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Everything posted by DarthICE

  1. Same crappy head coach five and eleven is set top five pick assured
  2. Ah, my mind is slipping Still....if RALPH had his way, no Bruce, no Kelly, No superbowls.
  3. That would be too damn funny if he said screw you to the pats.
  4. Nah Florida States playbook is too complicated for Trent, he needs an easier one.
  5. This incident has been known fact for anyone that has been around since 1992. Well publicized and the facts came out well after as well.
  6. Well I know what I have been told by those in the know and that is what he called her. As for as 'they' building the team? Uh no. She was not that good of a scout and I agree with Scott, she should have proven her worth with another NFL Team. As for as the 'right' to be in the draft room, NO. This is BUSINESS, not family fun time. If the GM of your team doesn't want her there, then she gets the hell out.
  7. You do realize Bill had to talk ralph into taking Bruce right? Ralph wanted flutie. Yeah we had kellys contract but had he got flutie, I am betting he trades Jim's rights away. So....if Ralph had his way, no Bruce, No Jim = no superbowls
  8. He called ralphs daughter a c#$t. That was the final straw for Ralph. Stupid move yes, but there is no way in hell I fire the best GM in Football. But alas, Ralph lucked into Bill. He felt he could take 'anyone' on his staff and they be a great GM and continue with the talent they had. Well, look at the Bills after he left and look at what Bill has done with the two teams he has been with since he left. Bad move Ralph.
  9. Picking the right QB is the problem. RJ sucked. We traded for him based on one preseason game. JP sucked, he wasn't that good in college and we never should have taken him let alone trade up for him. Trent is nothing but a 3rd string backup in this league.
  10. and if I was turk I would work as a 'consultant' just to stick it to Jauron.
  11. What about that OC under Levy that went to Carolina and got them to the superbowl?
  12. the Dig is actually 'Zero State' around here That said, they will beat OU this year. OU's OL is horrible.
  13. Only 10? 9/14 7:00 ET At New England -10.5 Buffalo 47.5 I'll take the over.
  14. I say lock them out. They are overpaid as is. I am for the owners on this one.
  15. Stoops says it is going to have to have further examination. I bet its at least a grade II seperation.
  16. He has cash to cap in place so he may spend over the minimum but doesn't get near the top either....so he pockets the rest. Ralph has never and will never pay a large sum for a HC.
  17. Well I keep reading and hearing about how ralph will move the team so apperantly they believe he can.
  18. SoCal, Under Donahoe we were 31-49 over 5 years. So far under Jauron we are 21-27 which equates out to 35-45. I don't see how we have improved at all.
  19. That is it exactly. Thing is Ralph couldn't move this team esp in this economy even if he tried.
  20. Um Trent needs a more simplified offense. He is too confused as is and too scared to throw the ball with anticipation. That said the WCO would destroy him mentally and Holmgren is HARD on his QB's.
  21. The money for Dockery and Walker was salary cap money covered by TV contracts. Money for Coaches comes out of that 39.5 profit he made this last year. He has never put a great importance on paying for a quality coach. Besides all the coaches that are out there right now would want more power than he is willing to give up.
  22. I am on the other end. I say the kid doesnt have it and never has. His throwing motion is horrible and the kid will not throw with anticipation. He is what he is, a backup in the NFL that got his shot because the ultra conservitive Jauron thinks how he does.
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