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Posts posted by shrader

  1. I have not found or used a fork.  Is it somewhere dark?  I feel like I need to finish just because I started but the stuff I've missed other than the code and stupid four secrets on the spidery thingy have been due to darkness.  That makes my rating for the game low.



    Once you find the fork you'll probably be able to figure out how to use it. I forget the exact location, but it's in an area with red walls, off to the side of a ladder (not 100% sure if the ladder part is correct). You're not missing it due to poor lighting. I remember it being fairly obvious.

  2. How much friggin higher can I go?  I've been up about 17 ladders and flights of stairs.  The highest I've gotten is the room on the right where you get the four switches pointing to the middle and the room on the left with the four digit code. 


    I've gotten something out of pretty much every room.  I have an unsed set of coils and ID card. 


    From the sewer, in the little alcove, I found a bunch of stuff but could not access the crawl space.  Am I supposed to be able to go there?  It seems like another ridiculously dark area.


    The first one was so easy it made me feel smart.  This one is getting me angry and feeling dumb.



    Have you used the fork?

  3. 720912[/snapback]


    Thanks for the tip on the code.  I really meant to ask about the room accross from the electrical panel.  It's dark and I'm thinking there must be a key in there but I can't see enough.  The game's darkness has cost me a lot of time. 


    With regard to the 4 secrets.  D'oh.  :doh:



    Save your time, there's nothing there.

  4. Act now, because the first 10 callers will also receive a Travis Roy figurine replicating the exact moment his head hit the boards in his first Boston U game.  This NCAA-licensed product comes complete with an autographed fused vertabrae from Travis Roy himself!





    Travis Roy cut me off in his wheel chair in one of the corridors at an NCAA tourney game this year. Yes, this post is completely pointless. I like stories.

  5. I breezed trhough the first one but this one has gotten me.  I only have 4 secrets, one note and a coil.  I've used the cog and gem. 


    I can see the key in the upper pipe but cannot get to it.  I don't want to ask for help, but help (a little).  Thanks.



    The secrets are pretty pointless. You don't get anything for them other than the satisfaction of finding everything.


    I had a problem with those sewers at first too. It may help to turn the brightness on your monitor up all the way.

  6. I just saw a picture from yesterday's Bisons game on the Buffalo News website. Ryan Garko is wearing the old jersey with the red lettering and the red B hat with Buster on it. Did the team actually switch back to these jerseys or was it a throwback game? God I hate those green monstrosities.

  7. I'm pretty sure I remember all of the Saved by the Bell "message" episodes though.  And the episode of Family Matters where Urkel and the gang learn some hard hitting lessons about racism.



    The Fresh Prince racism episode was so much better than the Family Matters racism episode. :D


    Oh, and speaking of "message" episodes, who could ever forget the Fresh Prince two parter where Will got shot and Carlton responded by buying a gun.

  8. What I want to know is how did Cyclops actually think that the kid was his? Did Lois run to him the very second Superman left? Do Kryptonian babies take longer to develop in the womb? Does Superman have super sperm that swim around for close to a year?


    As for the kid and his powers, he's young and hasn't fully developed them yet. The piano push was one of those "mom's in danger, must save her" instinct moments. Yeah, the sinking boat is a similar situation, but remember that there's krytonite all around him.

  9. I just wonder if they made him sign the deal while he was still in the operating room, or if he gave his agent full authority to sign for him


    Teppo is great, but does he really have another full year in him? He is one of Buffalo's top 5 defencemen right now, and in his condition, I can't see him logging more then 5-10 minutes a game and get through the entire 82 games



    In his condition? One more year damaged him that badly? The heart surgery is going to have no effect on his game. In fact, it may actually help him.

  10. I haven't brought it up today yet, but 23 is giving me hell.



    That was the last level I played here at work last week, so I just tried it again. It turns out that I was thinking of a different level yesterday when I tried to help. You have to take one the colors on the bottom-left square and wrap it around the color in the top corner of the top square. I wish I could describe it better, because once you get that one, it's pretty straight forward.

  11. Crap!  Anyone get by 23?



    I won the game earlier today. I wish I could remember the exact number of levels, but I want to say 29. I was stuck on 23 for a while. I'd have to see it to know exactly how I cleared. If I'm remembering it correctly, you have to weave one of the colors on the top square around on the right side of the cube. I hope that helps.

  12. McKee would have cost less if the Sabres showed him respect.



    Respect or not, the Sabres would've never been willing to give him more than 2.5 a year. McKee would never walk away from the extra 1.5 million. He'd have to be crazy to.

  13. One of the "amateurs" at sportslogos.net took the new logo and made up some concept jerseys around them.  And, once again, the "amateur" did an outstanding job.


    These are actually cool uniforms:

    Fan Creations


    It's amazing how many people with photoshop and an imagination can do better than whoever the hell the Sabres hired.  There's a ten out of ten chance that the picture I just linked will be cooler than the actual jerseys once we see them.


    This one is cool too:




    I'm willing to give them the benefit of doubt until I see an actual jersey. The more I think about it, I can live with the crappy logo as long as its a more traditional style jersey (no diagonal stripes, 3 colors max).

  14. No friggin' way.  The backwards "B" is a clear giveaway.



    There are a few other problems.

    -The jersey has a CCM tag. All NHL jerseys, other than the Canadiens (and maybe one or two others) now have Reekbok tags. There's also some weird effect going on with that CCM tag that I'm having trouble putting to words.

    -The stripe pattern along the sides looks like it was just drawn on using Paint or some other program. Notice how the seem across the bottom in the white section of the jersey disappears in the darker colors.

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