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Posts posted by smuvtalker


    If I had to put numbers on it, I would say that out of all the Bills fans who want the Bills to draft Chad Kelly (probably 10% of them - my guess) honestly might have wanted him even if his last name wasn't Kelly. The other 90% of those people (or thereabouts) are biased because of his last name.


    Dude had a season ending injury that could have permanently affected his physical abilities. Then he failed his pro day basic passing test. Now he has surgery on his throwing hand. So nobody knows how that is going to affect his ability to pass (which wasn't stellar to begin with). Yet there are at least a couple handfuls of people who still want the Bills to waste one of their very limited and precious draft picks on the guy. The odds of this guy overcoming everything and becoming a franchise QB in the NFL are next to zero - like really really really close to zero. Between the physical stuff and the mental stuff - no friggin way.


    I don't care if Chad Kelly gets a shot in the NFL or not. I think that (if he does) he will make Ryan Fitzpatrick look like an accurate passer. So I hope if Kelly gets a shot, he gets his shot on a team the Bills can play 2x every year. Seeing him running for his life and getting his ass handed to him by the Bills would be pure enjoyment.


    It would make for even better entertainment when the story breaks after the game that Chad tried to fight the ball boy on the sideline because he thought the boy made a face at him.

    We may not agree, but that last part was funny!!


  2. Only in Buffalo would fans still want to draft a guy who:


    1) wasn't anything special to begin with

    2) can't control his inner rage

    3) has had 2 football stopping injuries in the last year

    4) flunked a basic passing test on his pro day

    5) currently has an injured hand that required surgery (yeah his throwing hand)


    Insane I say. Totally friggin insane.


    Why do people still want to waste a draft pick on this guy? - Just because his last name is Kelly and he has an uncle who used to be good.


    You can't make this stuff up.


    Think about it. Dude can't even throw a football right now. Bills fans = draft him anyway. Gotta have him no matter what = Insane


    Absolutely nothing about this chump is NFL caliber. Nothing. Just my opinion.

    I respectfully disagree. I don't think that the majority of Bills fans on this board want to see us take a shot on Chad Kelly just because his last name is Kelly and his uncle is the best QB we've ever had and a HOF'er. They want us to draft Chad Kelly because the kid can play. Does he receive more attention because he is Jimbo's nephew? Without a doubt, but I think you are wrong if you say he isn't a talented QB. I completely agree that he has some major character issues, and his injuries are a serious concern both now and in the future. However, Bill Polian, one of the best GM's in NFL history, and who has no incentive to do so, called him the most talented QB in the draft. I highly doubt Chad has some nude photos of Bill and a Ukranian hooker stashed away in some safety deposit box, so I assume Polian had no obligation to say what he did. Polian didn't just say CK was good. He called him the most talented QB in the draft. In my opinion that is a ringing endorsement.


    I acknowledge that Chad has an enormous amount of growing up to do, and that he's one bad decision away from never even making it to the NFL, but I do believe he has the talent and skill set to be a starting NFL quarterback, maybe even a franchise QB one day.


    Mark my words, SOMEBODY is going to give this kid a shot, and I still see him getting drafted. The thought that scares me above all others about him, is seeing him go to a team other than the Bills and blossom into a franchise QB, something we haven't had since his uncle. As several other posters have stated, it's going to be hard to see the name Kelly on the back of another team's jersey and watch him come into New Era field and shred us.


    While I respect your opinion, calling the kid a chump seems a bit harsh.

  3. No one will ever question Kelly's physical skills. It's just that he has too much of Cutler, Jeff George, and Johnny Hobbit d bag skills as well.

    Sad, and horribly accurate...i just threw up in my mouth.


    Let me ask this question, and I'm sure it's been discussed in other threads...


    If Chad Kelly DIDN'T have any character issues, would he be considered as the best quarterback in the draft??

  4. Don't like him at all but he has proven to be an idiot over and over again. That said, if he's there in the 7th or UDFA, I'd take him. It might finally be his reality check to grow up and he's not as good as he thinks he is.

    Agreed, and I'd even go as far as taking him in the 6th. Mark my words, some team is going to draft this kid, and even with all his character issues and injuries, he's intriguing enough for a GM to scoop him up. I would be happy to give him a shot.

  5. It's not just media I would worry about, it's coachability. If Greggggo tears him a new one in practice is he going to want to get better or run home crying?


    They will still take him but Cleveland media can't wait to get under his skin already

    If I'm Garrett I want to go on the show and just say "I appreciate your opinion.. I'm going to prove you wrong... " way better look and shows maturity. I doubt McFarland is going to be overly critical in the actual interview and frankly what he said wasn't that bad


    McFarland also didn't like Joey Bosa's game before the draft and said it repeatedly ... Garrett shouldn't care what he thinks if it's not true

    Couldn't agree more. Myles is joining the NF friggin L. Not only is he joining it, he's arguably the best player in the draft, and will also be the number one pick. If he can't handle a sports commentator criticizing his play, doing exactly what he's paid to do, then he's in for a LOT of problems. Like Yolo said, I think it would've been an excellent opportunity to go on the show, agree to disagree on McFarland's comments, and explain why he didn't agree with a healthy debate. To me his decision not to go on the show, while he was completely in his right to do so, showed a lack of maturity and a bit of a diva type attitude.


    Being an NFL player period is going to draw (sometimes) unwarranted criticism, but being the number one overall pick is going to draw TONS of it. Myles is still young, and I do think he can mature with time, but I do believe it's an issue that could, and probably will arise again. An earlier poster said that he's probably been surrounded by a bunch of yes men and people telling him how awesome he is. He's in for a rather rude awakening.

  6. I thought he handled that interview pretty well. It's obvious that he is frustrated by the wrist injury setback. I was impressed with his response to the question on how he compared to the other quarterbacks in the draft...he said that he felt they were all talented, but that he was confident in his own abilities. The only thing I thought a bit odd was when they asked him who he was leaning on for support/guidance etc., and he said his 16 year old brother...other than that though, I took away that he is a guy that is truly remorseful for his past mistakes, wants to move on with his life and is not expecting anything to be handed to him, only a shot to get on an NFL roster and show what he can do. I truly hope he's able to get himself together and succeed. I wouldn't mind seeing the Bills give him a shot, especially considering that now I don't think he would cost more than a 5th/6th/7th round draft pick, if even that. I still find it difficult to believe that SOME team isn't going to pull the trigger on him earlier than he should probably go.

    I wouldn't mind seeing a late round shot at him. The off field issues and Injury, especially the wrist will make many teams back away. The kid has talent but what I fear most is will his immature attitude create a sense of entitlement due to the family name and what it's meant to this organization?


    Hell, would it be a great storyline that the nephew of the QB that brought us to glory eventually takes over and leads us to greatness again... sure. Could it happen... maybe. Likely... not so much


    TT is good, but not the type that's going to get us where we want to be. Cardale is still not ready and who knows if he will ever be that guy. We need a 3rd QB anyway so why not

    Agree with you on pretty much all your points. I honestly wouldn't be upset to see the Bills draft Mahomes early, then still take Kelly if he's there round 6 or 7. I would have no problems with that. I agree that we know what we have with Tyrod, and Cardale is still an unknown...

  7. Huh, didn't know about the new "phase" rules.


    Man that CBA is 50 shades of rediculous. Those rules are incredibly specific and restrictive.


    People wonder why players are always hurt nowadays, when they are bubble wrapped and coddled during practice, and don't even know how to get hit. Instead of being conditioned to get hit, the NFLPA has successfully legislated propper training out of the NFL. They are ill-prepared for the game, causing a down-tick in the quality of the product on the field, and a weakening of the players overall. But that's what happens when the players are represented by a group who's objective is to get them more millions for less and less work. Laziness does not pay off, and the NFL ratings are telling the story.


    Rant aside, this phase 1 is basically going to the gym together. No football and no football coaches. What benefit do teams with new coaches get from that? Only makes sense if it's to learn a system, but clearly they can't do that.

    Couldn't agree more. Well said.

  8. I thought he looked good, and enjoyed watching that highlight video. He definitely reminds me of Tyrod, I like how even when he begins to scramble, he is still looking downfield for his receivers. His mechanics could use polishing, but his arm strength is without question because even some of those throws across the field and off his back foot still were right on target.


    Wouldn't be surprised to see him go late 4th or early 5th round....don't think it will be the Bills though...


    There have been at least 6 (debatably more) first round picks since the start of the drought that were worse than CJ Spiller:

    • Mike Williams
    • McGahee
    • Losman
    • McCargo
    • Maybin
    • Manuel

    Agree with this list. I don't know if I would call McGahee a flat out bust, but he certainly was a huge headscratcher at the time considering Travis Henry was just coming off of a 1400 yard season and was pretty much in his prime...and Willis was recovering from one of the most devastating knee injuries I'd ever seen in college football.

  10. Until Whaley offers him about a million dollars a game at the end of the season when our nobody WR's are all hurt and Sammy's foot is hurt again.


    Then we will hear how all healed up and rested Harvin is and how he is going to be good. Lol then reality shows up again.

    This. As much as the signing and getting absolutely nothing out of Harvin pissed me off, it's hard to be mad at him or his agent for pulling off that great fleece job...

  11. "I know they're excited about 8-8 and we're excited they got us in."


    Sorry, but that line kinda got under my skin a bit. He thinks we're excited about our record this year?? I understand he's not a Buffalo Bill, and probably not a fan, but my goodness, is that how we're viewed throughout the league?? What NFL team for the love of beans and rice would be excited about 8-8, unless it got them into the playoffs?


    When the Steelers come to the Ralph next year, I hope we beat the livin fecal matter out of them...


    Sorry, that statement just really irked me..

  12. Rex lovers need to embrace some facts:

    - Rex is credited as a defensive guru by many. The Ravens defense was consistently ranked higher on average for consecutive seasons BEFORE he became DC and after

    - the jets defense was #1 Rex's first year, they then descended perpetually each year he was there to become a worse than 20th ranked defense

    - he doesn't name or allow the players to name season long captains

    - there is a history of leadership vacuums in his locker rooms on two different teams now as head coach

    - he's widely identified as a players coach

    - he's lost more than he's won as a head coach



    What do these facts mean?


    Rex is a bust. Players like him because they go to Dave and busters in lieu of game prep, and get extra days off on long weeks instead of extra practice to capitalize. Head coach IS by position THE team leader. The leader of the leaders. Every good NFL coach and even some marginal or bad ones cultivate leadership, as.. It's the freaking job. All this grumbling to the press is 100% because of this coach being bad at his job. The myth of his defensive prowess is a byproduct of his own ability to self promote and grandstand about 2 or 3 isolated successful seasons surrounded by numerous poor ones and bookended by more successful performances from both predeseccors and successors. The guy is a scham, he wrecked this defense, he wrecked the locker room, just as he methodically did in NY.. the pattern is undeniable and he will be the material cause for this new era of failure as long as he's around... But at least he will draw cameras and maximize the credit the team gets for their 4 wins next season



    Very well said sir...

    Much more important for this team to look strong heading into the offseason than to lose games.


    I think that you would even agree with this if the Bills did indeed turn it around and demolish Washington, Dallas and the Jets. Everyone could take some comfort that this team should be able to hit the ground running in 2016 after unfortunately taking the full 2015 season to settle into the new offense and defense.


    The two guys who have the most riding on these last three games are Taylor and Thurman IMO. Taylor is going to be the starter next year, but will the FO feel the need to draft a QB early if he doesn't show improvement these next three games? Thurman is on seriously shaky ground because there's no way he can come back if the defense continues to play horrible.

    Spot on. Look at the momentum Carolina carried into this year following how they finished the season out last year....to win the final three games of the season would be absolutely wonderful. It would set the tone for a productive offseason, build confidence among players, re-ignite optimism amongst the fan base, and I think most of us on this board would be as pumped for a season as we've been in over a decade. When is the last time the Buffalo Bills had a 3 game winning streak?

  14. @SalSports

    Since so many are already in "next year" mode, just tweeting this for you. Next year's non-AFCE scheduled Bills opponents (next tweet)...


    Home: CLE, PIT, ARZ, SFRAN, same finisher as AFC South; Away: BAL, CIN, STL, SEA, same finisher as AFC West

    They'll likely have OAK from the AFC West.

    Holee crap that's a brutal away schedule!!!! Heck even the Bal and Stl games could be L's.....damn that schedule looks tough right now...

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