. Unfortunately they don't have one in Oakland, but if you're willing to venture over the bridge, I promise you won't be disappointed.

  4. Im not really talking about the OP he always puts in his disclaimer Im talking about everyone who uses this video to jump head first into the blame game depending on which side of the coin they favor .


    Now watching the all 22 after watching the game doesn't tell you that the packers were going into the wind in the 1st quarter and Rodgers passes were all over the place so they went run heavy and ran the ball on there last possession not throwing until they got into the redzone and then we gave them a penalty heading into the 2nd quarter and as soon as we switched directions they we went pass heavy again .


    On the high throw to Woods and the pick we were throwing into the same wind that had Rodgers missing receivers by 5 yards in the 1st quarter .


    im not saying Orton didnt make any bad throws in the game but some of this simply overanalyzed BS




    How can you see WTF his eyes are looking at from your couch ? Every QB misses passes how about putting some context behind some of these claims instead of trying to blame one guy for everything .


    I tend to side with the coach in that the offensive woes comes from a bit of everything Orton included I'm not stupid enough to think I can tell him what he should be seeing without even knowing what the damn play call is .


    Is that you Kyle? LOL just giving you a hard time.


    In all honesty though, it is blatantly obvious that you are a huge Kyle Orton supporter, and I applaud you for having the guts to stick by him, no matter how bad he is. It almost reminds me of Marrone's loyalty to Hackett. But seriously man, you have to be delusional if you don't see all of the warts in Orton's game. And to attack the OP for putting together a very nice write up, that to me seemed very factual and non-biased. And like Bocephuz pointed out, this is just his educated perception(a very good one btw).


    Speaking objectively, Kyle Orton's performances have gotten progressively worse from game to game, and that is a FACT. He is constantly missing open receivers, and when his receivers are making the catches, they are eye-opening, acrobatic, amazing, and downright damn good catches. I wait baited breath for the game where his throws are on the money, where he in fact throws a receiver open, where the receivers can just catch a ball that hits them square in the numbers, or in their hands, where they don't have to change direction, have to slow down, or use the concentration of the zenmaster himself to catch a pass. In fact, I cannot recall one game where his good throws have outnumbered his poor throws, or where the receiver has simply bailed Orton out. He does not throw an accurate ball! We are winning games with our awesome defense, and we are winning IN SPITE of Orton, not because of him.


    If it were not for our record, and the fact we are still in the thick of the playoff race, I believe it would have been inevitable that Orton get returned to the pine. And as Bocephuz pointed out, it's getting damn close to a point where Marrone will have no choice but to bench Orton, or risk losing the respect of his players. Unfortunately, because we ARE still in the playoff race, and there are only two games left to play, regardless of what Orton does tomorrow, he will still in 99.9 % likelihood start the final game of the season as well.


    I think everyone on this board with the exception of you and maybe a few others, believes that Orton is not a good quarterback, and has no business being a starting quarterback in this league. He is a decent backup, and nothing more. I am praying that Bills management do not share your sentiment, and that next year, if Kyle Orton is still with the team, he will be relegated to number two. If he is gone, I will not lose a wink of sleep.

  5. I fully expect the Bills to give Carr fits. If they can hold Manning and Rogers to zero touchdowns and four interceptions, there's no reason they should not wreak absolute havoc on the Raiders offense. Good defenses dominate games they are SUPPOSED to dominate, and I do believe our defense is the real deal.


    On the other hand, I also fully expect nothing from Kyle Orton.


    Bills 27

    Raiders 10

  6. I was actually pissed at one point early in the Green Bay game at how quiet and lame my fellow Bills fans were. Fans got better later on, but it wasn't until they felt like we might actually compete or even win that game.


    I consider it a duty as a fan attending the game to make some kind of noise when the opponent has the football. Some of the season ticket holders sitting around me are guys in their late 60's and over. So I get why they don't yell and get all worked up. But I think anyone who isn't physically limited in some way should try to help their team out even though one fan is minuscule in the grand scheme of things.


    I really think fans underestimate the importance of the mind game in football and other sports. Fans support is a significant factor in player performance both good and bad in my opinion.


    Very well said sir, very well said. :thumbsup:

  7. Yes it should be played after field goals because we have Dick Jauron Doug Marrone as head coach and he plays for field goals. Touchdowns are like getting extra sprinkles on your ice cream in this coach's mind.



    It's a way to pump up the crowd, so the answer is a definite yes.


    I completely agree with you in the sense it's something that gets the crowd pumped up, but I did notice last week during Green Bay, after the FG to put us up 16-10, it was probably the most tame cheering I remember in quite some time, and it being such a huge game, I was a bit surprised.

  8. The classy packers fan that came on here and shared with us his gameday experience, mentioned that he found it odd that we play the "Shout" song after making FGs. He mentioned that they gave a golf clap after a field goal, because they were expecting a touchdown. I couldn't help but agree.


    So, with that in mind, should the "Shout" song be played after a FG? My apologies if this has been polled before, or recently. This is my first poll :rolleyes:

  9. That bugs me to, it's just a FG, don't be playing the Shout song. Though in recent years we'd probably wouldn't get to hear it at all during a game if they did that.


    I second that. I don't think the Shout song should be played after a FG either. Hey maybe I should start a poll and see what people think!

  10. I believe he's leading the league in completion percentage and 2 weeks ago I saw a stat that he was leading the league for the highest rated passer on throws over 20 yards.

    He's had some incredibly poorly timed bad throws but he's still playing pretty good ball




    Add in gallettes contract having the same bonus structure as Byrd to clear space in 15.... there's a plan, and it's clearly not trading brees


    I agree that he's still an elite quarterback in this league, without question. It's surprising to hear that he's leading the league in completion percentage as well as in throws over 20 yards, but not a huge shock. matter of fact that's one of the main things I love about Brees is his pinpoint accuracy and his delicious touch on the intermediate and (used to be) deep ball. It seemed like a couple years ago, every time he reared back and let that thing fly long, you almost always assumed the catch. Again, it just seems like the last year or two, he is beginning to routinely underthrow his receivers on the deep ball. With that said, Monday nights game alone the man looked 158.3 to me.


    Do you live in NC?


    I used to live in Charlotte right after college. Left in 2004....

  11. The Saints are my second favorite team (my wife is from New Orleans), so I follow them, albeit not as closely as the Bills. With that said, I would still say no. The main reason being that I don't think Brees has too much left in the tank (last nights game being an anomaly, as that's the best he's looked all year). I think his surgically repaired shoulder is finally starting to wear down on him. I have seen him underthrow too many balls these last couple years, and giving away a first rounder for him, I believe would be too much. I love Drew Brees, and was a big fan of his coming out of Purdue, but I really do think his body is starting to betray him.


    Had you asked me this before the season started, I would've said a resounding he!! yes...

  12. I agree, he would be last on my list. I've seen several Bears games this year (unfortunately) and Cutler does not look or act like he cares about football, at all. He throws a pick? no biggie, just sits there by himself...loses another game? no big deal. You can't bring players like him to your team. Horrible influence on a team.


    Couldn't agree with you more in regard to Cutler's attitude, and his what seems to be apparent lack of care, lack of desire. Again, that's just my opinion from what I see from Cutler. However, with that said, I'd still say he's a hell of an upgrade over Kyle Orton. I don't care what he does in the next two games, I've really seen enough of him to know that he is NOT the answer at QB for the Buffalo Bills. In all honesty, have you ever seen Orton upset after throwing a pick? Have you ever even heard Orton at a presser say, "I" played poorly, "I" have to make some better throws..? It's always a team effort with him, I've never once heard him acknowledge playing a crappy game.


    As much of a piss poor attitude that Cutler has, I'd take him in two shakes of a lamb's tail over Orton. I hate to say it but that's how tired I am of watching Orton. Heck, even if the coaching staff decided something as crazy as putting EJ in for the last two games, I'd have ZERO problems with that.


    It's been said already in other places but cannot be overstated. In the two games, Manning and Rodgers were 31-62 for 358 yards and no TDs, 4 INT and a fumble for a safety.



    No other way to put it. Enough good things cannot be said about this defense. Schwartz deserves a TON of credit for what he has done with this group. It seems like even when a player goes down, we don't miss a beat. We had no sacks last week, and still entered today's game ranked first in sacks. And even though we only had one sack today, in the last two games we have gone against not only two sure-fire, first ballot hall of famers, but two quarterbacks with arguably the two quickest releases in the NFL.


    I am damn proud of our defense, and I pray that the stars do align, and we somehow find a way into the playoffs, because it would be a shame to have a defense this unbelievable not participating in the post season.

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